Hi all,
I'm hoping that someone can assist me with this!
I have an Excel file located on my C drive C:\Users\Barry\Concessions\Concessionsregister.xlsm
There is an access database in the same location C:\Users\Barry\Concessions\ConcessionsDatabase.V1.accdb
I have a data connection in excel linking to the accessdatabase which is manually refreshed each day by clicking on Refresh All in theExcel Data ribbon to pull back any updates from the Access Database.
Is there a way that this can be done automatically with vbacode so that the following occurs:
Automatically open Excel file each day at 6am (or triggeroff a file refresh on the closed file at 6am each day)
Excel File is refreshed with the Refresh All function(refreshing the file takes approx. 10 20 seconds)
Excel file is saved (in the same file location) and closedafter the refresh.
I have been advised to use Windows Scheduler to do this, butnot sure how to proceed!
Any assistance on this would be greatly appreciated.
Many thanks,
I'm hoping that someone can assist me with this!
I have an Excel file located on my C drive C:\Users\Barry\Concessions\Concessionsregister.xlsm
There is an access database in the same location C:\Users\Barry\Concessions\ConcessionsDatabase.V1.accdb
I have a data connection in excel linking to the accessdatabase which is manually refreshed each day by clicking on Refresh All in theExcel Data ribbon to pull back any updates from the Access Database.
Is there a way that this can be done automatically with vbacode so that the following occurs:
Automatically open Excel file each day at 6am (or triggeroff a file refresh on the closed file at 6am each day)
Excel File is refreshed with the Refresh All function(refreshing the file takes approx. 10 20 seconds)
Excel file is saved (in the same file location) and closedafter the refresh.
I have been advised to use Windows Scheduler to do this, butnot sure how to proceed!
Any assistance on this would be greatly appreciated.
Many thanks,