As has already been pointed out to you, the limits for your summation are inconsistent.
Further, the function you used in your example can be simplified to 1/j! If you want to sum that from j=0 to j=10, you can do the following. This is a capability of an array formula that is not something many people leverage.
Use the array formula(*) =SUM(1/FACT(ROW(INDIRECT("1:11"))-1))
INDIRECT("1:11") creates a reference to the 1st 11 rows.
ROW() creates a vector 1,2,3,...11
-1 yields 0,1,2,...,10
FACT() yields 0!, 1!, 2!,..., 10!
Of course, the above relies on the fact that the factorial function in XL is array-aware. Not all functions are.
SUM(1/...) does the rest of the work.
Of course, one can also do the above the long way.
In A1 enter =FACT(ROW()-1). Copy all the way down to A11.
In C1 enter =1/A1. Copy all the way down to C11.
In D1 enter =SUM(C1:C11).
Since an array formula is much more of a "black box" approach, it is always a good idea to verify it. [Keep in mind that it is effectively like writing a piece of code and one would always test code. The same applies to an array formula.]
(*) An array formula is entered not with the ENTER key but with the combination SHIFT+CTRL+ENTER.
I'm trying to do a summation, but not the simple kind you may think of where it's an autosum. I'd like to do a math summation (sigma) where i=0 and it runs for n times.
Example: E from j=0 to n=10 ( n!/(j!*n!))
How do you sum that formula the 11 runs needed where it fills in n and j for you???
Any help would GREATLY be appreciated.