I am trying to search two different columns that contain text, and flag another column in the same row if one the keywords I am looking for is contained within the text of either of the two columns. If the text does contain a keyword, I want it to mark a column with an “X”, and if not, I want it to mark with “-“.
I need search for several different keywords. For example I might be interested in flagging derivations of the word “cycle”, so one of the indexes in my keyword array would be set to = “cycl” in order to be able to flag several words such as cycle, motorcycle, cycling, etc. The text columns contain several words, not just a single word.
I cannot seem to get the array to work properly. Each time I run the code, I only get cells marked “-“when many of them should be marked with an “x”. I think I may be doing something incorrectly with the vbTextCompare? I hope I have explained this well enough, and I appreciate any suggestions.
Dim keyword(1 To 10) As String
keyword(1) = "cycl"
keyword(2) = "class"
keyword(3) = "tab"
For index = 1 To 25
Do Until IsEmpty(Cells(rowNum, 1))
searchString = Cells(rowNum, 9)
'Search column 1 for keywords
If InStr(1, searchString, keyword(index), vbTextCompare > 1) Then
Cells(rowNum, 17) = "X"
Cells(rowNum, 17) = "-"
End If
'Search column 2 for keywords
If InStr(1, searchString, keyword(index), vbTextCompare > 1) Then
Cells(rowNum, 17) = "X"
Cells(rowNum, 17) = "-"
End If
rowNum = rowNum + 1
Next index
I need search for several different keywords. For example I might be interested in flagging derivations of the word “cycle”, so one of the indexes in my keyword array would be set to = “cycl” in order to be able to flag several words such as cycle, motorcycle, cycling, etc. The text columns contain several words, not just a single word.
I cannot seem to get the array to work properly. Each time I run the code, I only get cells marked “-“when many of them should be marked with an “x”. I think I may be doing something incorrectly with the vbTextCompare? I hope I have explained this well enough, and I appreciate any suggestions.
Dim keyword(1 To 10) As String
keyword(1) = "cycl"
keyword(2) = "class"
keyword(3) = "tab"
For index = 1 To 25
Do Until IsEmpty(Cells(rowNum, 1))
searchString = Cells(rowNum, 9)
'Search column 1 for keywords
If InStr(1, searchString, keyword(index), vbTextCompare > 1) Then
Cells(rowNum, 17) = "X"
Cells(rowNum, 17) = "-"
End If
'Search column 2 for keywords
If InStr(1, searchString, keyword(index), vbTextCompare > 1) Then
Cells(rowNum, 17) = "X"
Cells(rowNum, 17) = "-"
End If
rowNum = rowNum + 1
Next index
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