Hi. Please bear with me as I only used my first VBA yesterday and now I am looking to use them for everything!!
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I regularly get sent a spreadsheet containing around20000 rows of data and wish to separate all of this data by company name. My normal process with the spreadsheet was to sort it by company name then separate each one onto its own worksheet, then move/copy the tab to a separate workbook and save it as the company name. That's a nice easy job if there is only a few tabs to work. My last file ended up with 129 tabs so I sought help and found a VBA which then saved each worksheet as a separate workbook with the relevant name. I want to take this one step further and split the original workbook into separate workbooks without the need to manually copy the data onto individual worksheets. <o
I do on occasion use pivot tables, but in this case I need the data on a workbook to send out in the same format I receive it.<o
Making sense so far??<o
I have uploaded a sample of the workbook as I receive it and highlighted the column I need the sheet splitting by. http://sdrv.ms/12YhJ8Q<o
Any help would be greatly received! !
I would also like to add I have searched and found a few similar posts but could not get the advice posted on those queries to work with my situation. Probably just me being daft but like I said still new at this!!

I regularly get sent a spreadsheet containing around20000 rows of data and wish to separate all of this data by company name. My normal process with the spreadsheet was to sort it by company name then separate each one onto its own worksheet, then move/copy the tab to a separate workbook and save it as the company name. That's a nice easy job if there is only a few tabs to work. My last file ended up with 129 tabs so I sought help and found a VBA which then saved each worksheet as a separate workbook with the relevant name. I want to take this one step further and split the original workbook into separate workbooks without the need to manually copy the data onto individual worksheets. <o

I do on occasion use pivot tables, but in this case I need the data on a workbook to send out in the same format I receive it.<o

Making sense so far??<o

I have uploaded a sample of the workbook as I receive it and highlighted the column I need the sheet splitting by. http://sdrv.ms/12YhJ8Q<o

Any help would be greatly received! !
I would also like to add I have searched and found a few similar posts but could not get the advice posted on those queries to work with my situation. Probably just me being daft but like I said still new at this!!
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