Simplifying code to move frames and populate controls


Board Regular
May 13, 2020
Office Version
  1. 365
  1. Windows
I have the following code in a cmdUpdate_Click event.

Is there any way to simplify the code. I suspect there is.

VBA Code:
    With Me
'   NNN.
        If .opt4Yes.Value = False And .opt6Yes.Value = False And .opt8Yes.Value = False Then
            .Fra4.Height = 38
            .Fra6.Top = 44
            .Fra6.Height = 38
            .Fra8.Top = 82
            .Fra8.Height = 38

'   YYY.
        ElseIf .opt4Yes.Value = True And .opt6Yes.Value = True And .opt8Yes.Value = True Then
            .Fra4.Height = 174
            .Fra6.Top = 180
            .Fra6.Height = 174
            .Fra8.Top = 354
            .Fra8.Height = 216
'   YYN.
        ElseIf .opt4Yes.Value = True And .opt6Yes.Value = True And .opt8Yes.Value = False Then
            .Fra4.Height = 174
            .Fra6.Top = 180
            .Fra6.Height = 174
            .Fra8.Top = 354
            .Fra8.Height = 38
'   NYY.
        ElseIf .opt4Yes.Value = False And .opt6Yes.Value = True And .opt8Yes.Value = True Then
            .Fra4.Height = 38
            .Fra6.Top = 44
            .Fra6.Height = 174
            .Fra8.Top = 218
            .Fra8.Height = 216
'   YNY.
        ElseIf .opt4Yes.Value = True And .opt6Yes.Value = False And .opt8Yes.Value = True Then
            .Fra4.Height = 174
            .Fra6.Top = 180
            .Fra6.Height = 38
            .Fra8.Top = 218
            .Fra8.Height = 216
'   NYN.
        ElseIf .opt4Yes.Value = False And .opt6Yes.Value = True And .opt8Yes.Value = False Then
            .Fra4.Height = 38
            .Fra6.Top = 44
            .Fra6.Height = 174
            .Fra8.Top = 218
            .Fra8.Height = 38
'   YNN.
        ElseIf .opt4Yes.Value = True And .opt6Yes.Value = False And .opt8Yes.Value = False Then
            .Fra4.Height = 174
            .Fra6.Top = 180
            .Fra6.Height = 38
            .Fra8.Top = 218
            .Fra8.Height = 38
'   NNY.
        ElseIf .opt4Yes.Value = False And .opt6Yes.Value = False And .opt8Yes.Value = True Then
            .Fra4.Height = 38
            .Fra6.Top = 44
            .Fra6.Height = 38
            .Fra8.Top = 82
            .Fra8.Height = 216
        End If
        If .opt4No.Value = True Then
            .txt12.Value = "NA"
            .txt13.Value = "NA"
            .txt14.Value = "NA"
            .txt12.Value = vbNullString
            .txt13.Value = vbNullString
            .txt14.Value = vbNullString
        End If

        If .opt6No.Value = True Then
            .txt18.Value = "NA"
            .txt19.Value = "NA"
            .txt20.Value = "NA"
            .txt18.Value = vbNullString
            .txt19.Value = vbNullString
            .txt20.Value = vbNullString
        End If

        If .opt8No.Value = True Then
            .cbo5.Value = "NA"
            .txt24.Value = "NA"
            .txt25.Value = "NA"
            .txt26.Value = "NA"
            .cbo5.Value = vbNullString
            .txt24.Value = vbNullString
            .txt25.Value = vbNullString
            .txt26.Value = vbNullString
        End If
    End With

