Hello. I'm an accountant. At where I work, for certain reports, we can download accounting data into excel that has the following in cell each, per row :
1000 Checking
1100 Money Market - Endowment
1106 Money Market - Oper/Temp Restr
1107 Money Market - Board Reserve/GALA Festival Designated
1200 Accounts Receivable
1299 Doubtful accounts allowance
1300 Pledges Receivable
1305 Discounts - long-term pledges
1310 Doubtful pledges allowance
1320 Grants receivable
1345 Discounts - long-term grants
1400 Inventory - CDs, Videos
1500 Prepaid expenses
1595 Deposits
1705 Land - operating
1710 Buildings - operating
1720 Leasehold improvements
1730 Furniture, fixtures & equipment
1735 Software
1750 Vehicles
1790 Accumulated depreciation
1800 Other long-term assets
2000 Accounts payable
2050 Credit card
2070 Consignment Sales Payable
2071 Gifts Payable
2075 Sales tax payable
2080 Misc Payroll Liabilities
2100 Accrued liabilities
2200 Deferred revenue
2310 Notes payable current - Board
2320 Line of credit payable
2330 Notes payable current - other
2400 Other current liabilities
3000 Unrestricted net assets
3100 Temporarily restricted net assets
3200 Permanently restricted net assets
I need the chart of account numbers and the text separated, using only two cells per line to do that. How to do that?
For example, immediately after the download of the excel file, let's say that, by default, the "1107 Money Market - Board Reserve/GALA Festival Designated" line occupies excel cell A4. After the cell split, the desired result is that just the number, "1107", occupies cell A4 and and all of the text piece, the "Money Market - Board Reserve/GALA Festival Designated", is in cell B4. How to do that?
I've searched the internet, before posting here. There is endless "Text to Column" instruction, found on so many innumerable websites. There is online an endless list "Text to Column" instruction. The flaw in using "Text to Column" function, is that for the text piece of the cell, this "Text to Column" excel function separates each word and dash symbol into its own cell, ends-up spanning over 7 cells. This is un-acceptable, for what I prepare. I need the text "Money Market - Board Reserve/GALA Festival Designated" to be only occupying one cell. And so on, for all of the other accounts, listed above.
1000 Checking
1100 Money Market - Endowment
1106 Money Market - Oper/Temp Restr
1107 Money Market - Board Reserve/GALA Festival Designated
1200 Accounts Receivable
1299 Doubtful accounts allowance
1300 Pledges Receivable
1305 Discounts - long-term pledges
1310 Doubtful pledges allowance
1320 Grants receivable
1345 Discounts - long-term grants
1400 Inventory - CDs, Videos
1500 Prepaid expenses
1595 Deposits
1705 Land - operating
1710 Buildings - operating
1720 Leasehold improvements
1730 Furniture, fixtures & equipment
1735 Software
1750 Vehicles
1790 Accumulated depreciation
1800 Other long-term assets
2000 Accounts payable
2050 Credit card
2070 Consignment Sales Payable
2071 Gifts Payable
2075 Sales tax payable
2080 Misc Payroll Liabilities
2100 Accrued liabilities
2200 Deferred revenue
2310 Notes payable current - Board
2320 Line of credit payable
2330 Notes payable current - other
2400 Other current liabilities
3000 Unrestricted net assets
3100 Temporarily restricted net assets
3200 Permanently restricted net assets
I need the chart of account numbers and the text separated, using only two cells per line to do that. How to do that?
For example, immediately after the download of the excel file, let's say that, by default, the "1107 Money Market - Board Reserve/GALA Festival Designated" line occupies excel cell A4. After the cell split, the desired result is that just the number, "1107", occupies cell A4 and and all of the text piece, the "Money Market - Board Reserve/GALA Festival Designated", is in cell B4. How to do that?
I've searched the internet, before posting here. There is endless "Text to Column" instruction, found on so many innumerable websites. There is online an endless list "Text to Column" instruction. The flaw in using "Text to Column" function, is that for the text piece of the cell, this "Text to Column" excel function separates each word and dash symbol into its own cell, ends-up spanning over 7 cells. This is un-acceptable, for what I prepare. I need the text "Money Market - Board Reserve/GALA Festival Designated" to be only occupying one cell. And so on, for all of the other accounts, listed above.