Split Street Address into Address1 and Address2


New Member
Sep 9, 2015
I have an XLS spreadsheet with about 20,000 address rows - all separated how I need them, except the street address is all in the same column. Wherever there is an address 2 portion of the address, I need that in its own column. Currently about 80% are correct as they don't have an address2 that needs to be split out, but the rest have Apartment #, unit #, suite #, etc.

Is there a way to write a macro or apply a formula that will take out the Address 2 only where necessary?

Here is an example of what I have:

last nameaddress 1zip
1234 Bassett St
2300 Walnut St Apt 24280200
7656 S Ammons Ct
314 N Gaylord St
249 S Colorado Blvd Apt F308


And this is what I need:

last name
address 1
address 2zip
1234 Bassett St
2300 Walnut St
Apt 24280200
7656 S Ammons Ct
314 N Gaylord St
249 S Colorado Blvd
Apt F30880220

<colgroup><col><col><col span="2"></colgroup><tbody>

Thank you for the help!

Excel Facts

Why does 9 mean SUM in SUBTOTAL?
It is because Sum is the 9th alphabetically in Average, Count, CountA, Max, Min, Product, StDev.S, StDev.P, Sum, VAR.S, VAR.P.
Welcome to the Board!

You have come across one of the big conundrums that keeps popping its ugly head up time and time again - how to split names or addresses up when there is virtually no limit to the number of variations you may have. The thing to remember is that formulas and VBA aren't magic - they are actually quite literal. They will do exactly what you tell them to. So, usually the first thing you need to do is define the rules.

For example, if you had a comma between Address1 and Address2, the rule would be quite easy: split the address at the comma. So then you would create a formula that follows that rule (or just use "Text to Columns"). However, what if they are no "hard-and-fast rules", or a large set of rules? What do you do then? Usually, the best that you can do is to try to create something that handles most of the cases, and do the rest manually.

So, in your examples, if the rule was if there is a space, followed by the letters "apt" followed by another space, split the address there, we could program that. Those formulas may look something like:
Address1: =IFERROR(LEFT(B1,SEARCH(" apt ",B1)-1),B1)
Address2: =IFERROR(MID(B1,SEARCH(" apt ",B1)+1,LEN(B1)),"")

That's great, but what if you have other "rules" where addresses need to be split? As you might imagine, things can get pretty messy in a hurry.

At the very least, whenever given a problem like this, the first thing you should do is to see if you can sketch out (in plan English), what the "rules" are. If you can come up with just a few to handle all cases, you can probably program for it. If there are a ton of rules, you will probably have a lot of difficulty and may not to be able to come up with a solution to handle all your possible cases.
Upvote 0
Joe - thanks so much for the answer! And, that's exactly what I'm looking for. We know that, if there's an Address 2 that needs to be split out, then it will be following the street name, with a space between, and start with one of the following items (there may be more that are missed, but as long as we get most of them with the formula then we're golden):
- #
- apt
- apt.
- apartment
- suite
- ste.
- unit

Perhaps the formula could state that anywhere it finds one of those, then take that and anything following it and dump it in the next column (address 2)?

Sounds like a long formula, and if you get it started then I can add any other variables that come up! And, can you let me know which cell to put the formula in? I assume put the formula in the address 2 cell?

Upvote 0
Creating a formula to handle that many conditions, and then allow for more to be added would be extremely difficult. I would not even attempt to do anything like that in an Excel formula. I would probably try to create some VBA to do that, either creating an VBA Procedure to do that, or a VBA User Defined Function.

Quite honestly, I think the easiest way to do it would be to either do the following steps manually (or via VBA code):
- Do a "Find and Replace" on each of the strings you have listed above replacing each one with the same thing, but some other unused character in front of it (i.e. Replace "apartment" with "~apartment")
- Then, do a "Text to Columns" on that whole column at once, splitting based on the extra character we added ("~" in our example).
Upvote 0
Joe - that's brilliant - that's exactly what I will do and rinse and repeat until we get them all. Thanks so much!!!!

Creating a formula to handle that many conditions, and then allow for more to be added would be extremely difficult. I would not even attempt to do anything like that in an Excel formula. I would probably try to create some VBA to do that, either creating an VBA Procedure to do that, or a VBA User Defined Function.

Quite honestly, I think the easiest way to do it would be to either do the following steps manually (or via VBA code):
- Do a "Find and Replace" on each of the strings you have listed above replacing each one with the same thing, but some other unused character in front of it (i.e. Replace "apartment" with "~apartment")
- Then, do a "Text to Columns" on that whole column at once, splitting based on the extra character we added ("~" in our example).
Upvote 0
Great! Glad I could help!
Upvote 0

Do you have an email address? I can send you some old code I was using to parse addresses into the various pieces out of long comment fields.

J. Scranton
Upvote 0

I can just paste it here. This hasn't been fully vetted and can generate some errors but, in general, the code:

(1) Looks at the text and tries to find street numbers or zip code numbers. If it finds that, then it
(2) Uses an array of state name and abbreviations and common street types and abbreviations (I pulled these from the USPO official list) to parse out the street number/name, the city, the state and the zip code.
(3) Currently, it just prints these values to the Immediate Window but they could be written to a range of cells as needed

Let me know if you have questions.


Sub parseAddress()Dim States() As Variant
Dim Streets() As Variant
Dim addressString As String, stateZipStringAsString As String
Dim stateString As String, zipString As String
Dim i, LR

For i = 2 To 2 ' need to define Range to loop through

addressString = "Ths 1111 YourStreet Rd. Raleigh NC 27610" 'Set your address String to cell.Value as you loop

States() = stateArray
Streets() = streetArray

 If addressString = "" Then 'no address String provided so skip
    GoTo Missing

 ElseIf HaveNumbers(addressString) = False Then 'No zip or street number so skip
    GoTo Missing
 Else 'addressString has numbers & is not blank
    'Find start and end of StreetAddress
        numberStart = FirstNumber(addressString)
        streetTypeEnd = StreetFind(addressString, Streets())
        streetAddress = Trim(Mid(addressString, numberStart, streetTypeEnd - numberStart))
    'Trim down address String
        addressString = Trim(Right(addressString, Len(addressString) - streetTypeEnd))

    'Split city from State & Zip
        stateStart = StateFind(addressString, States)
        stateZipString = CStr(Trim(Right(addressString, (Len(addressString) - stateStart) + 1)))
        cityString = Trim(Left(addressString, Len(stateZipString)))
     'Find zipCope
        ZipStart = ZipFind(stateZipString)
        stateString = Trim(Left(stateZipString, ZipStart - 1))
        zipString = Trim(Right(stateZipString, Len(stateZipString) - (ZipStart - 1)))
End If

        Debug.Print streetAddress
        Debug.Print cityString
        Debug.Print stateString
        Debug.Print zipString

Next i
End Sub

Function HaveNumbers(S As String) As Boolean
     Dim bHaveNumbers As Boolean, i As Long
     bHaveNumbers = False
     For i = 1 To Len(S)
         If IsNumeric(Mid(S, i, 1)) Then
             bHaveNumbers = True
             Exit For
         End If
     HaveNumbers = bHaveNumbers
End Function

Function FirstNumber(S As String) As Integer
     Dim i As Long, foundNum
     For i = 1 To Len(S)
         If IsNumeric(Mid(S, i, 1)) Then
             Exit For
         End If
     FirstNumber = i
End Function

Function StreetFind(adString As String, S() As Variant) As Integer
Dim x, y
Dim matchFoundLocation As Variant

    For x = 1 To UBound(S)
        For y = 1 To 3
            searchAbbreviation = CStr(S(x, y))
            If InStr(1, UCase(adString), searchAbbreviation, vbTextCompare) > 1 Then 'Match found
               matchFoundLocation = InStr(1, adString, searchAbbreviation, vbTextCompare) + Len(searchAbbreviation) + 1
               GoTo Found
            End If
        Next y
    Next x
    StreetFind = matchFoundLocation
End Function

Function StateFind(adString As String, S() As Variant) As Integer
Dim i, x
Dim stateFoundLocation As Variant
    For x = 1 To UBound(S)
        For y = 1 To 2
            searchAbbreviation = CStr(S(x, y)) & " "
            If InStr(1, UCase(adString), searchAbbreviation, vbTextCompare) > 1 Then 'Match found
               stateFoundLocation = InStr(1, adString, searchAbbreviation, vbTextCompare)
               GoTo Found
            End If
        Next y
    Next x
    StateFind = stateFoundLocation
End Function

Function ZipFind(adString As Variant) As Integer
Dim i, x
Dim zipFoundLocation
Dim S

S = adString

     For i = 1 To Len(S)
         If IsNumeric(Mid(S, i, 1)) Then
             Exit For
         End If
     ZipFind = i

