My company uses a webpage created by ASP.NET to upload data from difference sources (people). Employees from different regions input data on the webpage and I consolidate the data into a report.
I am writing a vba code to pull (scrap) info from the page to an Excel sheet.
The first part of the code creates the link and saves the website data into a variable (htmldoc).
Next I call another sub to scrap the data and paste into an Excel Sheet.
I use the same code for 4 different web pages all created by the same template.
As you can see above the code first finds the "table" tag name. before going further.
This is where my issue starts -
The codes works fine for the first 3 pages, but errors on the 4th. I seems like the code can't find the "table" tag name.
I check the html code in Chrome and the page does have a table id.
Does anyone have any idea or suggestion on what I can do?
I am writing a vba code to pull (scrap) info from the page to an Excel sheet.
The first part of the code creates the link and saves the website data into a variable (htmldoc).
Sub getdatafromsubmission(schedule As String)
Dim xmlPage As New MSXML2.XMLHTTP60
Dim htmlDoc As New MSHTML.HTMLDocument
Dim urlLink As String
urlLink = "http://w7gs-5n1h9y1/AMGSubmission/" & schedule & "list.cshtml"
Debug.Print urlLink
xmlPage.Open "GET", urlLink, False
'creates a new html document from XMLPage.
htmlDoc.body.innerHTML = xmlPage.responseText
'THis sub process the html
ProcessHTMLPage htmlDoc, schedule
End Sub
Next I call another sub to scrap the data and paste into an Excel Sheet.
Sub ProcessHTMLPage(htmlPage As MSHTML.HTMLDocument, schedule As String)
'class name = table ewTable
Dim htmlTable As MSHTML.IHTMLElement
Dim htmltables As MSHTML.IHTMLElementCollection
Dim htmlRow As MSHTML.IHTMLElement
Dim htmlcell As MSHTML.IHTMLElement
Dim rowNum As Long, colNum As Integer
Dim x As Integer
Dim y As Integer
'Note: htmltable(s) is collection of elements not a single element.
Set htmltables = htmlPage.getElementsByTagName("table")
For Each htmlTable In htmltables
'Debug.Print htmlTable.className
x = 1
For Each htmlRow In htmlTable.getElementsByTagName("tr")
'Debug.Print vbTab & htmlRow.innertext
y = 1
'//This prints out any level below the "tr" element
For Each htmlcell In htmlRow.Children
'Debug.Print vbTab & htmlcell.innertext
Cells(x, y) = htmlcell.innertext
y = y + 1
Next htmlcell
x = x + 1
Next htmlRow
Next htmlTable
End Sub
I use the same code for 4 different web pages all created by the same template.
As you can see above the code first finds the "table" tag name. before going further.
This is where my issue starts -
The codes works fine for the first 3 pages, but errors on the 4th. I seems like the code can't find the "table" tag name.
I check the html code in Chrome and the page does have a table id.
Does anyone have any idea or suggestion on what I can do?