This isnt vba but.
I need to change multiple .txt file names in a folder.
I have found information about renaming the files using Powershell but I do not what to rename the file. I want to add an "_Deviation" to it.
I go into powershell and can get this far.
PS C:\Users\Brandon> cd "C:\Users|Brandon|Desktop|Deviation"
PS C:\Users|Brandon|Desktop|Deviation> Dir | Rename\Item -NewName { $_.name -replace " ",:_" }
What is in bold does not help me though. that is just how you can add a _ to where a space was.
I think I need a something other than the "Rename" command or whatever you call it.
I just need to know how to change the part that is in bold so that it will just add a "_Deviation" to the end of the file name
so it looks like this:
instead of RA-0001.txt
thanks for any help.
This isnt vba but.
I need to change multiple .txt file names in a folder.
I have found information about renaming the files using Powershell but I do not what to rename the file. I want to add an "_Deviation" to it.
I go into powershell and can get this far.
PS C:\Users\Brandon> cd "C:\Users|Brandon|Desktop|Deviation"
PS C:\Users|Brandon|Desktop|Deviation> Dir | Rename\Item -NewName { $_.name -replace " ",:_" }
What is in bold does not help me though. that is just how you can add a _ to where a space was.
I think I need a something other than the "Rename" command or whatever you call it.
I just need to know how to change the part that is in bold so that it will just add a "_Deviation" to the end of the file name
so it looks like this:
instead of RA-0001.txt
thanks for any help.