End Function

Function stateArray() As Variant
Dim S(59, 2) As Variant

S(1, 1) = "AL"
S(1, 2) = "ALABAMA"
S(2, 1) = "AK"
S(2, 2) = "ALASKA"
S(3, 1) = "AS"
S(4, 1) = "AZ"
S(4, 2) = "ARIZONA"
S(5, 1) = "AR"
S(5, 2) = "ARKANSAS"
S(6, 1) = "CA"
S(6, 2) = "CALIFORNIA"
S(7, 1) = "CO"
S(7, 2) = "COLORADO"
S(8, 1) = "CT"
S(9, 1) = "DE"
S(9, 2) = "DELAWARE"
S(10, 1) = "DC"
S(11, 1) = "FM"
S(12, 1) = "FL"
S(12, 2) = "FLORIDA"
S(13, 1) = "GA"
S(13, 2) = "GEORGIA"
S(14, 1) = "GU"
S(14, 2) = "GUAM"
S(15, 1) = "HI"
S(15, 2) = "HAWAII"
S(16, 1) = "ID"
S(16, 2) = "IDAHO"
S(17, 1) = "IL"
S(17, 2) = "ILLINOIS"
S(18, 1) = "IN"
S(18, 2) = "INDIANA"
S(19, 1) = "IA"
S(19, 2) = "IOWA"
S(20, 1) = "KS"
S(20, 2) = "KANSAS"
S(21, 1) = "KY"
S(21, 2) = "KENTUCKY"
S(22, 1) = "LA"
S(22, 2) = "LOUISIANA"
S(23, 1) = "ME"
S(23, 2) = "MAINE"
S(24, 1) = "MH"
S(25, 1) = "MD"
S(25, 2) = "MARYLAND"
S(26, 1) = "MA"
S(27, 1) = "MI"
S(27, 2) = "MICHIGAN"
S(28, 1) = "MN"
S(28, 2) = "MINNESOTA"
S(29, 1) = "MS"
S(29, 2) = "MISSISSIPPI"
S(30, 1) = "MO"
S(30, 2) = "MISSOURI"
S(31, 1) = "MT"
S(31, 2) = "MONTANA"
S(32, 1) = "NE"
S(32, 2) = "NEBRASKA"
S(33, 1) = "NV"
S(33, 2) = "NEVADA"
S(34, 1) = "NH"
S(34, 2) = "NEW HAMPSHIRE"
S(35, 1) = "NJ"
S(35, 2) = "NEW JERSEY"
S(36, 1) = "NM"
S(36, 2) = "NEW MEXICO"
S(37, 1) = "NY"
S(37, 2) = "NEW YORK"
S(38, 1) = "NC"
S(39, 1) = "ND"
S(39, 2) = "NORTH DAKOTA"
S(40, 1) = "MP"
S(41, 1) = "OH"
S(41, 2) = "OHIO"
S(42, 1) = "OK"
S(42, 2) = "OKLAHOMA"
S(43, 1) = "OR"
S(43, 2) = "OREGON"
S(44, 1) = "PW"
S(44, 2) = "PALAU"
S(45, 1) = "PA"
S(46, 1) = "PR"
S(46, 2) = "PUERTO RICO"
S(47, 1) = "RI"
S(47, 2) = "RHODE ISLAND"
S(48, 1) = "SC"
S(49, 1) = "SD"
S(49, 2) = "SOUTH DAKOTA"
S(50, 1) = "TN"
S(50, 2) = "TENNESSEE"
S(51, 1) = "TX"
S(51, 2) = "TEXAS"
S(52, 1) = "UT"
S(52, 2) = "UTAH"
S(53, 1) = "VT"
S(53, 2) = "VERMONT"
S(54, 1) = "VI"
S(55, 1) = "VA"
S(55, 2) = "VIRGINIA"
S(56, 1) = "WA"
S(56, 2) = "WASHINGTON"
S(57, 1) = "WV"
S(57, 2) = "WEST VIRGINIA"
S(58, 1) = "WI"
S(58, 2) = "WISCONSIN"
S(59, 1) = "WY"
S(59, 2) = "WYOMING"

