I've about 30-50 thousand row of data from a database. To fetch these data it takes about 3 seconds.
But I've to "filter" these results and it takes about 12 minutes... I don't think that this has to take that much time, if you have any suggestion please help.
The columns are:
- task unique ID (not the database unique ID only the tasks)
- employee ID
- current state
- other ID (depending on state)
others are irrelevant.
What I've to do is that if a task unique ID is on the list more than 2 times, then I've have to check if the current state is "2".
If it is then I've to check if the other ID is on the list of 38 ID-s. And if all that is true then I've to list these occurences.
What I do at the moment:
I've an array for the unique ID-s.
I start from the first row and start checking how many times the task occured (application.worksheetfunction.countif). If its less then 3 then I go to the next row (if its 2 then 2 rows below).
If there is at least 3, then I put all the occurences data in a 2D array. (that could be unnecessary, dunno)
After that I check every item in the array if the other ID is in the ID array list (UBound(filter)) .
If there is a hit, then i'll write the data on the sheet I've to.
(screenupdating and calculation is off)
Thank you,
I've about 30-50 thousand row of data from a database. To fetch these data it takes about 3 seconds.
But I've to "filter" these results and it takes about 12 minutes... I don't think that this has to take that much time, if you have any suggestion please help.
The columns are:
- task unique ID (not the database unique ID only the tasks)
- employee ID
- current state
- other ID (depending on state)
others are irrelevant.
What I've to do is that if a task unique ID is on the list more than 2 times, then I've have to check if the current state is "2".
If it is then I've to check if the other ID is on the list of 38 ID-s. And if all that is true then I've to list these occurences.
What I do at the moment:
I've an array for the unique ID-s.
I start from the first row and start checking how many times the task occured (application.worksheetfunction.countif). If its less then 3 then I go to the next row (if its 2 then 2 rows below).
If there is at least 3, then I put all the occurences data in a 2D array. (that could be unnecessary, dunno)
After that I check every item in the array if the other ID is in the ID array list (UBound(filter)) .
If there is a hit, then i'll write the data on the sheet I've to.
(screenupdating and calculation is off)
'... declaring variable and stuff
For i = 2 To LastRow
'Aktual rows unique ID
CurCID = HDRes.Cells(i, 2).Value
'The countid
CIDdb = Application.WorksheetFunction.CountIf(HDRes.Range("B:B"), CurCID)
If CIDdb < 3 Then GoTo nextRW
'populating the array
ReDim CIDArray(1 To CIDdb, 1 To 4)
For cid = 1 To CIDdb
CIDArray(cid, 1) = HDRes.Cells(i + (cid - 1), 3) 'employee ID
CIDArray(cid, 2) = HDRes.Cells(i + (cid - 1), 4) 'state
CIDArray(cid, 3) = HDRes.Cells(i + (cid - 1), 6) 'other ID
CIDArray(cid, 4) = HDRes.Cells(i + (cid - 1), 7) 'Date+time
Next cid
'the first and last state doesn't count so from the 2nd to the last one -1
For ID = 2 To CIDdb - 1
If CIDArray(ID, 2) = 2 Then
'checking if the othre ID is in the array list
If UBound(Filter(HDArray, CIDArray(ID, 3))) >= 0 And CIDArray(ID, 1) < 34000 Then
'finding the employees data
Set EIDPos = TBD.Range("C:C").Find(What:=CIDArray(ID, 1), LookIn:=xlFormulas, _
LookAt:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlNext, _
MatchCase:=False, SearchFormat:=False)
'finding the first empty row in the result page
Set LastRow2 = HDSh.Range("A:A").Find(What:="", LookIn:=xlFormulas, _
LookAt:=xlWhole, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlNext, _
MatchCase:=False, SearchFormat:=False)
HDSh.Cells(LastRow2.Row, 1).Value = Format(CDate(CIDArray(ID, 4)), "YYYY.MM.DD")
HDSh.Cells(LastRow2.Row, 2).Value = Format(CDate(CIDArray(ID, 4)), "HH:MM:SS")
HDSh.Cells(LastRow2.Row, 3).Value = TBD.Cells(EIDPos.Row, 2).Value
HDSh.Cells(LastRow2.Row, 4).Value = TBD.Cells(EIDPos.Row, 1).Value
HDSh.Cells(LastRow2.Row, 5).Value = TBD.Cells(EIDPos.Row, 3).Value
HDSh.Cells(LastRow2.Row, 6).Value = TBD.Cells(EIDPos.Row, 4).Value
HDSh.Cells(LastRow2.Row, 7).Value = HDSh.Cells(LastRow2.Row, 1).Value & _
Format(HDSh.Cells(LastRow2.Row, 2).Value, "HH:MM:SS") & HDSh.Cells(LastRow2.Row, 6).Value
HDSh.Cells(LastRow2.Row, 8).Value = CIDArray(ID, 3)
End If
GoTo nextID
End If
Next ID
i = i + (CIDdb - 1)
next i
Thank you,