I am looking for the object that will allow me to set the Flag for Recipients Reminder when executing my Vote Email. The heart of the send options currently set are listed below. I'd like to know if there are objects for the Flag For Me, Flag For Recipients, Flag To, Reminder Date and Reminder Time. Any help is appreciated!
With OutMail
.To = ToAddr
.CC = CCAddr
.BCC = ""
.Subject = "Staff Independence Declaration - " & ClientName
.Body = EBody
.votingoptions = "Yes, I am independent.; No, I am not independent."
End With
With OutMail
.To = ToAddr
.CC = CCAddr
.BCC = ""
.Subject = "Staff Independence Declaration - " & ClientName
.Body = EBody
.votingoptions = "Yes, I am independent.; No, I am not independent."
End With