stateArray = S

End Function

Function streetArray() As Variant
Dim S(528, 3) As Variant
S(1, 1) = "ALLEY"
S(1, 2) = "ALLEE"
S(1, 3) = "ALY"
S(2, 1) = "ALLEY"
S(2, 2) = "ALLEY"
S(2, 3) = "ALY"
S(3, 1) = "ALLEY"
S(3, 2) = "ALLY"
S(3, 3) = "ALY"
S(4, 1) = "ALLEY"
S(4, 2) = "ALY"
S(4, 3) = "ALY"
S(5, 1) = "ANNEX"
S(5, 2) = "ANEX"
S(5, 3) = "ANX"
S(6, 1) = "ANNEX"
S(6, 2) = "ANNEX"
S(6, 3) = "ANX"
S(7, 1) = "ANNEX"
S(7, 2) = "ANNX"
S(7, 3) = "ANX"
S(8, 1) = "ANNEX"
S(8, 2) = "ANX"
S(8, 3) = "ANX"
S(9, 1) = "ARCADE"
S(9, 2) = "ARC"
S(9, 3) = "ARC"
S(10, 1) = "ARCADE"
S(10, 2) = "ARCADE"
S(10, 3) = "ARC"
S(11, 1) = "AVENUE"
S(11, 2) = "AV"
S(11, 3) = "AVE"
S(12, 1) = "AVENUE"
S(12, 2) = "AVE"
S(12, 3) = "AVE"
S(13, 1) = "AVENUE"
S(13, 2) = "AVEN"
S(13, 3) = "AVE"
S(14, 1) = "AVENUE"
S(14, 2) = "AVENU"
S(14, 3) = "AVE"
S(15, 1) = "AVENUE"
S(15, 2) = "AVENUE"
S(15, 3) = "AVE"
S(16, 1) = "AVENUE"
S(16, 2) = "AVN"
S(16, 3) = "AVE"
S(17, 1) = "AVENUE"
S(17, 2) = "AVNUE"
S(17, 3) = "AVE"
S(18, 1) = "BAYOO"
S(18, 2) = "BAYOO"
S(18, 3) = "BYU"
S(19, 1) = "BAYOO"
S(19, 2) = "BAYOU"
S(19, 3) = "BYU"
S(20, 1) = "BEACH"
S(20, 2) = "BCH"
S(20, 3) = "BCH"
S(21, 1) = "BEACH"
S(21, 2) = "BEACH"
S(21, 3) = "BCH"
S(22, 1) = "BEND"
S(22, 2) = "BEND"
S(22, 3) = "BND"
S(23, 1) = "BEND"
S(23, 2) = "BND"
S(23, 3) = "BND"
S(24, 1) = "BLUFF"
S(24, 2) = "BLF"
S(24, 3) = "BLF"
S(25, 1) = "BLUFF"
S(25, 2) = "BLUF"
S(25, 3) = "BLF"
S(26, 1) = "BLUFF"
S(26, 2) = "BLUFF"
S(26, 3) = "BLF"
S(27, 1) = "BLUFFS"
S(27, 2) = "BLUFFS"
S(27, 3) = "BLFS"
S(28, 1) = "BOTTOM"
S(28, 2) = "BOT"
S(28, 3) = "BTM"
S(29, 1) = "BOTTOM"
S(29, 2) = "BOTTM"
S(29, 3) = "BTM"
S(30, 1) = "BOTTOM"
S(30, 2) = "BOTTOM"
S(30, 3) = "BTM"
S(31, 1) = "BOTTOM"
S(31, 2) = "BTM"
S(31, 3) = "BTM"
S(32, 1) = "BOULEVARD"
S(32, 2) = "BLVD"
S(32, 3) = "BLVD"
S(33, 1) = "BOULEVARD"
S(33, 2) = "BOUL"
S(33, 3) = "BLVD"
S(34, 1) = "BOULEVARD"
S(34, 2) = "BOULEVARD"
S(34, 3) = "BLVD"
S(35, 1) = "BOULEVARD"
S(35, 2) = "BOULV"
S(35, 3) = "BLVD"
S(36, 1) = "BRANCH"
S(36, 2) = "BR"
S(36, 3) = "BR"
S(37, 1) = "BRANCH"
S(37, 2) = "BRANCH"
S(37, 3) = "BR"
S(38, 1) = "BRANCH"
S(38, 2) = "BRNCH"
S(38, 3) = "BR"
S(39, 1) = "BRIDGE"
S(39, 2) = "BRDGE"
S(39, 3) = "BRG"
S(40, 1) = "BRIDGE"
S(40, 2) = "BRG"
S(40, 3) = "BRG"
S(41, 1) = "BRIDGE"
S(41, 2) = "BRIDGE"
S(41, 3) = "BRG"
S(42, 1) = "BROOK"
S(42, 2) = "BRK"
S(42, 3) = "BRK"
S(43, 1) = "BROOK"
S(43, 2) = "BROOK"
S(43, 3) = "BRK"
S(44, 1) = "BROOKS"
S(44, 2) = "BROOKS"
S(44, 3) = "BRKS"
S(45, 1) = "BURG"
S(45, 2) = "BURG"
S(45, 3) = "BG"
S(46, 1) = "BURGS"
S(46, 2) = "BURGS"
S(46, 3) = "BGS"
S(47, 1) = "BYPASS"
S(47, 2) = "BYP"
S(47, 3) = "BYP"
S(48, 1) = "BYPASS"
S(48, 2) = "BYPA"
S(48, 3) = "BYP"
S(49, 1) = "BYPASS"
S(49, 2) = "BYPAS"
S(49, 3) = "BYP"
S(50, 1) = "BYPASS"
S(50, 2) = "BYPASS"
S(50, 3) = "BYP"
S(51, 1) = "BYPASS"
S(51, 2) = "BYPS"
S(51, 3) = "BYP"
S(52, 1) = "CAMP"
S(52, 2) = "CAMP"
S(52, 3) = "CP"
S(53, 1) = "CAMP"
S(53, 2) = "CMP"
S(53, 3) = "CP"
S(54, 1) = "CAMP"
S(54, 2) = "CP"
S(54, 3) = "CP"
S(55, 1) = "CANYON"
S(55, 2) = "CANYN"
S(55, 3) = "CYN"
S(56, 1) = "CANYON"
S(56, 2) = "CANYON"
S(56, 3) = "CYN"
S(57, 1) = "CANYON"
S(57, 2) = "CNYN"
S(57, 3) = "CYN"
S(58, 1) = "CANYON"
S(58, 2) = "CYN"
S(58, 3) = "CYN"
S(59, 1) = "CAPE"
S(59, 2) = "CAPE"
S(59, 3) = "CPE"
S(60, 1) = "CAPE"
S(60, 2) = "CPE"
S(60, 3) = "CPE"
S(61, 1) = "CAUSEWAY"
S(61, 2) = "CAUSEWAY"
S(61, 3) = "CSWY"
S(62, 1) = "CAUSEWAY"
S(62, 2) = "CAUSWAY"
S(62, 3) = "CSWY"
S(63, 1) = "CAUSEWAY"
S(63, 2) = "CSWY"
S(63, 3) = "CSWY"
S(64, 1) = "CENTER"
S(64, 2) = "CEN"
S(64, 3) = "CTR"
S(65, 1) = "CENTER"
S(65, 2) = "CENT"
S(65, 3) = "CTR"
S(66, 1) = "CENTER"
S(66, 2) = "CENTER"
S(66, 3) = "CTR"
S(67, 1) = "CENTER"
S(67, 2) = "CENTR"
S(67, 3) = "CTR"
S(68, 1) = "CENTER"
S(68, 2) = "CENTRE"
S(68, 3) = "CTR"
S(69, 1) = "CENTER"
S(69, 2) = "CNTER"
S(69, 3) = "CTR"
S(70, 1) = "CENTER"
S(70, 2) = "CNTR"
S(70, 3) = "CTR"
S(71, 1) = "CENTER"
S(71, 2) = "CTR"
S(71, 3) = "CTR"
S(72, 1) = "CENTERS"
S(72, 2) = "CENTERS"
S(72, 3) = "CTRS"
S(73, 1) = "CIRCLE"
S(73, 2) = "CIR"
S(73, 3) = "CIR"
S(74, 1) = "CIRCLE"
S(74, 2) = "CIRC"
S(74, 3) = "CIR"
S(75, 1) = "CIRCLE"
S(75, 2) = "CIRCL"
S(75, 3) = "CIR"
S(76, 1) = "CIRCLE"
S(76, 2) = "CIRCLE"
S(76, 3) = "CIR"
S(77, 1) = "CIRCLE"
S(77, 2) = "CRCL"
S(77, 3) = "CIR"
S(78, 1) = "CIRCLE"
S(78, 2) = "CRCLE"
S(78, 3) = "CIR"
S(79, 1) = "CIRCLES"
S(79, 2) = "CIRCLES"
S(79, 3) = "CIRS"
S(80, 1) = "CLIFF"
S(80, 2) = "CLF"
S(80, 3) = "CLF"
S(81, 1) = "CLIFF"
S(81, 2) = "CLIFF"
S(81, 3) = "CLF"
S(82, 1) = "CLIFFS"
S(82, 2) = "CLFS"
S(82, 3) = "CLFS"
S(83, 1) = "CLIFFS"
S(83, 2) = "CLIFFS"
S(83, 3) = "CLFS"
S(84, 1) = "CLUB"
S(84, 2) = "CLB"
S(84, 3) = "CLB"
S(85, 1) = "CLUB"
S(85, 2) = "CLUB"
S(85, 3) = "CLB"
S(86, 1) = "COMMON"
S(86, 2) = "COMMON"
S(86, 3) = "CMN"
S(87, 1) = "CORNER"
S(87, 2) = "COR"
S(87, 3) = "COR"
S(88, 1) = "CORNER"
S(88, 2) = "CORNER"
S(88, 3) = "COR"
S(89, 1) = "CORNERS"
S(89, 2) = "CORNERS"
S(89, 3) = "CORS"
S(90, 1) = "CORNERS"
S(90, 2) = "CORS"
S(90, 3) = "CORS"
S(91, 1) = "COURSE"
S(91, 2) = "COURSE"
S(91, 3) = "CRSE"
S(92, 1) = "COURSE"
S(92, 2) = "CRSE"
