Hi All,
Would someone be able to help me out with an access database? I have 3 tables and 3 forms based on them what I need to get is anything what let me select few records (use option button) in STORAGE form and then all selected move to MAIN form.<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com
ffice" /><o
> </o
I don’t know a lot about Ms Access, but wish to get that done so thanks a lot for any help.<o
> </o
Thanks in advance,<o
Would someone be able to help me out with an access database? I have 3 tables and 3 forms based on them what I need to get is anything what let me select few records (use option button) in STORAGE form and then all selected move to MAIN form.<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com


I don’t know a lot about Ms Access, but wish to get that done so thanks a lot for any help.<o


Thanks in advance,<o