Hi guys,
Hoping that you can help me with adding an outlook signature to the code. I have added it in the past using outlook to prompt (.display) method (from Rondebruin) which is the second part of the code however this method which was given to me by a consultant is different - it uses "[FONT=Verdana, Tahoma, Nimbus Sans L, sans-serif]ActiveWorkbook.EnvelopeVisible = True" which is new to me. It opens the email within excel and sends it off. I cannot for the life of me added the signature anywhere. And I noticed that there is no option to change .send to .display the email before it sends (as it prompts the mail security dialog box - which is annoying)
[/FONT]I am asking you guys as the consultant is off for a while..
Hoping that you can help me with adding an outlook signature to the code. I have added it in the past using outlook to prompt (.display) method (from Rondebruin) which is the second part of the code however this method which was given to me by a consultant is different - it uses "[FONT=Verdana, Tahoma, Nimbus Sans L, sans-serif]ActiveWorkbook.EnvelopeVisible = True" which is new to me. It opens the email within excel and sends it off. I cannot for the life of me added the signature anywhere. And I noticed that there is no option to change .send to .display the email before it sends (as it prompts the mail security dialog box - which is annoying)
[/FONT]I am asking you guys as the consultant is off for a while..
Rich (BB code):
Rich (BB code):
Rich (BB code):
' All variables must be defined explicitly, for speed and clarity.
Option Explicit
' All arrays start at 1, unless otherwise defined.
Option Base 1
' OPOs
Private Const icAccountIdCol As Integer = 2
Private Const icPurchIdCol As Integer = 4
Private Const icStatusCol As Integer = 6
Private Const icWarehouseCol As Integer = 7
Private Const icPlacerCol As Integer = 9
Private Const icApprover1Col As Integer = 10
Private Const icLimit1Col As Integer = 11
Private Const icApprover2Col As Integer = 12
Private Const icLimit2Col As Integer = 13
Private Const icAmountCol As Integer = 19
Private Const iOPOsFirstRow As Integer = 2
' Addresses
Private Const icEAPersonIdCol As Integer = 1
Private Const icEAAddressCol As Integer = 2
' Message
Private Const icEM1SubjectRow As Integer = 4
Private Const icEM1BodyRow As Integer = 8
Private Const icEM2SubjectRow As Integer = 18
Private Const icEM2BodyRow As Integer = 22
' Emails
Private Const icToCol As Integer = 1
Private Const icCCCol As Integer = 2
Private Const icSubjectCol As Integer = 3
Private Const icAttachCol As Integer = 4
Private Const icBodyCol As Integer = 5
Private Const icBlockingCol As Integer = 6
Private Const icEmailsFirstRow As Integer = 3
Private iOPOsRow As Integer
Private iEmailsRow As Integer
Private bAddressNotFound As Boolean
' = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Public Sub btnGenerate_Click()
Dim sPathSep As String, sFolder As String, sAttach As String, iAttachRow As Integer
Dim iOPOsLastRow As Integer, iEmailsLastRow As Integer, bOrder As Boolean, sCCPersonId As String
Dim sPurchId As String, sPrevPurchId As String, sStatus As String, dAmount As Double
Dim vSortCols As Variant, iToPass As Integer, sPersonId As String, sPrevPersonId As String
Dim bCopy As Boolean, bCount As Boolean, iSubjectRow As Integer, iBodyRow As Integer
Application.EnableEvents = False
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
bAddressNotFound = False
With Sheet6
iEmailsRow = .Cells(65536, icBodyCol).End(xlUp).Row
If iEmailsRow >= icEmailsFirstRow Then
.Range(.Rows(icEmailsFirstRow), .Rows(iEmailsRow)).Delete
End If
iEmailsRow = icEmailsFirstRow - 1
End With
With Sheet7
iAttachRow = .Cells(65536, 1).End(xlUp).Row
If iAttachRow > 1 Then
.Range(.Rows(2), .Rows(iAttachRow)).ClearContents