S(92, 3) = "CRSE"
S(93, 1) = "COURT"
S(93, 2) = "COURT"
S(93, 3) = "CT"
S(94, 1) = "COURT"
S(94, 2) = "CRT"
S(94, 3) = "CT"
S(95, 1) = "COURT"
S(95, 2) = "CT"
S(95, 3) = "CT"
S(96, 1) = "COURTS"
S(96, 2) = "COURTS"
S(96, 3) = "CTS"
S(97, 1) = "COURTS"
S(97, 2) = "CT"
S(97, 3) = "CTS"
S(98, 1) = "COVE"
S(98, 2) = "COVE"
S(98, 3) = "CV"
S(99, 1) = "COVE"
S(99, 2) = "CV"
S(99, 3) = "CV"
S(100, 1) = "COVES"
S(100, 2) = "COVES"
S(100, 3) = "CVS"
S(101, 1) = "CREEK"
S(101, 2) = "CK"
S(101, 3) = "CRK"
S(102, 1) = "CREEK"
S(102, 2) = "CR"
S(102, 3) = "CRK"
S(103, 1) = "CREEK"
S(103, 2) = "CREEK"
S(103, 3) = "CRK"
S(104, 1) = "CREEK"
S(104, 2) = "CRK"
S(104, 3) = "CRK"
S(105, 1) = "CRESCENT"
S(105, 2) = "CRECENT"
S(105, 3) = "CRES"
S(106, 1) = "CRESCENT"
S(106, 2) = "CRES"
S(106, 3) = "CRES"
S(107, 1) = "CRESCENT"
S(107, 2) = "CRESCENT"
S(107, 3) = "CRES"
S(108, 1) = "CRESCENT"
S(108, 2) = "CRESENT"
S(108, 3) = "CRES"
S(109, 1) = "CRESCENT"
S(109, 2) = "CRSCNT"
S(109, 3) = "CRES"
S(110, 1) = "CRESCENT"
S(110, 2) = "CRSENT"
S(110, 3) = "CRES"
S(111, 1) = "CRESCENT"
S(111, 2) = "CRSNT"
S(111, 3) = "CRES"
S(112, 1) = "CREST"
S(112, 2) = "CREST"
S(112, 3) = "CRST"
S(113, 1) = "CROSSING"
S(113, 2) = "CROSSING"
S(113, 3) = "XING"
S(114, 1) = "CROSSING"
S(114, 2) = "CRSSING"
S(114, 3) = "XING"
S(115, 1) = "CROSSING"
S(115, 2) = "CRSSNG"
S(115, 3) = "XING"
S(116, 1) = "CROSSING"
S(116, 2) = "XING"
S(116, 3) = "XING"
S(117, 1) = "CROSSROAD"
S(117, 2) = "CROSSROAD"
S(117, 3) = "XRD"
S(118, 1) = "CURVE"
S(118, 2) = "CURVE"
S(118, 3) = "CURV"
S(119, 1) = "DALE"
S(119, 2) = "DALE"
S(119, 3) = "DL"
S(120, 1) = "DALE"
S(120, 2) = "DL"
S(120, 3) = "DL"
S(121, 1) = "DAM"
S(121, 2) = "DAM"
S(121, 3) = "DM"
S(122, 1) = "DAM"
S(122, 2) = "DM"
S(122, 3) = "DM"
S(123, 1) = "DIVIDE"
S(123, 2) = "DIV"
S(123, 3) = "DV"
S(124, 1) = "DIVIDE"
S(124, 2) = "DIVIDE"
S(124, 3) = "DV"
S(125, 1) = "DIVIDE"
S(125, 2) = "DV"
S(125, 3) = "DV"
S(126, 1) = "DIVIDE"
S(126, 2) = "DVD"
S(126, 3) = "DV"
S(127, 1) = "DRIVE"
S(127, 2) = "DR"
S(127, 3) = "DR"
S(128, 1) = "DRIVE"
S(128, 2) = "DRIV"
S(128, 3) = "DR"
S(129, 1) = "DRIVE"
S(129, 2) = "DRIVE"
S(129, 3) = "DR"
S(130, 1) = "DRIVE"
S(130, 2) = "DRV"
S(130, 3) = "DR"
S(131, 1) = "DRIVES"
S(131, 2) = "DRIVES"
S(131, 3) = "DRS"
S(132, 1) = "ESTATE"
S(132, 2) = "EST"
S(132, 3) = "EST"
S(133, 1) = "ESTATE"
S(133, 2) = "ESTATE"
S(133, 3) = "EST"
S(134, 1) = "ESTATES"
S(134, 2) = "ESTATES"
S(134, 3) = "ESTS"
S(135, 1) = "ESTATES"
S(135, 2) = "ESTS"
S(135, 3) = "ESTS"
S(136, 1) = "EXPRESSWAY"
S(136, 2) = "EXP"
S(136, 3) = "EXPY"
S(137, 1) = "EXPRESSWAY"
S(137, 2) = "EXPR"
S(137, 3) = "EXPY"
S(138, 1) = "EXPRESSWAY"
S(138, 2) = "EXPRESS"
S(138, 3) = "EXPY"
S(139, 1) = "EXPRESSWAY"
S(139, 2) = "EXPRESSWAY"
S(139, 3) = "EXPY"
S(140, 1) = "EXPRESSWAY"
S(140, 2) = "EXPW"
S(140, 3) = "EXPY"
S(141, 1) = "EXPRESSWAY"
S(141, 2) = "EXPY"
S(141, 3) = "EXPY"
S(142, 1) = "EXTENSION"
S(142, 2) = "EXT"
S(142, 3) = "EXT"
S(143, 1) = "EXTENSION"
S(143, 2) = "EXTENSION"
S(143, 3) = "EXT"
S(144, 1) = "EXTENSION"
S(144, 2) = "EXTN"
S(144, 3) = "EXT"
S(145, 1) = "EXTENSION"
S(145, 2) = "EXTNSN"
S(145, 3) = "EXT"
S(146, 1) = "EXTENSIONS"
S(146, 2) = "EXTENSIONS"
S(146, 3) = "EXTS"
S(147, 1) = "EXTENSIONS"
S(147, 2) = "EXTS"
S(147, 3) = "EXTS"
S(148, 1) = "FALL"
S(148, 2) = "FALL"
S(148, 3) = "FALL"
S(149, 1) = "FALLS"
S(149, 2) = "FALLS"
S(149, 3) = "FLS"
S(150, 1) = "FALLS"
S(150, 2) = "FLS"
S(150, 3) = "FLS"
S(151, 1) = "FERRY"
S(151, 2) = "FERRY"
S(151, 3) = "FRY"
S(152, 1) = "FERRY"
S(152, 2) = "FRRY"
S(152, 3) = "FRY"
S(153, 1) = "FERRY"
S(153, 2) = "FRY"
S(153, 3) = "FRY"
S(154, 1) = "FIELD"
S(154, 2) = "FIELD"
S(154, 3) = "FLD"
S(155, 1) = "FIELD"
S(155, 2) = "FLD"
S(155, 3) = "FLD"
S(156, 1) = "FIELDS"
S(156, 2) = "FIELDS"
S(156, 3) = "FLDS"
S(157, 1) = "FIELDS"
S(157, 2) = "FLDS"
S(157, 3) = "FLDS"
S(158, 1) = "FLAT"
S(158, 2) = "FLAT"
S(158, 3) = "FLT"
S(159, 1) = "FLAT"
S(159, 2) = "FLT"
S(159, 3) = "FLT"
S(160, 1) = "FLATS"
S(160, 2) = "FLATS"
S(160, 3) = "FLTS"
S(161, 1) = "FLATS"
S(161, 2) = "FLTS"
S(161, 3) = "FLTS"
S(162, 1) = "FORD"
S(162, 2) = "FORD"
S(162, 3) = "FRD"
S(163, 1) = "FORD"
S(163, 2) = "FRD"
S(163, 3) = "FRD"
S(164, 1) = "FORDS"
S(164, 2) = "FORDS"
S(164, 3) = "FRDS"
S(165, 1) = "FOREST"
S(165, 2) = "FOREST"
S(165, 3) = "FRST"
S(166, 1) = "FOREST"
S(166, 2) = "FORESTS"
S(166, 3) = "FRST"
S(167, 1) = "FOREST"
S(167, 2) = "FRST"
S(167, 3) = "FRST"
S(168, 1) = "FORGE"
S(168, 2) = "FORG"
S(168, 3) = "FRG"
S(169, 1) = "FORGE"
S(169, 2) = "FORGE"
S(169, 3) = "FRG"
S(170, 1) = "FORGE"
S(170, 2) = "FRG"
S(170, 3) = "FRG"
S(171, 1) = "FORGES"
S(171, 2) = "FORGES"
S(171, 3) = "FRGS"
S(172, 1) = "FORK"
S(172, 2) = "FORK"
S(172, 3) = "FRK"
S(173, 1) = "FORK"
S(173, 2) = "FRK"
S(173, 3) = "FRK"
S(174, 1) = "FORKS"
S(174, 2) = "FORKS"
S(174, 3) = "FRKS"
S(175, 1) = "FORKS"
S(175, 2) = "FRKS"
S(175, 3) = "FRKS"
S(176, 1) = "FORT"
S(176, 2) = "FORT"
S(176, 3) = "FT"
S(177, 1) = "FORT"
S(177, 2) = "FRT"
S(177, 3) = "FT"
S(178, 1) = "FORT"
S(178, 2) = "FT"
S(178, 3) = "FT"
S(179, 1) = "FREEWAY"
S(179, 2) = "FREEWAY"
S(179, 3) = "FWY"
S(180, 1) = "FREEWAY"
