I have an assigment making a calculator with different steps
The first one "spenningskalkulator" is "standalone" and you only need one input to calculator the other 2, visa versa. That one is OK
The second one "Domenekalkulator" is also "standalone" and if you write in the box "grader" you cant write in the box "periode" and "frekvens" and is should pop up "NaN" (that one I havent figured out, getting NaN in"
The last one "Øyeblikksspenning" uses answers from "spenningskalkulator" and "domenekalkulator" to calculate the answers.
Ok the question. I have in the last button a formula that: Label17 = Round(vpeak.Text * Sin(WorksheetFunction.Pi * tbfrekvens * tbtidspunkt), 5) & " Volt"
The thing is that is doesnt add the number from the "tidspunkt"box.
Question 2; if you only write a number in "grader" (means angle) you can not use "periode" and "frekvens"box, and a different formula should be used: "Vpeak.text*sin(tbgrader.text)" but it doesnt know how to choose formulas and I only get a error.
here is the code (jeeezez this is a long post, parden my english)
I have an assigment making a calculator with different steps
The first one "spenningskalkulator" is "standalone" and you only need one input to calculator the other 2, visa versa. That one is OK
The second one "Domenekalkulator" is also "standalone" and if you write in the box "grader" you cant write in the box "periode" and "frekvens" and is should pop up "NaN" (that one I havent figured out, getting NaN in"
The last one "Øyeblikksspenning" uses answers from "spenningskalkulator" and "domenekalkulator" to calculate the answers.
Ok the question. I have in the last button a formula that: Label17 = Round(vpeak.Text * Sin(WorksheetFunction.Pi * tbfrekvens * tbtidspunkt), 5) & " Volt"
The thing is that is doesnt add the number from the "tidspunkt"box.
Question 2; if you only write a number in "grader" (means angle) you can not use "periode" and "frekvens"box, and a different formula should be used: "Vpeak.text*sin(tbgrader.text)" but it doesnt know how to choose formulas and I only get a error.
here is the code (jeeezez this is a long post, parden my english)
VBA Code:
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim V_peak, v_pp, v_rms As Double 'variabler som får tall'
Dim input_teller As Integer
Dim ctrl As Control
v_pp = 0
V_peak = 0
v_rms = 0
input_teller = 0 'inputtene blir 0 når du starter på nytt'
For Each ctrl In Me.Controls
If TypeName(ctrl) = "TextBox" Then 'sier at hvis du finner tekstbokser så gjør følgende'
If Not ctrl.Text = "" Then 'sier at hvis IKKE er tom så..'
Select Case ctrl.Name 'velg tekstboks med det navnet og sjekk om det står ett tall der'
Case "vpp"
If IsNumeric(ctrl.Object) Then v_pp = CDec(vpp.Text) Else MsgBox ("Du må skrive inn ett tall") 'er det tall der skal det skrives til tekstboksen og vpp feks får tallet'
input_teller = input_teller + 1
Case "vpeak"
If IsNumeric(ctrl.Object) Then V_peak = CDec(vpeak.Text) Else MsgBox ("Du må skrive inn ett tall")
input_teller = input_teller + 1
Case "vrms"
If IsNumeric(ctrl.Object) Then v_rms = CDec(vrms.Text) Else MsgBox ("Du må skrive inn ett tall")
input_teller = input_teller + 1
End Select
End If
End If
Select Case True 'hvis boksene har verdi gjør utregning'
Case v_pp = 0 And v_rms = 0
v_pp = V_peak * 2
v_rms = V_peak * 0.7
Case v_pp = 0 And V_peak = 0
v_pp = v_rms * 1 / Sqr(2)
V_peak = v_pp / 2
Case v_rms = 0 And V_peak = 0
v_rms = (v_pp / 2) * 1 / Sqr(2)
V_peak = v_pp / 2
End Select
vpp.Text = Round(v_pp, 2)
vpeak.Text = Round(V_peak, 2) 'skrive svar til tekstboksene og 2desimaler'
vrms.Text = Round(v_rms, 2)
End Sub
Private Sub CommandButton2_Click()
Dim periode, frekvens, grader As Double
Dim input_teller As Integer
Dim ctrl As Control
grader = 0
periode = 0
frekvens = 0
input_teller = 0 'inputtene blir 0 når du starter på nytt'
For Each ctrl In Me.Controls
If TypeName(ctrl) = "TextBox" Then 'sier at hvis du finner tekstbokser så gjør følgende'
If Not ctrl.Text = "" Then 'sier at hvis IKKE er tom så..'
Select Case ctrl.Name 'velg tekstboks med det navnet og sjekk om det står ett tall der'
'If Not tbgrader.Text = "" Then 'skal si at hvis grader ikke er tom så gå hopp over og gå til ferdig'
'GoTo ferdig
Case "tbperiode"
If IsNumeric(ctrl.Object) Then periode = CDec(tbperiode.Text) Else MsgBox ("Du må skrive inn ett tall") 'er det tall der skal det skrives til tekstboksen og vpp feks får tallet'
input_teller = input_teller + 1
Case "tbfrekvens"
If IsNumeric(ctrl.Object) Then frekvens = CDec(tbfrekvens.Text) Else MsgBox ("Du må skrive inn ett tall")
input_teller = input_teller + 1
Case "tbgrader"
If IsNumeric(ctrl.Object) Then grader = CDec(tbgrader.Text) Else MsgBox ("Du må skrive inn ett tall")
input_teller = input_teller + 1
GoTo ferdig
End Select
End If
End If
Select Case True 'hvis boksene har verdi gjør utregning'
Case frekvens = 0
frekvens = 1 / periode
'frekvens = NaN
Case periode = 0
periode = 1 / frekvens
'periode = NaN
Case grader = grader
' periode = NaN
' frekvens = NaN
End Select
tbperiode = Round(periode, 5)
tbfrekvens = Round(frekvens, 5)
tbgrader = Round(grader, 2)
End Sub
Private Sub CommandButton3_Click()
Dim tbfrekvens, tbperiode, V_peak, tbtidspunkt As Double
tbfrekvens = 0
tbperiode = 0
V_peak = 0
tbtidspunkt = 0
label16 = vpeak.Text & "V" & " * Sin(360 grader *" & tbfrekvens & "Hz * " & tbtidspunkt & "s) "
'label16 = vpeak.Text & "V" & " * Sin(tbgrader.text)"
Label17 = Round(vpeak.Text * Sin(WorksheetFunction.Pi * tbfrekvens * tbtidspunkt), 5) & " Volt"
'If Not tbtidspunkt.Text = "" Then
'label16 = Round(vpeak.Text * Sin(WorksheetFunction.Pi * tbfrekvens.Text * tbperiode.Text * tbtidspunkt.Text), 2) & " Volt"
'End If
End Sub
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