Searching Email between Month Dates


New Member
May 5, 2018
Hi Below is the code from a userform for a listbox that returns emails from outlook, I'm having trouble searching between 2 dates when I search a date between months, searching within the same month works OK.

When clicking on the list box it displays the message in the below textbox and then the user can copy to a another textbox on another userform.

I've done a debug print to try get my head around it but can't see how the dates need to be formatted to work, the preferred date format is dd/mm/yyyy.

It needs tidying up and I had a bit of a mare trying to clean the body up of the email for chr(13) and chr (10), but is ok for now. (Alot of stuff is commented out)

Private Sub PreviewMail()
    Dim strng As String
    Dim lCol As Long, lRow As Long
    With Me.ListBox1 '<--| refer to your listbox: change "ListBox1" with your actual listbox name
        For lRow = 0 To .ListCount - 1 '<--| loop through listbox rows
            If .Selected(lRow) Then '<--| if current row selected
                For lCol = 0 To .ColumnCount - 1 '<--| loop through listbox columns
                strng = strng & .List(lRow, lCol) & " | " '<--| build your output string

                    'Do While InStr(1, strng, vbCrLf & vbCrLf)
                    'strng = Replace(strng, vbCrLf & vbCrLf, vbCrLf)
                Next lCol
                TextBox1.Value = Left(strng, (Len(strng) - 3)) '<--| show output string (after removing its last character ("|"))
                Exit For '<-_| exit loop
            End If
        Next lRow
    End With
End Sub

Private Sub CommandButton5_Click()
Unload Me
End Sub

Private Sub ExportMailStr_Click()
 Dim FirstIndexNo As Integer
    Dim i As Integer
    FirstIndexNo = -1
    With Me.ListBox1
        For i = 0 To .ListCount - 1
            If .Selected(i) Then
                FirstIndexNo = i
                Exit For
            End If
        Next i
    End With
    If IsUserFormLoaded("TextEntry") <> True Then GoTo FormNotLoaded
    If FirstIndexNo <> -1 Then
        'MsgBox ListBox1.List(FirstIndexNo, 5)
        TextEntry.TextBox1.Value = TextEntry.TextBox1.Value & vbNewLine & ExportMail.ListBox1.List(FirstIndexNo, 5)
        MsgBox "No selection was made...", vbInformation
    End If
    Exit Sub
    MsgBox "TextEntry not loaded, must be loaded to import mail", vbOKOnly + vbInformation, "Load Email Error"
End Sub

Private Sub Label6_Click()

End Sub

Private Sub ListBox1_Change()

  Dim N As Long
  '  Lead-in code, if any
  For N = 0 To ListBox1.ListCount - 1
    If (ListBox1.Selected(N) And IsUserFormLoaded("TextEntry")) Then GoTo FoundSomething
ExportMailStr.Enabled = False
  Exit Sub
  '  Following code, if any
ExportMailStr.Enabled = True

End Sub

Private Sub ListBox1_Click()

 Dim N As Long
  '  Lead-in code, if any
  For N = 0 To ListBox1.ListCount - 1
    If (ListBox1.Selected(N) And IsUserFormLoaded("TextEntry")) Then GoTo FoundSomething
ExportMailStr.Enabled = False
  Exit Sub
  '  Following code, if any
ExportMailStr.Enabled = True

End Sub
Private Sub LoadMails_Click()
'Add Tools->References->"Microsoft Outlook nn.n Object Library"
'nn.n varies as per our Outlook Installation


Dim folder As Object
Dim iRow As Integer
Dim Radd As Long
Dim olApp As Object
Dim BodyStr As String

Dim MIN_DATE As Date
Dim MAX_DATE As Date

Dim X As Long
Dim mailstext As String

Label8.Caption = ""
TextBox1.Value = ""
Me.Caption = "Import EMail As Text"

    MIN_DATE = Format(Me.sDate.Value, "dd/mm/yyyy")
    MAX_DATE = Format(Me.eDate.Value, "dd/mm/yyyy")
    If IsDate(MIN_DATE) = False Then MIN_DATE = Format([Today()], "dd/mm/yyyy")
    If IsDate(MAX_DATE) = False Then MAX_DATE = Format([Today()], "dd/mm/yyyy")
    If Day(MIN_DATE) < 13 Then
    dateformats = "mm/dd/yyyy"
    dateformats = "dd/mm/yyyy"
    End If
    If Day(MAX_DATE) < 13 Then
    dateformate = "mm/dd/yyyy"
    dateformate = "dd/mm/yyyy"
    End If