S(180, 2) = "FREEWY"
S(180, 3) = "FWY"
S(181, 1) = "FREEWAY"
S(181, 2) = "FRWAY"
S(181, 3) = "FWY"
S(182, 1) = "FREEWAY"
S(182, 2) = "FRWY"
S(182, 3) = "FWY"
S(183, 1) = "FREEWAY"
S(183, 2) = "FWY"
S(183, 3) = "FWY"
S(184, 1) = "GARDEN"
S(184, 2) = "GARDEN"
S(184, 3) = "GDN"
S(185, 1) = "GARDEN"
S(185, 2) = "GARDN"
S(185, 3) = "GDN"
S(186, 1) = "GARDEN"
S(186, 2) = "GDN"
S(186, 3) = "GDN"
S(187, 1) = "GARDEN"
S(187, 2) = "GRDEN"
S(187, 3) = "GDN"
S(188, 1) = "GARDEN"
S(188, 2) = "GRDN"
S(188, 3) = "GDN"
S(189, 1) = "GARDENS"
S(189, 2) = "GARDENS"
S(189, 3) = "GDNS"
S(190, 1) = "GARDENS"
S(190, 2) = "GDNS"
S(190, 3) = "GDNS"
S(191, 1) = "GARDENS"
S(191, 2) = "GRDNS"
S(191, 3) = "GDNS"
S(192, 1) = "GATEWAY"
S(192, 2) = "GATEWAY"
S(192, 3) = "GTWY"
S(193, 1) = "GATEWAY"
S(193, 2) = "GATEWY"
S(193, 3) = "GTWY"
S(194, 1) = "GATEWAY"
S(194, 2) = "GATWAY"
S(194, 3) = "GTWY"
S(195, 1) = "GATEWAY"
S(195, 2) = "GTWAY"
S(195, 3) = "GTWY"
S(196, 1) = "GATEWAY"
S(196, 2) = "GTWY"
S(196, 3) = "GTWY"
S(197, 1) = "GLEN"
S(197, 2) = "GLEN"
S(197, 3) = "GLN"
S(198, 1) = "GLEN"
S(198, 2) = "GLN"
S(198, 3) = "GLN"
S(199, 1) = "GLENS"
S(199, 2) = "GLENS"
S(199, 3) = "GLNS"
S(200, 1) = "GREEN"
S(200, 2) = "GREEN"
S(200, 3) = "GRN"
S(201, 1) = "GREEN"
S(201, 2) = "GRN"
S(201, 3) = "GRN"
S(202, 1) = "GREENS"
S(202, 2) = "GREENS"
S(202, 3) = "GRNS"
S(203, 1) = "GROVE"
S(203, 2) = "GROV"
S(203, 3) = "GRV"
S(204, 1) = "GROVE"
S(204, 2) = "GROVE"
S(204, 3) = "GRV"
S(205, 1) = "GROVE"
S(205, 2) = "GRV"
S(205, 3) = "GRV"
S(206, 1) = "GROVES"
S(206, 2) = "GROVES"
S(206, 3) = "GRVS"
S(207, 1) = "HARBOR"
S(207, 2) = "HARB"
S(207, 3) = "HBR"
S(208, 1) = "HARBOR"
S(208, 2) = "HARBOR"
S(208, 3) = "HBR"
S(209, 1) = "HARBOR"
S(209, 2) = "HARBR"
S(209, 3) = "HBR"
S(210, 1) = "HARBOR"
S(210, 2) = "HBR"
S(210, 3) = "HBR"
S(211, 1) = "HARBOR"
S(211, 2) = "HRBOR"
S(211, 3) = "HBR"
S(212, 1) = "HARBORS"
S(212, 2) = "HARBORS"
S(212, 3) = "HBRS"
S(213, 1) = "HAVEN"
S(213, 2) = "HAVEN"
S(213, 3) = "HVN"
S(214, 1) = "HAVEN"
S(214, 2) = "HAVN"
S(214, 3) = "HVN"
S(215, 1) = "HAVEN"
S(215, 2) = "HVN"
S(215, 3) = "HVN"
S(216, 1) = "HEIGHTS"
S(216, 2) = "HEIGHT"
S(216, 3) = "HTS"
S(217, 1) = "HEIGHTS"
S(217, 2) = "HEIGHTS"
S(217, 3) = "HTS"
S(218, 1) = "HEIGHTS"
S(218, 2) = "HGTS"
S(218, 3) = "HTS"
S(219, 1) = "HEIGHTS"
S(219, 2) = "HT"
S(219, 3) = "HTS"
S(220, 1) = "HEIGHTS"
S(220, 2) = "HTS"
S(220, 3) = "HTS"
S(221, 1) = "HIGHWAY"
S(221, 2) = "HIGHWAY"
S(221, 3) = "HWY"
S(222, 1) = "HIGHWAY"
S(222, 2) = "HIGHWY"
S(222, 3) = "HWY"
S(223, 1) = "HIGHWAY"
S(223, 2) = "HIWAY"
S(223, 3) = "HWY"
S(224, 1) = "HIGHWAY"
S(224, 2) = "HIWY"
S(224, 3) = "HWY"
S(225, 1) = "HIGHWAY"
S(225, 2) = "HWAY"
S(225, 3) = "HWY"
S(226, 1) = "HIGHWAY"
S(226, 2) = "HWY"
S(226, 3) = "HWY"
S(227, 1) = "HILL"
S(227, 2) = "HILL"
S(227, 3) = "HL"
S(228, 1) = "HILL"
S(228, 2) = "HL"
S(228, 3) = "HL"
S(229, 1) = "HILLS"
S(229, 2) = "HILLS"
S(229, 3) = "HLS"
S(230, 1) = "HILLS"
S(230, 2) = "HLS"
S(230, 3) = "HLS"
S(231, 1) = "HOLLOW"
S(231, 2) = "HLLW"
S(231, 3) = "HOLW"
S(232, 1) = "HOLLOW"
S(232, 2) = "HOLLOW"
S(232, 3) = "HOLW"
S(233, 1) = "HOLLOW"
S(233, 2) = "HOLLOWS"
S(233, 3) = "HOLW"
S(234, 1) = "HOLLOW"
S(234, 2) = "HOLW"
S(234, 3) = "HOLW"
S(235, 1) = "HOLLOW"
S(235, 2) = "HOLWS"
S(235, 3) = "HOLW"
S(236, 1) = "INLET"
S(236, 2) = "INLET"
S(236, 3) = "INLT"
S(237, 1) = "INLET"
S(237, 2) = "INLT"
S(237, 3) = "INLT"
S(238, 1) = "ISLAND"
S(238, 2) = "IS"
S(238, 3) = "IS"
S(239, 1) = "ISLAND"
S(239, 2) = "ISLAND"
S(239, 3) = "IS"
S(240, 1) = "ISLAND"
S(240, 2) = "ISLND"
S(240, 3) = "IS"
S(241, 1) = "ISLANDS"
S(241, 2) = "ISLANDS"
S(241, 3) = "ISS"
S(242, 1) = "ISLANDS"
S(242, 2) = "ISLNDS"
S(242, 3) = "ISS"
S(243, 1) = "ISLANDS"
S(243, 2) = "ISS"
S(243, 3) = "ISS"
S(244, 1) = "ISLE"
S(244, 2) = "ISLE"
S(244, 3) = "ISLE"
S(245, 1) = "ISLE"
S(245, 2) = "ISLES"
S(245, 3) = "ISLE"
S(246, 1) = "JUNCTION"
S(246, 2) = "JCT"
S(246, 3) = "JCT"
S(247, 1) = "JUNCTION"
S(247, 2) = "JCTION"
S(247, 3) = "JCT"
S(248, 1) = "JUNCTION"
S(248, 2) = "JCTN"
S(248, 3) = "JCT"
S(249, 1) = "JUNCTION"
S(249, 2) = "JUNCTION"
S(249, 3) = "JCT"
S(250, 1) = "JUNCTION"
S(250, 2) = "JUNCTN"
S(250, 3) = "JCT"
S(251, 1) = "JUNCTION"
S(251, 2) = "JUNCTON"
S(251, 3) = "JCT"
S(252, 1) = "JUNCTIONS"
S(252, 2) = "JCTNS"
S(252, 3) = "JCTS"
S(253, 1) = "JUNCTIONS"
S(253, 2) = "JCTS"
S(253, 3) = "JCTS"
S(254, 1) = "JUNCTIONS"
S(254, 2) = "JUNCTIONS"
S(254, 3) = "JCTS"
S(255, 1) = "KEY"
S(255, 2) = "KEY"
S(255, 3) = "KY"
S(256, 1) = "KEY"
S(256, 2) = "KY"
S(256, 3) = "KY"
S(257, 1) = "KEYS"
S(257, 2) = "KEYS"
S(257, 3) = "KYS"
S(258, 1) = "KEYS"
S(258, 2) = "KYS"
S(258, 3) = "KYS"
S(259, 1) = "KNOLL"
S(259, 2) = "KNL"
S(259, 3) = "KNL"
S(260, 1) = "KNOLL"
S(260, 2) = "KNOL"
S(260, 3) = "KNL"
S(261, 1) = "KNOLL"
S(261, 2) = "KNOLL"
S(261, 3) = "KNL"
S(262, 1) = "KNOLLS"
S(262, 2) = "KNLS"
S(262, 3) = "KNLS"
S(263, 1) = "KNOLLS"
S(263, 2) = "KNOLLS"
S(263, 3) = "KNLS"
S(264, 1) = "LAKE"
S(264, 2) = "LAKE"
S(264, 3) = "LK"
S(265, 1) = "LAKE"
S(265, 2) = "LK"
S(265, 3) = "LK"
S(266, 1) = "LAKES"
S(266, 2) = "LAKES"
S(266, 3) = "LKS"
S(267, 1) = "LAKES"
S(267, 2) = "LKS"
