I've got something similar, but my approach was to:
- Have a field that stores tags. Users can put whatever tage they like in, and any number of tags.
- Have a llst of the tags that users have already added available to refer to.
I called the tags 'keywords'
To create the list of the tags already set, I set up some VBA.
I honestly can't rememember if I wrote the VBA myself, or adapted it from something I found on the net.
It will basically turn this (from query Qry_VBA_Keyword_Store):
apple, banana, orange
apple, orange, lemon
into table Tbl_Keywords
Sub KeywordsToColumns()
Dim db As Database
Dim rs_qry As Recordset
Dim rs_tbl As Recordset
Dim txt_source As String
Dim WordCount As Integer
Dim txt_start As Integer
Dim txt_end As Integer
Dim z As Integer
Dim t As Integer
'Clears out existing data from Table
Call Tbl_Clear
'sets database, opens query, goes to first record
Set db = CurrentDb
Set rs_qry = db.OpenRecordset("Qry_VBA_Keyword_Store") 'Source Query
Set rs_tbl = db.OpenRecordset("Tbl_Keywords") 'Destination Table
If Not (rs_qry.EOF And rs_qry.BOF) Then 'Just in case, there are no records found
rs_qry.MoveFirst 'Start at first Record...
Do Until rs_qry.EOF = True '..and do the following, for all records
''''''String to Array''''''''
'Assigns result to variable
txt_source = rs_qry.Fields(0).Value & " "
txt_start = 1
'Count of Words in field, then less one (array starts at zero)
WordCount = Len(txt_source) - Len(Replace(txt_source, " ", ""))
z = WordCount - 1
ReDim txt_arr(z) As String 'Gets an array the size of the words in the string
For i = 0 To z
'finds the first space in the string, counts one back to get the last letter position
txt_end = Abs(InStr(1, txt_source, " ") - 1)
'String goes into array
txt_arr(i) = Left(txt_source, (txt_end))
'trim down source text for the next word
txt_source = LTrim(Right(txt_source, Len(txt_source) - Len(txt_arr(i))))
Next i
''''Update Table''''
'Updates the table with the array strings...
For k = 0 To UBound(txt_arr)
rs_tbl!Keyword = txt_arr(k) 'Assumes table had field 'Keyword'
Next k
rs_qry.MoveNext 'ALWAYS move to the next record to start the next loop!
Loop 'Next record
Else 'Do nothing if there where records found in the query
End If 'EOF found
rs_qry.Close: Set rs_qry = Nothing 'Close recordsets and db
rs_tbl.Close: Set rs_tbl = Nothing
End Sub
Sub Tbl_Clear()
Dim MyTable As String
'Table to clear
MyTable = "Tbl_Keywords"
MySql = "DELETE * FROM " & MyTable & ";"
On Error Resume Next
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
DoCmd.RunSQL MySql
DoCmd.SetWarnings True
End Sub