End Sub
VBA Code:
'   NNN.
  If opt4Yes.Value = False And opt6Yes.Value = False And opt8Yes.Value = False Then
    call change_frames(38,44,38,82,38)
'   YYY.
  ElseIf opt4Yes.Value = True And opt6Yes.Value = True And opt8Yes.Value = True Then
    call change_frames(174,180,174,354,216)
'   YYN.
  ElseIf opt4Yes.Value = True And opt6Yes.Value = True And opt8Yes.Value = False Then
    call change_frames(174,180,174,354,38)
'   NYY.
  ElseIf opt4Yes.Value = False And opt6Yes.Value = True And opt8Yes.Value = True Then
    call change_frames(38,44,174,218,216)
'   YNY.
  ElseIf opt4Yes.Value = True And opt6Yes.Value = False And opt8Yes.Value = True Then
    call change_frames(174,180,38,218,216)
'   NYN.
  ElseIf opt4Yes.Value = False And opt6Yes.Value = True And opt8Yes.Value = False Then
    call change_frames(38,44,174,218,38)
'   YNN.
  ElseIf opt4Yes.Value = True And opt6Yes.Value = False And opt8Yes.Value = False Then
    call change_frames(174,180,38,218,38)
'   NNY.
  ElseIf opt4Yes.Value = False And opt6Yes.Value = False And opt8Yes.Value = True Then
    call change_frames(38,44,38,82,216)
  End If

  If opt4No.Value = True Then call opt4_text("NA") Else call opt4_text(vbNullString)
  If opt6No.Value = True Then call opt6_text("NA") Else call opt6_text(vbNullString)
  If opt8No.Value = True Then call opt8_text("NA") Else call opt8_text(vbNullString)
End Sub

Private Sub change_frames(e1,e2,e3,e4,e5)
  Fra4.Height = e1
  Fra6.Top = e2
  Fra6.Height = e3
  Fra8.Top = e4
  Fra8.Height = e5
end sub
Private Sub opt4_text(e1)
  txt12.Value = e1
  txt13.Value = e1
  txt14.Value = e1
End Sub
Private Sub opt6_text(e1)
  txt18.Value = e1
  txt19.Value = e1
  txt20.Value = e1
End Sub
Private Sub opt8_text(e1)
  cbo5.Value = e1
  txt24.Value = e1
  txt25.Value = e1
  txt26.Value = e1
End Sub
Upvote 0
There is a way to simplify the code. This code has been reduced from 116 lines to 64 lines.
VBA Code:
    With Me
        If .opt4Yes.Value = False Then
            .Fra4.Height = 38
            .Fra6.Top = 44
            .Fra4.Height = 174
            .Fra6.Top = 180
        End If
        If .opt8Yes.Value = False Then
            .Fra8.Height = 38
            .Fra8.Height = 216
        End If
        If .opt6Yes.Value = False Then
            .Fra6.Height = 38
            .Fra6.Height = 174
        End If

        If .opt4Yes.Value = False And .opt6Yes.Value = False Then
            .Fra8.Top = 82
        ElseIf .opt4Yes.Value = True And .opt6Yes.Value = True Then
            .Fra8.Top = 354
            .Fra8.Top = 218
        End If
        If .opt4No.Value = True Then
            .txt12.Value = "NA"
            .txt13.Value = "NA"
            .txt14.Value = "NA"
            .txt12.Value = vbNullString
            .txt13.Value = vbNullString
            .txt14.Value = vbNullString
        End If

        If .opt6No.Value = True Then
            .txt18.Value = "NA"
            .txt19.Value = "NA"
            .txt20.Value = "NA"
            .txt18.Value = vbNullString
            .txt19.Value = vbNullString
            .txt20.Value = vbNullString
        End If

        If .opt8No.Value = True Then
            .cbo5.Value = "NA"
            .txt24.Value = "NA"
            .txt25.Value = "NA"
            .txt26.Value = "NA"
            .cbo5.Value = vbNullString
            .txt24.Value = vbNullString
            .txt25.Value = vbNullString
            .txt26.Value = vbNullString
        End If
    End With

End Sub
Upvote 0
untested but another possible way that removes most of the If statements - MAYBE!