S(267, 3) = "LKS"
S(268, 1) = "LAND"
S(268, 2) = "LAND"
S(268, 3) = "LAND"
S(269, 1) = "LANDING"
S(269, 2) = "LANDING"
S(269, 3) = "LNDG"
S(270, 1) = "LANDING"
S(270, 2) = "LNDG"
S(270, 3) = "LNDG"
S(271, 1) = "LANDING"
S(271, 2) = "LNDNG"
S(271, 3) = "LNDG"
S(272, 1) = "LANE"
S(272, 2) = "LA"
S(272, 3) = "LN"
S(273, 1) = "LANE"
S(273, 2) = "LANE"
S(273, 3) = "LN"
S(274, 1) = "LANE"
S(274, 2) = "LANES"
S(274, 3) = "LN"
S(275, 1) = "LANE"
S(275, 2) = "LN"
S(275, 3) = "LN"
S(276, 1) = "LIGHT"
S(276, 2) = "LGT"
S(276, 3) = "LGT"
S(277, 1) = "LIGHT"
S(277, 2) = "LIGHT"
S(277, 3) = "LGT"
S(278, 1) = "LIGHTS"
S(278, 2) = "LIGHTS"
S(278, 3) = "LGTS"
S(279, 1) = "LOAF"
S(279, 2) = "LF"
S(279, 3) = "LF"
S(280, 1) = "LOAF"
S(280, 2) = "LOAF"
S(280, 3) = "LF"
S(281, 1) = "LOCK"
S(281, 2) = "LCK"
S(281, 3) = "LCK"
S(282, 1) = "LOCK"
S(282, 2) = "LOCK"
S(282, 3) = "LCK"
S(283, 1) = "LOCKS"
S(283, 2) = "LCKS"
S(283, 3) = "LCKS"
S(284, 1) = "LOCKS"
S(284, 2) = "LOCKS"
S(284, 3) = "LCKS"
S(285, 1) = "LODGE"
S(285, 2) = "LDG"
S(285, 3) = "LDG"
S(286, 1) = "LODGE"
S(286, 2) = "LDGE"
S(286, 3) = "LDG"
S(287, 1) = "LODGE"
S(287, 2) = "LODG"
S(287, 3) = "LDG"
S(288, 1) = "LODGE"
S(288, 2) = "LODGE"
S(288, 3) = "LDG"
S(289, 1) = "LOOP"
S(289, 2) = "LOOP"
S(289, 3) = "LOOP"
S(290, 1) = "LOOP"
S(290, 2) = "LOOPS"
S(290, 3) = "LOOP"
S(291, 1) = "MALL"
S(291, 2) = "MALL"
S(291, 3) = "MALL"
S(292, 1) = "MANOR"
S(292, 2) = "MANOR"
S(292, 3) = "MNR"
S(293, 1) = "MANOR"
S(293, 2) = "MNR"
S(293, 3) = "MNR"
S(294, 1) = "MANORS"
S(294, 2) = "MANORS"
S(294, 3) = "MNRS"
S(295, 1) = "MANORS"
S(295, 2) = "MNRS"
S(295, 3) = "MNRS"
S(296, 1) = "MEADOW"
S(296, 2) = "MDW"
S(296, 3) = "MDW"
S(297, 1) = "MEADOW"
S(297, 2) = "MEADOW"
S(297, 3) = "MDW"
S(298, 1) = "MEADOWS"
S(298, 2) = "MDWS"
S(298, 3) = "MDWS"
S(299, 1) = "MEADOWS"
S(299, 2) = "MEADOWS"
S(299, 3) = "MDWS"
S(300, 1) = "MEADOWS"
S(300, 2) = "MEDOWS"
S(300, 3) = "MDWS"
S(301, 1) = "MEWS"
S(301, 2) = "MEWS"
S(301, 3) = "MEWS"
S(302, 1) = "MILL"
S(302, 2) = "MILL"
S(302, 3) = "ML"
S(303, 1) = "MILL"
S(303, 2) = "ML"
S(303, 3) = "ML"
S(304, 1) = "MILLS"
S(304, 2) = "MILLS"
S(304, 3) = "MLS"
S(305, 1) = "MILLS"
S(305, 2) = "MLS"
S(305, 3) = "MLS"
S(306, 1) = "MISSION"
S(306, 2) = "MISSION"
S(306, 3) = "MSN"
S(307, 1) = "MISSION"
S(307, 2) = "MISSN"
S(307, 3) = "MSN"
S(308, 1) = "MISSION"
S(308, 2) = "MSN"
S(308, 3) = "MSN"
S(309, 1) = "MISSION"
S(309, 2) = "MSSN"
S(309, 3) = "MSN"
S(310, 1) = "MOTORWAY"
S(310, 2) = "MOTORWAY"
S(310, 3) = "MTWY"
S(311, 1) = "MOUNT"
S(311, 2) = "MNT"
S(311, 3) = "MT"
S(312, 1) = "MOUNT"
S(312, 2) = "MOUNT"
S(312, 3) = "MT"
S(313, 1) = "MOUNT"
S(313, 2) = "MT"
S(313, 3) = "MT"
S(314, 1) = "MOUNTAIN"
S(314, 2) = "MNTAIN"
S(314, 3) = "MTN"
S(315, 1) = "MOUNTAIN"
S(315, 2) = "MNTN"
S(315, 3) = "MTN"
S(316, 1) = "MOUNTAIN"
S(316, 2) = "MOUNTAIN"
S(316, 3) = "MTN"
S(317, 1) = "MOUNTAIN"
S(317, 2) = "MOUNTIN"
S(317, 3) = "MTN"
S(318, 1) = "MOUNTAIN"
S(318, 2) = "MTIN"
S(318, 3) = "MTN"
S(319, 1) = "MOUNTAIN"
S(319, 2) = "MTN"
S(319, 3) = "MTN"
S(320, 1) = "MOUNTAINS"
S(320, 2) = "MNTNS"
S(320, 3) = "MTNS"
S(321, 1) = "MOUNTAINS"
S(321, 2) = "MOUNTAINS"
S(321, 3) = "MTNS"
S(322, 1) = "NECK"
S(322, 2) = "NCK"
S(322, 3) = "NCK"
S(323, 1) = "NECK"
S(323, 2) = "NECK"
S(323, 3) = "NCK"
S(324, 1) = "ORCHARD"
S(324, 2) = "ORCH"
S(324, 3) = "ORCH"
S(325, 1) = "ORCHARD"
S(325, 2) = "ORCHARD"
S(325, 3) = "ORCH"
S(326, 1) = "ORCHARD"
S(326, 2) = "ORCHRD"
S(326, 3) = "ORCH"
S(327, 1) = "OVAL"
S(327, 2) = "OVAL"
S(327, 3) = "OVAL"
S(328, 1) = "OVAL"
S(328, 2) = "OVL"
S(328, 3) = "OVAL"
S(329, 1) = "OVERPASS"
S(329, 2) = "OVERPASS"
S(329, 3) = "OPAS"
S(330, 1) = "PARK"
S(330, 2) = "PARK"
S(330, 3) = "PARK"
S(331, 1) = "PARK"
S(331, 2) = "PK"
S(331, 3) = "PARK"
S(332, 1) = "PARK"
S(332, 2) = "PRK"
S(332, 3) = "PARK"
S(333, 1) = "PARKS"
S(333, 2) = "PARKS"
S(333, 3) = "PARK"
S(334, 1) = "PARKWAY"
S(334, 2) = "PARKWAY"
S(334, 3) = "PKWY"
S(335, 1) = "PARKWAY"
S(335, 2) = "PARKWY"
S(335, 3) = "PKWY"
S(336, 1) = "PARKWAY"
S(336, 2) = "PKWAY"
S(336, 3) = "PKWY"
S(337, 1) = "PARKWAY"
S(337, 2) = "PKWY"
S(337, 3) = "PKWY"
S(338, 1) = "PARKWAY"
S(338, 2) = "PKY"
S(338, 3) = "PKWY"
S(339, 1) = "PARKWAYS"
S(339, 2) = "PARKWAYS"
S(339, 3) = "PKWY"
S(340, 1) = "PARKWAYS"
S(340, 2) = "PKWYS"
S(340, 3) = "PKWY"
S(341, 1) = "PASS"
S(341, 2) = "PASS"
S(341, 3) = "PASS"
S(342, 1) = "PASSAGE"
S(342, 2) = "PASSAGE"
S(342, 3) = "PSGE"
S(343, 1) = "PATH"
S(343, 2) = "PATH"
S(343, 3) = "PATH"
S(344, 1) = "PATH"
S(344, 2) = "PATHS"
S(344, 3) = "PATH"
S(345, 1) = "PIKE"
S(345, 2) = "PIKE"
S(345, 3) = "PIKE"
S(346, 1) = "PIKE"
S(346, 2) = "PIKES"
S(346, 3) = "PIKE"
S(347, 1) = "PINE"
S(347, 2) = "PINE"
S(347, 3) = "PNE"
S(348, 1) = "PINES"
S(348, 2) = "PINES"
S(348, 3) = "PNES"
S(349, 1) = "PINES"
S(349, 2) = "PNES"
S(349, 3) = "PNES"
S(350, 1) = "PLACE"
S(350, 2) = "PL"
S(350, 3) = "PL"
S(351, 1) = "PLACE"
S(351, 2) = "PLACE"
S(351, 3) = "PL"
S(352, 1) = "PLAIN"
S(352, 2) = "PLAIN"
S(352, 3) = "PLN"
S(353, 1) = "PLAIN"
S(353, 2) = "PLN"
S(353, 3) = "PLN"
S(354, 1) = "PLAINS"
S(354, 2) = "PLAINES"
S(354, 3) = "PLNS"
S(355, 1) = "PLAINS"
S(355, 2) = "PLAINS"
