I was asked by my boss who is a technofob, to create a spreadsheet that can track his team's percentage allocation. He comes from the KISS world so wants it simple. Something where people can say I'm John, here is a list of my projects, and for each month, here is how much time I am spending on each one. Then have it total at the end to whatever percentage all the project percentages add up to. Like most, 100% will probably always be the allocation assumption people will aim for. Anyway, Project Server doesn't work in our case, as for the most part the team are project and program managers to manage projects, but not resources and the PM's are the ones we are trying to track what they are working on. So it's not task and development work, more meetings and facilitation. Wants a basic tool to make sure his people are focusing the right amount of time on different projects. Before I tried to make something, wanted to see if anyone had any examples or ideas. Note he doesn't want people to track day to day stuff, just a list of projects, and then for each month for 2013 enter percentage times they think they will spend on each task. Obviously as some end they will be 0% ongoing. Then they can go back and update with actuals after that month or week or however we will ask them to break it out ends up. Thoughts?