Hi all,
Took me a little while to figure this out, so I thought I'd share the solution.
Tangerine Bank exports transactions in CSV format, and the dates they include don't match the month/day order my computer is set for. This meant that none of the date information was correct; half auto-corrected to date format with mixed up months/days and the other half just remained a m/dd/yyyy format.
To resolve the issue, create a second column next to the erronious date column and paste this formula.
Adjust the references so they are all on the same line, then copy it all the way down.
Cheers =]
Took me a little while to figure this out, so I thought I'd share the solution.
Tangerine Bank exports transactions in CSV format, and the dates they include don't match the month/day order my computer is set for. This meant that none of the date information was correct; half auto-corrected to date format with mixed up months/days and the other half just remained a m/dd/yyyy format.
To resolve the issue, create a second column next to the erronious date column and paste this formula.
Adjust the references so they are all on the same line, then copy it all the way down.
Excel Formula:
=IF(ISNUMBER(A2),DATE(YEAR(A2),DAY(A2),MONTH(A2)),DATE(2022,LEFT(A2,(FIND("/",A2,1)-1)), SUBSTITUTE(MID(SUBSTITUTE("/" & A2&REPT(" ",6),"/",REPT(",",255)),2*255,255),",","")))
Cheers =]