Hi ,
I actually need help on the below sql statement. I am actually downloading data from access database to excel workbook based on two conditions. I am using the select statement where two conditions shall meet.
This is the part of the code where i am having compile error syntax error :
many thanks for the kind help in advance
I actually need help on the below sql statement. I am actually downloading data from access database to excel workbook based on two conditions. I am using the select statement where two conditions shall meet.
This is the part of the code where i am having compile error syntax error :
Set rs = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
rs.Open = "SELECT Sample_Auto_ref , Ref_Client, Ref_Karina, Saison, Marketing_Manager, Merchandiser, Client, Depart, Theme, Desc, Type_Echantillion,Taille,Qty,Keep_KI,Type_Lavage,Colori_Gmt_Dyed,Valeur_Ajouter,Date_request_Merc,Date_Livraison FROM Tbl_Sample_details order by Date_request_Merc desc WHERE Sample_Auto_ref = '" & Range("f1").Value & " & Merchandiser='" & Range("f3").Value ", cn, , , adCmdText
many thanks for the kind help in advance