Hello all,
I've been trying to change a pre-existing excel file to make it work with different source data. It is a timesheet master file that gathers data from a set of separate excel sheets which are each individual timesheet, and builds a report based on that information.
I changed the list of employees and their names, I changed the list of clients names and I changed the location of the source files on the macro to the location where my new files now are. Unfortunately I am not an expert in Excel or VBA and I am missing something on the code that prevents the macro to run completely. It gives me the following error: "The source file or source range is invalid!". This message is in fact set up by the module code itself. Would any of you be so kind to have a look and see where the error could be?
Thank you in advance for any help you might provide.
I am pasting the code of the module below, where I think the error might be, but in fact this project is working with 4 different files at the same time and I can attach them all if necessary.
Thanks, again.
I've been trying to change a pre-existing excel file to make it work with different source data. It is a timesheet master file that gathers data from a set of separate excel sheets which are each individual timesheet, and builds a report based on that information.
I changed the list of employees and their names, I changed the list of clients names and I changed the location of the source files on the macro to the location where my new files now are. Unfortunately I am not an expert in Excel or VBA and I am missing something on the code that prevents the macro to run completely. It gives me the following error: "The source file or source range is invalid!". This message is in fact set up by the module code itself. Would any of you be so kind to have a look and see where the error could be?
Thank you in advance for any help you might provide.
I am pasting the code of the module below, where I think the error might be, but in fact this project is working with 4 different files at the same time and I can attach them all if necessary.
Thanks, again.
Function CountUniqueValues(InputRange As Range) As Long
Dim cl As Range, UniqueValues As New Collection
On Error Resume Next ' ignore any errors
For Each cl In InputRange
UniqueValues.Add cl.Value, CStr(cl.Value) ' add the unique item
Next cl
On Error GoTo 0
CountUniqueValues = UniqueValues.Count
End Function
Sub GetDataFromClosedWorkbook(SourceFile As String, SourceRange As String, _
TargetRange As Range, IncludeFieldNames As Boolean)
' requires a reference to the Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects library
' if SourceRange is a range reference:
' this will return data from the first worksheet in SourceFile
' if SourceRange is a defined name reference:
' this will return data from any worksheet in SourceFile
' SourceRange must include the range headers
Dim dbConnection As ADODB.Connection, rs As ADODB.Recordset
Dim dbConnectionString As String
Dim TargetCell As Range, i As Integer
dbConnectionString = "DRIVER={Microsoft Excel Driver (*.xls)};" & _
"ReadOnly=1;DBQ=" & SourceFile
Set dbConnection = New ADODB.Connection
On Error GoTo InvalidInput
dbConnection.Open dbConnectionString ' open the database connection
Set rs = dbConnection.Execute("[" & SourceRange & "]")
Set TargetCell = TargetRange.Cells(1, 1)
If IncludeFieldNames Then
For i = 0 To rs.Fields.Count - 1
TargetCell.Offset(0, i).Formula = rs.Fields(i).Name
Next i
Set TargetCell = TargetCell.Offset(1, 0)
End If
TargetCell.CopyFromRecordset rs
dbConnection.Close ' close the database connection
Set TargetCell = Nothing
Set rs = Nothing
Set dbConnection = Nothing
On Error GoTo 0
Exit Sub
MsgBox "The source file or source range is invalid!", _
vbExclamation, "Get data from closed workbook"
End Sub
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