End If
End With
sPathSep = Application.PathSeparator
sFolder = ThisWorkbook.Path & sPathSep & "Attachments"
' previous attachments delete
' If sPathSep = "\" Then
On Error Resume Next ' for doesn't exist
sAttach = Dir(sFolder & sPathSep)
On Error GoTo 0
Do While sAttach > ""
Kill sFolder & sPathSep & sAttach
sAttach = Dir
On Error Resume Next ' for already exists
MkDir sFolder
On Error GoTo 0
' End If
sFolder = sFolder & sPathSep
Sheet7.Visible = True
With Sheet3.ListObjects(1).Range
iOPOsLastRow = .Rows(.Rows.Count).Row + 1
vSortCols = Array(icPlacerCol, icApprover1Col, icApprover2Col)
iAttachRow = 1
For iToPass = 1 To 3
.Sort Key1:=.Cells(iOPOsFirstRow, vSortCols(iToPass)) _
, Key2:=.Cells(iOPOsFirstRow, icPurchIdCol), Header:=xlYes
sPrevPersonId = ""
sPersonId = ""
For iOPOsRow = iOPOsFirstRow To iOPOsLastRow
sPurchId = .Cells(iOPOsRow, icPurchIdCol).Value
If sPurchId <> sPrevPurchId Then
sStatus = .Cells(iOPOsRow, icStatusCol).Value
bCopy = False
Select Case iToPass
Case Is = 1
Select Case sStatus
Case Is = "Initialize" _
, "Open Order"
sPersonId = .Cells(iOPOsRow, icPlacerCol).Value
If sPersonId <> sPrevPersonId Then
sAttach = "Placer_" & sPersonId
sCCPersonId = ""
iSubjectRow = icEM1SubjectRow
iBodyRow = icEM1BodyRow
bCount = True
bCopy = True
End If
Case Else
bCount = False
End Select
Case Is = 2
If sStatus = "Waiting for Approval" _
And dAmount <= .Cells(iOPOsRow, icLimit1Col).Value Then ' <=
sPersonId = .Cells(iOPOsRow, icApprover1Col).Value
If sPersonId <> sPrevPersonId Then
sAttach = "Approver1_" & sPersonId
sCCPersonId = .Cells(iOPOsRow, icPlacerCol).Value
iSubjectRow = icEM2SubjectRow
iBodyRow = icEM2BodyRow
bCount = True
bCopy = True
End If
bCount = False
End If
Case Is = 3
If sStatus = "Waiting for Approval" _
And dAmount > .Cells(iOPOsRow, icLimit1Col).Value Then ' >
sPersonId = .Cells(iOPOsRow, icApprover2Col).Value
If sPersonId <> sPrevPersonId Then
sAttach = "Approver2_" & sPersonId
sCCPersonId = .Cells(iOPOsRow, icPlacerCol).Value
iSubjectRow = icEM2SubjectRow
iBodyRow = icEM2BodyRow
bCount = True
bCopy = True
End If
bCount = False
End If
End Select
If dAmount > 0 Then
Sheet7.Cells(iAttachRow, 10).Value = dAmount
dAmount = 0
End If
If sPersonId <> sPrevPersonId _
Or sPurchId = "" Then ' sPurchId "" -> cleanup
If iAttachRow > 1 Then
'Sheet7.SaveAs sFolder & sAttach & ".xlsx"
Sheet7.Copy ' to new book
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs sFolder & sAttach & ".xlsx"
With Sheet7
.Range(.Rows(2), .Rows(iAttachRow)).ClearContents
End With
iAttachRow = 1
End If
If sPurchId = "" Then ' cleanup only
iEmailsRow = iEmailsRow + 1
l1Address sPersonId, icToCol
If sCCPersonId > "" Then
l1Address sCCPersonId, icCCCol
End If
Sheet6.Cells(iEmailsRow, icSubjectCol).Value _
= Sheet5.Cells(iSubjectRow, 1).Value
Sheet6.Cells(iEmailsRow, icAttachCol).Value = sAttach
With Sheet6.Cells(iEmailsRow, icBodyCol)
.Value = Sheet5.Cells(iBodyRow, 1).Value
.WrapText = False
End With
End If
sPrevPersonId = sPersonId
End If
If sPurchId = "" Then ' cleanup only
If bCopy Then
iAttachRow = iAttachRow + 1
Sheet7.Cells(iAttachRow, 1).Value _
= Sheet3.Cells(iOPOsRow, icAccountIdCol).Value
Sheet7.Cells(iAttachRow, 2).Value _
= Sheet3.Cells(iOPOsRow, icPurchIdCol).Value
Sheet7.Cells(iAttachRow, 3).Value _
= Sheet3.Cells(iOPOsRow, icStatusCol).Value
Sheet7.Cells(iAttachRow, 4).Value _
= Sheet3.Cells(iOPOsRow, icWarehouseCol).Value
Sheet7.Cells(iAttachRow, 5).Value _
= Sheet3.Cells(iOPOsRow, icPlacerCol).Value
Sheet7.Cells(iAttachRow, 6).Value _
= Sheet3.Cells(iOPOsRow, icApprover1Col).Value
Sheet7.Cells(iAttachRow, 7).Value _
= Sheet3.Cells(iOPOsRow, icLimit1Col).Value
Sheet7.Cells(iAttachRow, 8).Value _
= Sheet3.Cells(iOPOsRow, icApprover2Col).Value
Sheet7.Cells(iAttachRow, 9).Value _
