Win 732, Access 2003
I have an SQL statement that when I try to execute it returns error 3122. You tried to execute a query that does not include the specified expression 'nHouseholdNumber' as part of an aggregate function. The statement is :
Any advice is appreciated.
I have an SQL statement that when I try to execute it returns error 3122. You tried to execute a query that does not include the specified expression 'nHouseholdNumber' as part of an aggregate function. The statement is :
SELECT nHouseholdNumber, nIndividualNumber, dtDateEntered, tSolicitor, tAcknowledgedBy, SUM(cAmount) as 'cTotalAmount' FROM tblFiscalGifts WHERE nIdentity > 0 AND (dtDateEntered >= #8/3/2011# AND dtDateEntered <= #10/03/2011#) GROUP BY nIndividualNumber
Any advice is appreciated.