'//Create instance of Outlook
Set olApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")

Set folder = olApp.GetNamespace("MAPI").PickFolder

If folder Is Nothing Then
   MsgBox "No folder selected", vbOKOnly + vbInformation, "File Select"
   Exit Sub
End If

i = 0
X = 0

Label5.Caption = "Searching Email Folder: " & folder & ", Double Click email to view entry"
Me.Caption = "Import EMail As Text" & " - " & "Searching Email Folder: " & folder & ", Double Click email to view entry"

If folder = "Inbox" Then GoTo Overload 'Inbox will have way to many

For iRow = 1 To folder.Items.Count

MONTH_FMT = Format(folder.Items.Item(iRow).ReceivedTime, "dd/mm/yyyy")

    If Day(MONTH_FMT) < 13 Then
    dateformatm = "mm/dd/yyyy"
    dateformatm = "dd/mm/yyyy"
    End If

'On Error GoTo errorexit
On Error Resume Next 'Allow mails missing details

'Debug.Print Format(folder.Items.Item(iRow).ReceivedTime, "YYYY") & " < " & Format(MIN_DATE, "YYYY")
'Debug.Print Format(folder.Items.Item(iRow).ReceivedTime, "YYYY") & " > " & Format(MAX_DATE, "YYYY")

'Debug.Print Format(folder.Items.Item(iRow).ReceivedTime, "MM") & " < " & Format(MIN_DATE, "MM")
'Debug.Print Format(folder.Items.Item(iRow).ReceivedTime, "DD") & " < " & Format(MIN_DATE, "DD")

'Debug.Print Format(folder.Items.Item(iRow).ReceivedTime, "MM") & " > " & Format(MAX_DATE, "MM")
'Debug.Print Format(folder.Items.Item(iRow).ReceivedTime, "DD") & " > " & Format(MAX_DATE, "DD")

'If Format(folder.Items.Item(iRow).ReceivedTime, "YYYY") < Format(MIN_DATE, "YYYY") Then GoTo skipedit
'If Format(folder.Items.Item(iRow).ReceivedTime, "YYYY") > Format(MAX_DATE, "YYYY") Then GoTo skipedit

'If Format(folder.Items.Item(iRow).ReceivedTime, "MM") < Format(MIN_DATE, "MM") Then GoTo skipedit
'If Format(folder.Items.Item(iRow).ReceivedTime, "DD") < Format(MIN_DATE, "DD") Then GoTo skipedit

'If Format(folder.Items.Item(iRow).ReceivedTime, "MM") > Format(MAX_DATE, "MM") Then GoTo skipedit
'If Format(folder.Items.Item(iRow).ReceivedTime, "DD") > Format(MAX_DATE, "DD") Then GoTo skipedit

If Format(folder.Items.Item(iRow).ReceivedTime, "yyyy") < Format(MIN_DATE, "yyyy") Then GoTo skipedit
If Format(folder.Items.Item(iRow).ReceivedTime, "yyyy") > Format(MAX_DATE, "yyyy") Then GoTo skipedit
If folder.Items.Item(iRow).Subject Like "Undeliverable*" Then GoTo skipedit

'This if statement is not working
If (Format(folder.Items.Item(iRow).ReceivedTime, dateformatm) >= Format(MIN_DATE, dateformats) And Format(folder.Items.Item(iRow).ReceivedTime, dateformatm) <= Format(MAX_DATE, dateformate)) Then

         On Error Resume Next
         With Me.ListBox1
        .ColumnCount = 6
        .ColumnWidths = "100;100;100;30;100;60;" '"60;60;60;60;60;60"
        .List(i, 0) = folder.Items.Item(iRow).SenderName
        .List(i, 1) = folder.Items.Item(iRow).Subject
        .List(i, 2) = Format(folder.Items.Item(iRow).ReceivedTime, "dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss")
        '.List(i, 2) = folder.Items.Item(iRow).ReceivedTime
        .List(i, 3) = FormatMsgSize(folder.Items.Item(iRow).Size)
        .List(i, 4) = folder.Items.Item(iRow).SenderEmailAddress
        BodyStr = folder.Items.Item(iRow).Body
        If Len(BodyStr) > 1000 Then
        BodyStr = TrimWords(BodyStr, 950)
        ElseIf Len(BodyStr) > 5 Then
        BodyStr = Left(BodyStr, InStr(BodyStr, "Regards") - 1)
        BodyStr = Left(BodyStr, InStr(BodyStr, "Kind") - 1)

