Question from someone in my office -I have no experience with Shared workbooks...
5 users (user 1 thru 5) open a shared workbook at the same time. Each user works on a different tab (Tab A thru E). User 1 finishes their changes on Tab A first so saves it. The auto-recalc before save calcs only his changes on Tab A and saves. Let’s say the process took 5 minutes to recalc Tab A. User 2 then finishes working on Tab B. When that user saves, the auto-recalc kicks in and re-calcs both Tab A and Tab B. If each Tab takes 5 minutes to recalc, that’s 10 minutes for that user. This continues until the last user takes 25 minutes to calculate the spreadsheet.
As far as I know, this is just the way Excel works when using shared workbooks so the only solutions are changes to the way they work (e.g., Don’t use shared workbooks, or have all users turn off auto-recalc before save and then just have the last user do a manual calc), but they aren’t happy with any of these answers. If you have any ideas on ways to improve the performance, can you please pass them along?
P.S. Someone mentioned an Excel Server version, but I’m not sure if that would improve shared workbook performance. Any thoughts?
5 users (user 1 thru 5) open a shared workbook at the same time. Each user works on a different tab (Tab A thru E). User 1 finishes their changes on Tab A first so saves it. The auto-recalc before save calcs only his changes on Tab A and saves. Let’s say the process took 5 minutes to recalc Tab A. User 2 then finishes working on Tab B. When that user saves, the auto-recalc kicks in and re-calcs both Tab A and Tab B. If each Tab takes 5 minutes to recalc, that’s 10 minutes for that user. This continues until the last user takes 25 minutes to calculate the spreadsheet.
As far as I know, this is just the way Excel works when using shared workbooks so the only solutions are changes to the way they work (e.g., Don’t use shared workbooks, or have all users turn off auto-recalc before save and then just have the last user do a manual calc), but they aren’t happy with any of these answers. If you have any ideas on ways to improve the performance, can you please pass them along?
P.S. Someone mentioned an Excel Server version, but I’m not sure if that would improve shared workbook performance. Any thoughts?