Please please please help me.
This code works fab however it takes ages to run.
Can you please advise how i can speed this up. Please
I have 60 sheets in my workbook
This code works fab however it takes ages to run.
Can you please advise how i can speed this up. Please
I have 60 sheets in my workbook
Private Sub CMD1_Click()
Dim LastWsRow As Long
Dim Matchdate As Range
Dim Rng As Range
Dim Matchnum As Long
LastWsRow = Sheets("MET015").Cells(Rows.Count, "B").End(xlUp).Row
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Sheets("DAILY REPORT").Range("C5:AI9,D29:W33,D65:AC69").ClearContents
Set Rng = Sheets("MET015").Range("B6:B" & LastWsRow)
Set Matchdate = Rng.Find(UserForm1.MonthView1.Value)
If Matchdate Is Nothing Then
MsgBox "Enter date between " & Sheets("MET015").Cells(6, "B") & " - " & Sheets("MET015").Cells(LastWsRow, "B"), , "ALERT"
Exit Sub
End If
Matchnum = Matchdate.Row
With Sheets("DAILY REPORT")
.Range("D3").Value = UserForm1.CMB1.Value
If UserForm1.CMB1.Value = "ALL" Then
For r = 1 To 5
.Cells(r + 4, 3) = .Cells(r + 4, 3) + Sheets("MET015").Cells(r + Matchnum - 1, 2)
Next r
For Each ws In Worksheets '...Loop through all sheets
If ws.Name <> "DAILY SUMMARY" And _
ws.Name <> "DAILY REPORT" And _
ws.Name <> "HIGH VOLUME AQ'S" And _
ws.Name <> "ZERO CONS CHART" And _
ws.Name <> "HIGH VOLUME AQ'S CHART" And _
ws.Name <> "CONTACT CHART" And _
ws.Name <> "BILLING CHART" And _
ws.Name <> "METER READING CHART" And _
ws.Name <> "LOOKUP CHART" And _
ws.Name <> "RAW DATA" And _
ws.Name <> "INDEX SHEET" Then
For r = 1 To 5
For C = 1 To 32
.Cells(r + 4, C + 3) = .Cells(r + 4, C + 3) + ws.Cells(r + Matchnum - 1, C + 2)
Next C
Next r
For r = 1 To 5
For C = 1 To 20
.Cells(r + 28, C + 3) = .Cells(r + 28, C + 3) + ws.Cells(r + Matchnum - 1, C + 39)
Next C
Next r
For r = 1 To 5
For C = 1 To 26
.Cells(r + 64, C + 3) = .Cells(r + 64, C + 3) + ws.Cells(r + Matchnum - 1, C + 64)
Next C
Next r
End If
Next ws
For r = 1 To 5
For C = 1 To 33
.Cells(r + 4, C + 2) = .Cells(r + 4, C + 2) + Sheets(UserForm1.CMB1.Value).Cells(r + Matchnum - 1, C + 1)
Next C
Next r
For r = 1 To 5
For C = 1 To 20
.Cells(r + 28, C + 3) = .Cells(r + 28, C + 3) + Sheets(UserForm1.CMB1.Value).Cells(r + Matchnum - 1, C + 39)
Next C
Next r
For r = 1 To 5
For C = 1 To 26
.Cells(r + 64, C + 3) = .Cells(r + 64, C + 3) + Sheets(UserForm1.CMB1.Value).Cells(r + Matchnum - 1, C + 64)
Next C
Next r
End If
With .Range("E5:E10,G5:G10,I5:I10,K5:K10,M5:M10,O5:O10,Q5:Q10,S5:S10,U5:U10,W5:W10,Y5:Y10,AA5:AA10,AC5:AC10,AE5:AE10,AG5:AG10,AI5:AI10,AM5:AM10")
.NumberFormat = "$#,##0.00"
End With
With .Range("E29:E34,G29:G34,I29:I34,K29:K34,M29:M34,O29:O34,Q29:Q34,S29:S34,U29:U34,W29:W34,AA29:AA34")
.NumberFormat = "$#,##0.00"
End With
With .Range("E65:E70,G65:G70,I65:I70,K65:K70,M65:M70,O65:O70,Q65:Q70,S65:S70,U65:U70,W65:W70,Y65:Y70,AA65:AA70,AC65:AC70")
.NumberFormat = "$#,##0.00"
End With
With .Range("D:AM")
End With
End With
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Application.Calculation = xlAutomatic
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
End Sub