        BodyStr = "No Email Available"
        End If
        '.List(i, 5) = vbNewLine & replaceBreaks(BodyStr)
        '.List(i, 5) = vbNewLine & replaceBreaks(RemoveExtra(RemoveExtra(BodyStr, Chr(13), 1), Chr(10), 1))
         .List(i, 5) = vbNewLine & JustTwo(BodyStr)
        '.List(i, 5) = vbNewLine & RemoveExtra(BodyStr, Chr(13) & Chr(10), 1) '160
        '.List(i, 5) = ReplaceDot(BodyStr)
        '.List(i, 5) = RemoveBlankLines(BodyStr)
        '.List(i, 5) = simpleCellRegex(BodyStr)
        '.List(i, 5) = BodyStr
        '.List(i, 5) = ReplaceDot(BodyStr)
        '.List(i, 5) = CleanTrim(BodyStr)
         End With
        i = i + 1
              'Debug.Print (Format(folder.Items.Item(iRow).ReceivedTime, dateformatm) & " >= " & Format(MIN_DATE, dateformats) & " And " & Format(folder.Items.Item(iRow).ReceivedTime, dateformatm) & " <= " & Format(MAX_DATE, dateformate))

     End If
     'This if statement is not working
              'Debug.Print (Format(folder.Items.Item(iRow).ReceivedTime, dateformatm) & " >= " & Format(MIN_DATE, dateformats) & " And " & Format(folder.Items.Item(iRow).ReceivedTime, dateformatm) & " <= " & Format(MAX_DATE, dateformate))

     X = X + 1 'Mails count
        'Debug.Print folder.Items.Item(iRow).SenderName
        'Debug.Print folder.Items.Item(iRow).Subject
        'Debug.Print folder.Items.Item(iRow).ReceivedTime
        'Debug.Print folder.Items.Item(iRow).Size
        'Debug.Print folder.Items.Item(iRow).SenderEmailAddress
        'Debug.Print folder.Items.Item(iRow).Body
'Found Mails
If ListBox1.ListCount > 0 And ListBox1.ListCount < 1 Then
mailstext = ", " & ListBox1.ListCount & " EMail"
ElseIf ListBox1.ListCount > 0 And ListBox1.ListCount > 1 Then
mailstext = ", " & ListBox1.ListCount & " EMails"
mailstext = ", " & "No EMail Loaded"
End If
'Show status
Label8.Caption = Format((iRow / folder.Items.Count) * 100, "#") & "% Loaded & Scanning Mail " & X & " of " & folder.Items.Count & mailstext
Me.Caption = Format((iRow / folder.Items.Count) * 100, "#") & "% Loaded & Scanning Mail " & X & " of " & folder.Items.Count & mailstext

Next iRow

MsgBox ListBox1.ListCount & " Outlook Mails Extracted to Excel", vbOKOnly + vbInformation, ListBox1.ListCount & " Found Mails"

If ListBox1.ListCount > 0 And ListBox1.ListCount < 1 Then
mailstext = ListBox1.ListCount & " EMail Loaded"
Label8.Caption = mailstext
Me.Caption = mailstext
ElseIf ListBox1.ListCount > 0 And ListBox1.ListCount > 1 Then
mailstext = ListBox1.ListCount & " EMails Loaded"
Label8.Caption = mailstext
Me.Caption = mailstext
mailstext = "No EMail Loaded"
Label8.Caption = mailstext
Me.Caption = mailstext
Application.Wait (Now + TimeValue("00:00:02"))
Label8.Caption = ""
TextBox1.Value = ""
Me.Caption = "Import EMail As Text"
End If

Exit Sub

MsgBox "Unable to find emails", vbOKOnly + vbInformation, "Search Error"

Exit Sub

MsgBox "Please select user folder, Inbox to large to search", vbOKOnly + vbInformation, "Search Error"

