Legacy 320862
If a job is logged at 13/03/2015 16:00:00 (a Friday), and is priority 1, then the job must be completed within 24 working hours.
If a job is logged at 13/03/2015 16:00:00 (a Friday), and is priority 2, then the job must be completed within 48 working hours.
(there are 5 priority levels)
I currently have the 'deadline' cell populated with this formula to work out, based on priority, how much time to add on to create the deadline, however, how would I exclude non working hours? :
=IF($D11=1, $C11+$K$8, IF($D11=2, C11+$K$7, IF($D11=3, C11+$K$6, IF($D11=4, C11+$K$5, IF($D11=5, C11+$K$4, " ")))))
D11 is the priority of the task (1,2,3,4 or 5)
K8 - K4 are the different times allowed to complete the task.
C11 is the time the job is logged.
I can send a spread sheet if this helps to explain?
Thank you so much for your help!
If a job is logged at 13/03/2015 16:00:00 (a Friday), and is priority 1, then the job must be completed within 24 working hours.
If a job is logged at 13/03/2015 16:00:00 (a Friday), and is priority 2, then the job must be completed within 48 working hours.
(there are 5 priority levels)
I currently have the 'deadline' cell populated with this formula to work out, based on priority, how much time to add on to create the deadline, however, how would I exclude non working hours? :
=IF($D11=1, $C11+$K$8, IF($D11=2, C11+$K$7, IF($D11=3, C11+$K$6, IF($D11=4, C11+$K$5, IF($D11=5, C11+$K$4, " ")))))
D11 is the priority of the task (1,2,3,4 or 5)
K8 - K4 are the different times allowed to complete the task.
C11 is the time the job is logged.
I can send a spread sheet if this helps to explain?
Thank you so much for your help!