= Sheet3.Cells(iOPOsRow, icLimit2Col).Value
Sheet7.Cells(iAttachRow, 10).Value = 0
bCopy = False
End If
End If
sPrevPurchId = sPurchId
End If
If bCount Then
dAmount = dAmount + .Cells(iOPOsRow, icAmountCol).Value
End If
End With
Sheet7.Visible = False
iEmailsLastRow = iEmailsRow
' Columns(icBodyCol).WrapText = False
Cells(icEmailsFirstRow, 1).Select
' sends
If bAddressNotFound Then
MsgBox "At least one person does not have an email address." _
& vbCr & vbCr & "Please add to the Email Addresses sheet, and re-Generate." _
, Title:="Emails Generator"
Range(Cells(icEmailsFirstRow, icBlockingCol), Cells(iEmailsLastRow, icBlockingCol)).Value _
= " "
Exit Sub
End If
For iEmailsRow = icEmailsFirstRow To iEmailsLastRow
If Cells(iEmailsRow, icToCol).Interior.Color = 12040422 _
Or Cells(iEmailsRow, icCCCol).Interior.Color = 12040422 Then ' red
GoTo Next_Email
End If
ActiveWorkbook.EnvelopeVisible = True
With ActiveSheet.MailEnvelope.Item
Range(Cells(iEmailsRow, icBodyCol), Cells(iEmailsRow, icBlockingCol)).Select ' Body =
.To = Cells(iEmailsRow, icToCol).Value
If Cells(iEmailsRow, icCCCol).Value > "" Then
.CC = Cells(iEmailsRow, icCCCol).Value
.CC = " "
End If
.Subject = Cells(iEmailsRow, icSubjectCol).Value
Do While .Attachments.Count > 0
.Attachments.Add sFolder & Cells(iEmailsRow, icAttachCol).Value & ".xlsx"
End With
ActiveWorkbook.EnvelopeVisible = False
Range(Cells(icEmailsFirstRow, icBlockingCol), Cells(iEmailsLastRow, icBlockingCol)).Value _
= " "
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Application.EnableEvents = True
End Sub
Private Sub l1Address(ByVal sPersonId As String, ByVal iAddressCol As Integer)
Dim oCell_Address As Range, bFound As Boolean
Set oCell_Address = Sheet4.Columns(icEAPersonIdCol).Find(sPersonId, LookAt:=xlWhole)
If oCell_Address Is Nothing Then
bFound = False
ElseIf oCell_Address.Address = "$A$1" Then ' for Within Workbook
bFound = False
bFound = True
End If
If bFound Then
Sheet6.Cells(iEmailsRow, iAddressCol).Value = oCell_Address.Offset(, 1).Value
With Sheet6.Cells(iEmailsRow, iAddressCol)
.Value = sPersonId
.Interior.Color = 12040422 ' red
End With
bAddressNotFound = True
End If
End Sub
Rich (BB code):
Rich (BB code):
Dim SigString As String
Dim Signature As String
MailTo = Worksheets("Email Dist.").Range("b2:b2") 'modify range of emails to send to:
CopyTo = Worksheets("Email Dist.").Range("b3:b3") 'modify range of emails to cc:
SubjectEmail = Worksheets("Email Dist.").Range("b4:b4") 'subject of email
EmailBody1 = Worksheets("Email Dist.").Range("b5:b5")
EmailBody2 = Worksheets("Email Dist.").Range("b6:b6")
EmailBody3 = Worksheets("Email Dist.").Range("b7:b7")
EmailBody4 = Worksheets("Email Dist.").Range("b8:b8")
EmailBody5 = Worksheets("Email Dist.").Range("b9:b9")
EmailBody0 = EmailBody1 & EmailBody2 & EmailBody3 & EmailBody4
EmailBody00 = EmailBody5
Set OutApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Set outMail = OutApp.CreateItem(0)
SigString = "Z:\Signature\MySignature.htm"
If Dir(SigString) <> "" Then
Signature = GetBoiler(SigString)
Signature = ""
End If
On Error Resume Next
With outMail
.To = MailTo
.CC = CopyTo
.BCC = ""
.Subject = SubjectEmail
.HTMLBody = EmailBody0 & _
"<A HREF=""file://" & ActiveWorkbook.FullName & _
""">Daily Report</A>" & "" & _
"" & EmailBody00 & Signature
.Display True 'or use .Send - using send prompts an authorization to send emails from excel, better to use display to see the email and send out. much faster as well
End With
On Error GoTo 0
Set outMail = Nothing
Set OutApp = Nothing
MsgBox "Email Sent"
End Sub
Function GetBoiler(ByVal sFile As String) As String
'**** Kusleika
Dim fso As Object
Dim ts As Object
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set ts = fso.GetFile(sFile).OpenAsTextStream(1, -2)
GetBoiler = ts.readall
End Function