End Sub
Function replaceBreaks(Breakit As String) As String
'replaceBreaks = Replace(Replace(Breakit, Chr(160), ""), Chr(32), "") '<--| build your output string
replaceBreaks = Replace(Breakit, Chr(160), "") '<--| build your output string
'replaceBreaks = RemoveExtra(replaceBreaks, Chr(13) + Chr(10), 1)
End Function
Function ReplaceDot(InString As String) As String
ReplaceDot = Application.WorksheetFunction.Clean(InString)
End Function
Function CleanTrim(ByVal S As String, Optional ConvertNonBreakingSpace As Boolean = True) As String
  Dim X As Long, CodesToClean As Variant
  CodesToClean = Array(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, _
                       21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 127, 129, 141, 143, 144, 157)
  If ConvertNonBreakingSpace Then S = Replace(S, Chr(160), " ")
  For X = LBound(CodesToClean) To UBound(CodesToClean)
    If InStr(S, Chr(CodesToClean(X))) Then S = Replace(S, Chr(CodesToClean(X)), "")
  CleanTrim = WorksheetFunction.Trim(S)
End Function
Function JustTwo(parmString As String) As String
    'Replace all double space strings with a single space.
    'Iterate until there are no more double space character
    Dim strTemp As String
    strTemp = parmString
    Do Until InStr(strTemp, Chr(13) & Chr(160)) = 0
        strTemp = Replace(strTemp, Chr(13) & Chr(160), Chr(10))
    JustTwo = strTemp
End Function

Private Sub iDate1_Click()
    With Me.sDate
        .Text = my_date_selection(.Value)
    End With
End Sub

Private Sub iDate2_Click()
    With Me.eDate
        .Text = my_date_selection(.Value)
    End With
End Sub

Private Sub SelText_Click()

    If IsUserFormLoaded("TextEntry") <> True Then GoTo FormNotLoaded
    If Len(ExportMail.TextBox1.SelText) > 0 Then
        TextEntry.TextBox1.Value = TextEntry.TextBox1.Value & vbNewLine & ExportMail.TextBox1.SelText
        MsgBox "No selection was made...", vbInformation
    End If
    Exit Sub
    MsgBox "TextEntry not loaded, must be loaded to import mail", vbOKOnly + vbInformation, "Load Email Error"
End Sub

Private Sub TextBox1_Change()

If Len(ExportMail.TextBox1.SelText) > 0 Then
Me.SelText.Enabled = True
Me.SelText.Enabled = False
End If

End Sub

Private Sub TextBox1_MouseMove(ByVal Button As Integer, ByVal Shift As Integer, ByVal X As Single, ByVal Y As Single)
If Len(ExportMail.TextBox1.SelText) > 0 Then
Me.SelText.Enabled = True
Me.SelText.Enabled = False
End If

End Sub

Private Sub UserForm_Activate()
'Works if anchor not on
Call HookMouseWheelScroll(Me)
End Sub
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
Label5.Caption = "Select Oulook folder to search mail"
Me.Caption = "Import EMail As Text"
ExportMailStr.Enabled = False
Me.SelText.Enabled = False
Label8.Caption = ""
sDate.Value = Format(CDate([Today()]), "dd/mm/yyyy")
eDate.Value = Format(CDate([Today()]), "dd/mm/yyyy")

'sDate.Value = CDate([TODAY()])
'eDate.Value = CDate([TODAY()])

Label6.Caption = "Choose Dates as optional, default is todays Date: " & Format([Today()], "dd/mm/yyyy")
End Sub
Public Function TrimWords(sValue As String, lMaxLength As Long) As String
    Dim sRet As String
    If Len(sValue) > lMaxLength Then
        sRet = Left(sValue, InStrRev(sValue, Chr(32), lMaxLength))
        sRet = sValue
    End If

    TrimWords = sRet
End Function
Function FormatMsgSize(SizeStr As Long)

Select Case SizeStr
        Case 0 To 1023
            FormatMsgSize = Format(SizeStr, "0") & "B"
        Case 1024 To 104875
            FormatMsgSize = Format(SizeStr / 1024, "0") & "KB"
        Case 104876 To 1073741823
            FormatMsgSize = Format(SizeStr / 104876, "0") & "MB"
        Case 1073741824 To 1.11111111111074E+20
            FormatMsgSize = Format(SizeStr / 1073741823, "0.00") & "GB"
End Select
End Function

Private Sub UserForm_QueryClose(Cancel As Integer, CloseMode As Integer)
    'Works if anchor not on
    Call RemoveMouseWheelHook
End Sub

Ended up fixing with this..

'RulesIf folder.Items.Item(iRow).Subject Like "Undeliverable*" Then GoTo skipedit

MIN_DATE = Me.sDate.Value
MAX_DATE = Me.eDate.Value

dtmMyDate = Int(folder.Items.Item(iRow).ReceivedTime)

If dtmMyDate >= MIN_DATE And dtmMyDate <= MAX_DATE Then
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