VBA Code:
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
    Dim arr(1 To 3)     As Variant, arr2(1 To 3) As Variant
    Dim i               As Long
    For i = 1 To 3
        'load optionbutton selections
        arr(i) = Me.Controls("opt" & Choose(i, 4, 6, 8) & "Yes").Value
    Next i
    For i = 1 To 8
        'load permutations
        arr2(1) = Choose(i, False, True, True, False, True, False, True, False)
        arr2(2) = Choose(i, False, True, True, True, False, True, False, False)
        arr2(3) = Choose(i, False, True, False, True, True, False, False, True)
        'test for match
        If Join(arr, ",") = Join(arr2, ",") Then Exit For
    Next i
    'configure controls
    With Me
        .Fra4.Height = Choose(i, 38, 174, 174, 38, 174, 38, 174, 38)
        .Fra6.Top = Choose(i, 44, 180, 180, 44, 180, 44, 180, 44)
        .Fra6.Height = Choose(i, 38, 174, 174, 174, 174, 180, 174, 38, 38)
        .Fra8.Top = Choose(i, 82, 354, 354, 218, 218, 218, 218, 82)
        .Fra8.Height = Choose(i, 38, 216, 38, 216, 216, 38, 38, 216)
        .txt12.Value = IIf(arr(1) = True, "NA", vbNullString)
        .txt13.Value = IIf(arr(1) = True, "NA", vbNullString)
        .txt14.Value = IIf(arr(1) = True, "NA", vbNullString)
        .txt18.Value = IIf(arr(2) = True, "NA", vbNullString)
        .txt19.Value = IIf(arr(2) = True, "NA", vbNullString)
        .txt20.Value = IIf(arr(2) = True, "NA", vbNullString)
        .cbo5.Value = IIf(arr(3) = True, "NA", vbNullString)
        .txt24.Value = IIf(arr(3) = True, "NA", vbNullString)
        .txt25.Value = IIf(arr(3) = True, "NA", vbNullString)
        .txt26.Value = IIf(arr(3) = True, "NA", vbNullString)
    End With
End Sub

Upvote 0
One more approach:
VBA Code:
    Dim Ctrl As Control
    With Me
        Select Case OptionState(.opt4Yes, .opt6Yes, .opt8Yes)
            Case "YYY", "YYN", "YNY", "YNN"
                .fra4.Height = 174
            Case "NYY", "NYN", "NNY", "NNN"
                .fra4.Height = 38
            Case "YYY", "YYN", "NYY", "NYN"
                .fra6.Height = 174
            Case "YNY", "YNN", "NNY", "NNN"
                .fra6.Height = 38
            Case "YYY", "YYN", "YNY", "YNN"
                .fra6.Top = 180
            Case "NYY", "NYN", "NNY", "NNN"
                .fra6.Top = 44
            Case "YYY", "YNY", "NYY", "NNY"
                .fra8.Height = 216
            Case "YYN", "YNN", "NYN", "NNN"
                .fra8.Height = 38
            Case "YNY", "YNN", "NYY", "NYN"
                .fra8.Top = 218
            Case "YYY", "YYN"
                .fra8.Top = 354
            Case "NNY", "NNN"
                .fra8.Top = 82
        End Select
        For Each Ctrl In Me.Controls
            Select Case Ctrl.Name
                Case "txt12", "txt13", "txt14", "txt18", "txt19", "txt20", "txt24", "txt25", "txt26", "cbo5"
                    Ctrl.Value = vbNullString
            End Select
        Next Ctrl
        If .opt4No.Value = True Then
            .txt12.Value = "NA"
            .txt13.Value = "NA"
            .txt14.Value = "NA"
        End If
        If .opt6No.Value = True Then
            .txt18.Value = "NA"
            .txt19.Value = "NA"
            .txt20.Value = "NA"
        End If
        If .opt8No.Value = True Then
            .cbo5.Value = "NA"
            .txt24.Value = "NA"
            .txt25.Value = "NA"
            .txt26.Value = "NA"
        End If
    End With

VBA Code:
Function OptionState(Opt4 As Object, Opt6 As Object, Opt8 As Object) As String
    Dim OBin As String
    OBin = -CInt(Opt4.Value) & -CInt(Opt6.Value) & -CInt(Opt8.Value)
    OBin = Replace(Replace(OBin, "0", "N"), "1", "Y")
    OptionState = OBin
End Function
Upvote 0

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