S(355, 3) = "PLNS"
S(356, 1) = "PLAINS"
S(356, 2) = "PLNS"
S(356, 3) = "PLNS"
S(357, 1) = "PLAZA"
S(357, 2) = "PLAZA"
S(357, 3) = "PLZ"
S(358, 1) = "PLAZA"
S(358, 2) = "PLZ"
S(358, 3) = "PLZ"
S(359, 1) = "PLAZA"
S(359, 2) = "PLZA"
S(359, 3) = "PLZ"
S(360, 1) = "POINT"
S(360, 2) = "POINT"
S(360, 3) = "PT"
S(361, 1) = "POINT"
S(361, 2) = "PT"
S(361, 3) = "PT"
S(362, 1) = "POINTS"
S(362, 2) = "POINTS"
S(362, 3) = "PTS"
S(363, 1) = "POINTS"
S(363, 2) = "PTS"
S(363, 3) = "PTS"
S(364, 1) = "PORT"
S(364, 2) = "PORT"
S(364, 3) = "PRT"
S(365, 1) = "PORT"
S(365, 2) = "PRT"
S(365, 3) = "PRT"
S(366, 1) = "PORTS"
S(366, 2) = "PORTS"
S(366, 3) = "PRTS"
S(367, 1) = "PORTS"
S(367, 2) = "PRTS"
S(367, 3) = "PRTS"
S(368, 1) = "PRAIRIE"
S(368, 2) = "PR"
S(368, 3) = "PR"
S(369, 1) = "PRAIRIE"
S(369, 2) = "PRAIRIE"
S(369, 3) = "PR"
S(370, 1) = "PRAIRIE"
S(370, 2) = "PRARIE"
S(370, 3) = "PR"
S(371, 1) = "PRAIRIE"
S(371, 2) = "PRR"
S(371, 3) = "PR"
S(372, 1) = "RADIAL"
S(372, 2) = "RAD"
S(372, 3) = "RADL"
S(373, 1) = "RADIAL"
S(373, 2) = "RADIAL"
S(373, 3) = "RADL"
S(374, 1) = "RADIAL"
S(374, 2) = "RADIEL"
S(374, 3) = "RADL"
S(375, 1) = "RADIAL"
S(375, 2) = "RADL"
S(375, 3) = "RADL"
S(376, 1) = "RAMP"
S(376, 2) = "RAMP"
S(376, 3) = "RAMP"
S(377, 1) = "RANCH"
S(377, 2) = "RANCH"
S(377, 3) = "RNCH"
S(378, 1) = "RANCH"
S(378, 2) = "RANCHES"
S(378, 3) = "RNCH"
S(379, 1) = "RANCH"
S(379, 2) = "RNCH"
S(379, 3) = "RNCH"
S(380, 1) = "RANCH"
S(380, 2) = "RNCHS"
S(380, 3) = "RNCH"
S(381, 1) = "RAPID"
S(381, 2) = "RAPID"
S(381, 3) = "RPD"
S(382, 1) = "RAPID"
S(382, 2) = "RPD"
S(382, 3) = "RPD"
S(383, 1) = "RAPIDS"
S(383, 2) = "RAPIDS"
S(383, 3) = "RPDS"
S(384, 1) = "RAPIDS"
S(384, 2) = "RPDS"
S(384, 3) = "RPDS"
S(385, 1) = "REST"
S(385, 2) = "REST"
S(385, 3) = "RST"
S(386, 1) = "REST"
S(386, 2) = "RST"
S(386, 3) = "RST"
S(387, 1) = "RIDGE"
S(387, 2) = "RDG"
S(387, 3) = "RDG"
S(388, 1) = "RIDGE"
S(388, 2) = "RDGE"
S(388, 3) = "RDG"
S(389, 1) = "RIDGE"
S(389, 2) = "RIDGE"
S(389, 3) = "RDG"
S(390, 1) = "RIDGES"
S(390, 2) = "RDGS"
S(390, 3) = "RDGS"
S(391, 1) = "RIDGES"
S(391, 2) = "RIDGES"
S(391, 3) = "RDGS"
S(392, 1) = "RIVER"
S(392, 2) = "RIV"
S(392, 3) = "RIV"
S(393, 1) = "RIVER"
S(393, 2) = "RIVER"
S(393, 3) = "RIV"
S(394, 1) = "RIVER"
S(394, 2) = "RIVR"
S(394, 3) = "RIV"
S(395, 1) = "RIVER"
S(395, 2) = "RVR"
S(395, 3) = "RIV"
S(396, 1) = "ROAD"
S(396, 2) = "RD"
S(396, 3) = "RD"
S(397, 1) = "ROAD"
S(397, 2) = "ROAD"
S(397, 3) = "RD"
S(398, 1) = "ROADS"
S(398, 2) = "RDS"
S(398, 3) = "RDS"
S(399, 1) = "ROADS"
S(399, 2) = "ROADS"
S(399, 3) = "RDS"
S(400, 1) = "ROUTE"
S(400, 2) = "ROUTE"
S(400, 3) = "RTE"
S(401, 1) = "ROW"
S(401, 2) = "ROW"
S(401, 3) = "ROW"
S(402, 1) = "RUE"
S(402, 2) = "RUE"
S(402, 3) = "RUE"
S(403, 1) = "RUN"
S(403, 2) = "RUN"
S(403, 3) = "RUN"
S(404, 1) = "SHOAL"
S(404, 2) = "SHL"
S(404, 3) = "SHL"
S(405, 1) = "SHOAL"
S(405, 2) = "SHOAL"
S(405, 3) = "SHL"
S(406, 1) = "SHOALS"
S(406, 2) = "SHLS"
S(406, 3) = "SHLS"
S(407, 1) = "SHOALS"
S(407, 2) = "SHOALS"
S(407, 3) = "SHLS"
S(408, 1) = "SHORE"
S(408, 2) = "SHOAR"
S(408, 3) = "SHR"
S(409, 1) = "SHORE"
S(409, 2) = "SHORE"
S(409, 3) = "SHR"
S(410, 1) = "SHORE"
S(410, 2) = "SHR"
S(410, 3) = "SHR"
S(411, 1) = "SHORES"
S(411, 2) = "SHOARS"
S(411, 3) = "SHRS"
S(412, 1) = "SHORES"
S(412, 2) = "SHORES"
S(412, 3) = "SHRS"
S(413, 1) = "SHORES"
S(413, 2) = "SHRS"
S(413, 3) = "SHRS"
S(414, 1) = "SKYWAY"
S(414, 2) = "SKYWAY"
S(414, 3) = "SKWY"
S(415, 1) = "SPRING"
S(415, 2) = "SPG"
S(415, 3) = "SPG"
S(416, 1) = "SPRING"
S(416, 2) = "SPNG"
S(416, 3) = "SPG"
S(417, 1) = "SPRING"
S(417, 2) = "SPRING"
S(417, 3) = "SPG"
S(418, 1) = "SPRING"
S(418, 2) = "SPRNG"
S(418, 3) = "SPG"
S(419, 1) = "SPRINGS"
S(419, 2) = "SPGS"
S(419, 3) = "SPGS"
S(420, 1) = "SPRINGS"
S(420, 2) = "SPNGS"
S(420, 3) = "SPGS"
S(421, 1) = "SPRINGS"
S(421, 2) = "SPRINGS"
S(421, 3) = "SPGS"
S(422, 1) = "SPRINGS"
S(422, 2) = "SPRNGS"
S(422, 3) = "SPGS"
S(423, 1) = "SPUR"
S(423, 2) = "SPUR"
S(423, 3) = "SPUR"
S(424, 1) = "SPURS"
S(424, 2) = "SPURS"
S(424, 3) = "SPUR"
S(425, 1) = "SQUARE"
S(425, 2) = "SQ"
S(425, 3) = "SQ"
S(426, 1) = "SQUARE"
S(426, 2) = "SQR"
S(426, 3) = "SQ"
S(427, 1) = "SQUARE"
S(427, 2) = "SQRE"
S(427, 3) = "SQ"
S(428, 1) = "SQUARE"
S(428, 2) = "SQU"
S(428, 3) = "SQ"
S(429, 1) = "SQUARE"
S(429, 2) = "SQUARE"
S(429, 3) = "SQ"
S(430, 1) = "SQUARES"
S(430, 2) = "SQRS"
S(430, 3) = "SQS"
S(431, 1) = "SQUARES"
S(431, 2) = "SQUARES"
S(431, 3) = "SQS"
S(432, 1) = "STATION"
S(432, 2) = "STA"
S(432, 3) = "STA"
S(433, 1) = "STATION"
S(433, 2) = "STATION"
S(433, 3) = "STA"
S(434, 1) = "STATION"
S(434, 2) = "STATN"
S(434, 3) = "STA"
S(435, 1) = "STATION"
S(435, 2) = "STN"
S(435, 3) = "STA"
S(436, 1) = "STRAVENUE"
S(436, 2) = "STRA"
S(436, 3) = "STRA"
S(437, 1) = "STRAVENUE"
S(437, 2) = "STRAV"
S(437, 3) = "STRA"
S(438, 1) = "STRAVENUE"
S(438, 2) = "STRAVE"
S(438, 3) = "STRA"
S(439, 1) = "STRAVENUE"
S(439, 2) = "STRAVEN"
S(439, 3) = "STRA"
S(440, 1) = "STRAVENUE"
S(440, 2) = "STRAVENUE"
S(440, 3) = "STRA"
S(441, 1) = "STRAVENUE"
S(441, 2) = "STRAVN"
S(441, 3) = "STRA"
S(442, 1) = "STRAVENUE"
S(442, 2) = "STRVN"
S(442, 3) = "STRA"
S(443, 1) = "STRAVENUE"
