My question is similar to a previous thread:
which seemed to have a working solution, but that solution is not working for me.
I run predictive models for large batches of chemicals and these output a long text file. I want to find a few specific values within that file and write them into columns in Excel.
I adapted the code suggested in the thread above for my case, but the DO loop stops as soon as the IF statement finds the first instance of the data I want and writes it into Excel. So I can get one value correctly into my spreadsheet but no further values.
I am currently using this code (but tried other syntax around the DO loop and get the same result):
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Const FindText = "Total sludge adsorption: " 'the label that occurs just before the data I want to grab
Dim fData As String, fPath As String, cel As Range
fPath = GetPath
If fPath = "" Then GoTo TheEnd
Set cel = Range("A3")
Open fPath For Input As #1
Line Input #1, fData
fData = Trim(fData)
If Left(fData, 28) = FindText Then
cel = Replace(Replace(fData, FindText, ""), " percent", "") 'the first time this line of code runs, the macro stops. Why?
'if I put some debugging code here it will not run after IF statement is true and first instance of my desired data is written to spreadsheet
'if I comment out the entire "IF... End If" section, the DO loop successfully reads every line from my text file
Set cel = cel.Offset(1)
End If
Loop Until EOF(1)
Close #1
Exit Sub
MsgBox "file not selected", , ""
End Sub
Private Function GetPath() As String
With Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFilePicker)
.AllowMultiSelect = False
.Filters.Add "Text", "*.txt"
If .SelectedItems.count = 1 Then GetPath = .SelectedItems.Item(1)
End With
End Function
A test version of my text file looks like this:
Removal In Wastewater Treatment (recommended maximum 95%):
Total removal: 99.99 percent
Total biodegradation: 78.15 percent
Total sludge adsorption: 21.84 percent
Total to Air: 0.00 percent
(using Biowin/EPA draft method)
Level III Fugacity Model:
Mass Amount Half-Life Emissions
(percent) (hr) (kg/hr)
Air 0.878 11.4 1000
Water 23.4 360 1000
Soil 74.9 720 1000
Sediment 0.867 3.24e+003 0
Persistence Time: 493 hr
Removal In Wastewater Treatment (recommended maximum 95%):
Total removal: 99.99 percent
Total biodegradation: 78.15 percent
Total sludge adsorption: 1.99 percent
Total to Air: 0.00 percent
(using Biowin/EPA draft method)
I am a novice here... it seems I must be missing something really basic (no pun intended). I am grateful for any help anyone is willing to provide!

Search and copy data from text to Excel
Hi team, I have one text file which contains data about list of errors. I want to search only for ERROR word which have occurred multiple times in file and copy data quoted in '......' which is following the word ERROR= Format is: ERROR = "short name of error.(number of words may vary,but the...
which seemed to have a working solution, but that solution is not working for me.
I run predictive models for large batches of chemicals and these output a long text file. I want to find a few specific values within that file and write them into columns in Excel.
I adapted the code suggested in the thread above for my case, but the DO loop stops as soon as the IF statement finds the first instance of the data I want and writes it into Excel. So I can get one value correctly into my spreadsheet but no further values.
I am currently using this code (but tried other syntax around the DO loop and get the same result):
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Const FindText = "Total sludge adsorption: " 'the label that occurs just before the data I want to grab
Dim fData As String, fPath As String, cel As Range
fPath = GetPath
If fPath = "" Then GoTo TheEnd
Set cel = Range("A3")
Open fPath For Input As #1
Line Input #1, fData
fData = Trim(fData)
If Left(fData, 28) = FindText Then
cel = Replace(Replace(fData, FindText, ""), " percent", "") 'the first time this line of code runs, the macro stops. Why?
'if I put some debugging code here it will not run after IF statement is true and first instance of my desired data is written to spreadsheet
'if I comment out the entire "IF... End If" section, the DO loop successfully reads every line from my text file
Set cel = cel.Offset(1)
End If
Loop Until EOF(1)
Close #1
Exit Sub
MsgBox "file not selected", , ""
End Sub
Private Function GetPath() As String
With Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFilePicker)
.AllowMultiSelect = False
.Filters.Add "Text", "*.txt"
If .SelectedItems.count = 1 Then GetPath = .SelectedItems.Item(1)
End With
End Function
A test version of my text file looks like this:
Removal In Wastewater Treatment (recommended maximum 95%):
Total removal: 99.99 percent
Total biodegradation: 78.15 percent
Total sludge adsorption: 21.84 percent
Total to Air: 0.00 percent
(using Biowin/EPA draft method)
Level III Fugacity Model:
Mass Amount Half-Life Emissions
(percent) (hr) (kg/hr)
Air 0.878 11.4 1000
Water 23.4 360 1000
Soil 74.9 720 1000
Sediment 0.867 3.24e+003 0
Persistence Time: 493 hr
Removal In Wastewater Treatment (recommended maximum 95%):
Total removal: 99.99 percent
Total biodegradation: 78.15 percent
Total sludge adsorption: 1.99 percent
Total to Air: 0.00 percent
(using Biowin/EPA draft method)
I am a novice here... it seems I must be missing something really basic (no pun intended). I am grateful for any help anyone is willing to provide!