I need to set range for 2 certain column for many charts. I allways create chart from 1 column It is name and surname, and then next column ec. column (A1:A49 and B1:C49) next loop(A1:A49 and C1C:49) - I am leaving the column B. next(A1:A49 and D1:D49) -I am leaving the column C
I need to set range for 2 certain column for many charts. I allways create chart from 1 column It is name and surname, and then next column ec. column (A1:A49 and B1:C49) next loop(A1:A49 and C1C:49) - I am leaving the column B. next(A1:A49 and D1:D49) -I am leaving the column C
Thank You in advanceSub CreatingCharts()
Dim ch As Chart
Set ch = Charts.Add
With ch
.ChartType = xlColumnClustered
.SetSourceData Source:=Sheets("Sheet1").Range("A1:A49,C1:C49")
.Location Where:=xlLocationAsObject, Name:="Sheet2"
End With
With ActiveChart
.Parent.Top = Range("A1").Top
.Parent.Left = Range("A1").Left
.Parent.Height = Range("A1:G30").Height
.Parent.Width = Range("A1:G30").Width
End With
End Sub