Hello there!,
I´m trying to use VBA to select and manipulate one cell of the active row of the current table using Excel 2007 terminology, (in order to change its value), something like this:
Application.Range("PAYMENTS[[#This Row],[LASTNAME]]").Value = "Smith"
where the table is PAYMENTS and the field is LASTNAME,
However, this way will generate runtime errors and won´t seem to work...
The only way I´ve found to achieve it is to go there (to the cell) and then change the selection´s value, like this, (which looks inefficient and time consuming to me):
Application.Goto Reference:="PAYMENTS[[#This Row],[LASTNAME]]"
Selection.Value = "Smith"
Do you know how to achive that manipulation with more efficient VBA instructions?
Thank you very much in advance for your help!
I´m trying to use VBA to select and manipulate one cell of the active row of the current table using Excel 2007 terminology, (in order to change its value), something like this:
Application.Range("PAYMENTS[[#This Row],[LASTNAME]]").Value = "Smith"
where the table is PAYMENTS and the field is LASTNAME,
However, this way will generate runtime errors and won´t seem to work...
The only way I´ve found to achieve it is to go there (to the cell) and then change the selection´s value, like this, (which looks inefficient and time consuming to me):
Application.Goto Reference:="PAYMENTS[[#This Row],[LASTNAME]]"
Selection.Value = "Smith"
Do you know how to achive that manipulation with more efficient VBA instructions?
Thank you very much in advance for your help!