S(443, 2) = "STRVNUE"
S(443, 3) = "STRA"
S(444, 1) = "STREAM"
S(444, 2) = "STREAM"
S(444, 3) = "STRM"
S(445, 1) = "STREAM"
S(445, 2) = "STREME"
S(445, 3) = "STRM"
S(446, 1) = "STREAM"
S(446, 2) = "STRM"
S(446, 3) = "STRM"
S(447, 1) = "STREET"
S(447, 2) = "ST"
S(447, 3) = "ST"
S(448, 1) = "STREET"
S(448, 2) = "STR"
S(448, 3) = "ST"
S(449, 1) = "STREET"
S(449, 2) = "STREET"
S(449, 3) = "ST"
S(450, 1) = "STREET"
S(450, 2) = "STRT"
S(450, 3) = "ST"
S(451, 1) = "STREETS"
S(451, 2) = "STREETS"
S(451, 3) = "STS"
S(452, 1) = "SUMMIT"
S(452, 2) = "SMT"
S(452, 3) = "SMT"
S(453, 1) = "SUMMIT"
S(453, 2) = "SUMIT"
S(453, 3) = "SMT"
S(454, 1) = "SUMMIT"
S(454, 2) = "SUMITT"
S(454, 3) = "SMT"
S(455, 1) = "SUMMIT"
S(455, 2) = "SUMMIT"
S(455, 3) = "SMT"
S(456, 1) = "TERRACE"
S(456, 2) = "TER"
S(456, 3) = "TER"
S(457, 1) = "TERRACE"
S(457, 2) = "TERR"
S(457, 3) = "TER"
S(458, 1) = "TERRACE"
S(458, 2) = "TERRACE"
S(458, 3) = "TER"
S(459, 1) = "THROUGHWAY"
S(459, 2) = "THROUGHWAY"
S(459, 3) = "TRWY"
S(460, 1) = "TRACE"
S(460, 2) = "TRACE"
S(460, 3) = "TRCE"
S(461, 1) = "TRACE"
S(461, 2) = "TRACES"
S(461, 3) = "TRCE"
S(462, 1) = "TRACE"
S(462, 2) = "TRCE"
S(462, 3) = "TRCE"
S(463, 1) = "TRACK"
S(463, 2) = "TRACK"
S(463, 3) = "TRAK"
S(464, 1) = "TRACK"
S(464, 2) = "TRACKS"
S(464, 3) = "TRAK"
S(465, 1) = "TRACK"
S(465, 2) = "TRAK"
S(465, 3) = "TRAK"
S(466, 1) = "TRACK"
S(466, 2) = "TRK"
S(466, 3) = "TRAK"
S(467, 1) = "TRACK"
S(467, 2) = "TRKS"
S(467, 3) = "TRAK"
S(468, 1) = "TRAFFICWAY"
S(468, 2) = "TRAFFICWAY"
S(468, 3) = "TRFY"
S(469, 1) = "TRAFFICWAY"
S(469, 2) = "TRFY"
S(469, 3) = "TRFY"
S(470, 1) = "TRAIL"
S(470, 2) = "TR"
S(470, 3) = "TRL"
S(471, 1) = "TRAIL"
S(471, 2) = "TRAIL"
S(471, 3) = "TRL"
S(472, 1) = "TRAIL"
S(472, 2) = "TRAILS"
S(472, 3) = "TRL"
S(473, 1) = "TRAIL"
S(473, 2) = "TRL"
S(473, 3) = "TRL"
S(474, 1) = "TRAIL"
S(474, 2) = "TRLS"
S(474, 3) = "TRL"
S(475, 1) = "TUNNEL"
S(475, 2) = "TUNEL"
S(475, 3) = "TUNL"
S(476, 1) = "TUNNEL"
S(476, 2) = "TUNL"
S(476, 3) = "TUNL"
S(477, 1) = "TUNNEL"
S(477, 2) = "TUNLS"
S(477, 3) = "TUNL"
S(478, 1) = "TUNNEL"
S(478, 2) = "TUNNEL"
S(478, 3) = "TUNL"
S(479, 1) = "TUNNEL"
S(479, 2) = "TUNNELS"
S(479, 3) = "TUNL"
S(480, 1) = "TUNNEL"
S(480, 2) = "TUNNL"
S(480, 3) = "TUNL"
S(481, 1) = "TURNPIKE"
S(481, 2) = "TPK"
S(481, 3) = "TPKE"
S(482, 1) = "TURNPIKE"
S(482, 2) = "TPKE"
S(482, 3) = "TPKE"
S(483, 1) = "TURNPIKE"
S(483, 2) = "TRNPK"
S(483, 3) = "TPKE"
S(484, 1) = "TURNPIKE"
S(484, 2) = "TRPK"
S(484, 3) = "TPKE"
S(485, 1) = "TURNPIKE"
S(485, 2) = "TURNPIKE"
S(485, 3) = "TPKE"
S(486, 1) = "TURNPIKE"
S(486, 2) = "TURNPK"
S(486, 3) = "TPKE"
S(487, 1) = "UNDERPASS"
S(487, 2) = "UNDERPASS"
S(487, 3) = "UPAS"
S(488, 1) = "UNION"
S(488, 2) = "UN"
S(488, 3) = "UN"
S(489, 1) = "UNION"
S(489, 2) = "UNION"
S(489, 3) = "UN"
S(490, 1) = "UNIONS"
S(490, 2) = "UNIONS"
S(490, 3) = "UNS"
S(491, 1) = "VALLEY"
S(491, 2) = "VALLEY"
S(491, 3) = "VLY"
S(492, 1) = "VALLEY"
S(492, 2) = "VALLY"
S(492, 3) = "VLY"
S(493, 1) = "VALLEY"
S(493, 2) = "VLLY"
S(493, 3) = "VLY"
S(494, 1) = "VALLEY"
S(494, 2) = "VLY"
S(494, 3) = "VLY"
S(495, 1) = "VALLEYS"
S(495, 2) = "VALLEYS"
S(495, 3) = "VLYS"
S(496, 1) = "VALLEYS"
S(496, 2) = "VLYS"
S(496, 3) = "VLYS"
S(497, 1) = "VIADUCT"
S(497, 2) = "VDCT"
S(497, 3) = "VIA"
S(498, 1) = "VIADUCT"
S(498, 2) = "VIA"
S(498, 3) = "VIA"
S(499, 1) = "VIADUCT"
S(499, 2) = "VIADCT"
S(499, 3) = "VIA"
S(500, 1) = "VIADUCT"
S(500, 2) = "VIADUCT"
S(500, 3) = "VIA"
S(501, 1) = "VIEW"
S(501, 2) = "VIEW"
S(501, 3) = "VW"
S(502, 1) = "VIEW"
S(502, 2) = "VW"
S(502, 3) = "VW"
S(503, 1) = "VIEWS"
S(503, 2) = "VIEWS"
S(503, 3) = "VWS"
S(504, 1) = "VIEWS"
S(504, 2) = "VWS"
S(504, 3) = "VWS"
S(505, 1) = "VILLAGE"
S(505, 2) = "VILL"
S(505, 3) = "VLG"
S(506, 1) = "VILLAGE"
S(506, 2) = "VILLAG"
S(506, 3) = "VLG"
S(507, 1) = "VILLAGE"
S(507, 2) = "VILLAGE"
S(507, 3) = "VLG"
S(508, 1) = "VILLAGE"
S(508, 2) = "VILLG"
S(508, 3) = "VLG"
S(509, 1) = "VILLAGE"
S(509, 2) = "VILLIAGE"
S(509, 3) = "VLG"
S(510, 1) = "VILLAGE"
S(510, 2) = "VLG"
S(510, 3) = "VLG"
S(511, 1) = "VILLAGES"
S(511, 2) = "VILLAGES"
S(511, 3) = "VLGS"
S(512, 1) = "VILLAGES"
S(512, 2) = "VLGS"
S(512, 3) = "VLGS"
S(513, 1) = "VILLE"
S(513, 2) = "VILLE"
S(513, 3) = "VL"
S(514, 1) = "VILLE"
S(514, 2) = "VL"
S(514, 3) = "VL"
S(515, 1) = "VISTA"
S(515, 2) = "VIS"
S(515, 3) = "VIS"
S(516, 1) = "VISTA"
S(516, 2) = "VIST"
S(516, 3) = "VIS"
S(517, 1) = "VISTA"
S(517, 2) = "VISTA"
S(517, 3) = "VIS"
S(518, 1) = "VISTA"
S(518, 2) = "VST"
S(518, 3) = "VIS"
S(519, 1) = "VISTA"
S(519, 2) = "VSTA"
S(519, 3) = "VIS"
S(520, 1) = "WALK"
S(520, 2) = "WALK"
S(520, 3) = "WALK"
S(521, 1) = "WALKS"
S(521, 2) = "WALKS"
S(521, 3) = "WALK"
S(522, 1) = "WALL"
S(522, 2) = "WALL"
S(522, 3) = "WALL"
S(523, 1) = "WAY"
S(523, 2) = "WAY"
S(523, 3) = "WAY"
S(524, 1) = "WAY"
S(524, 2) = "WY"
S(524, 3) = "WAY"
S(525, 1) = "WAYS"
S(525, 2) = "WAYS"
S(525, 3) = "WAYS"
S(526, 1) = "WELL"
S(526, 2) = "WELL"
S(526, 3) = "WL"
S(527, 1) = "WELLS"
S(527, 2) = "WELLS"
S(527, 3) = "WLS"
S(528, 1) = "WELLS"
S(528, 2) = "WLS"
S(528, 3) = "WLS"

streetArray = S

End Function
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