Dear Experts,
I am creating an excel tool that connects with an MS Access database stored in a remote location. Generally, it takes around 10 seconds ( sometimes faster depending on the internet speed) to run the query and get results back to the excel sheet. Currently, the form and the excel window freeze with a circle cursor which may falsely indicate that Excel is stuck or not responding.
Is there a way to show a form with a progress bar while the connection with MS Access is made and SQL query is being run? I do not want to show "please wait" message in the Excel status bar.
I want to show a progress bar when excel processes the following lines
I tried searching for answers, but all solutions catered to different scenarios. Any help will be much appreciated. Thank you.
I am creating an excel tool that connects with an MS Access database stored in a remote location. Generally, it takes around 10 seconds ( sometimes faster depending on the internet speed) to run the query and get results back to the excel sheet. Currently, the form and the excel window freeze with a circle cursor which may falsely indicate that Excel is stuck or not responding.
Is there a way to show a form with a progress bar while the connection with MS Access is made and SQL query is being run? I do not want to show "please wait" message in the Excel status bar.
I want to show a progress bar when excel processes the following lines
VBA Code:
con.Open "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source = " & db_location & "; Jet OLEDB:Database Password = 123456"
query = ....some SQL query..... query, con, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic
I tried searching for answers, but all solutions catered to different scenarios. Any help will be much appreciated. Thank you.