Hi Guys,
I am trying to update specific fields of table in Ms Access, through Excel VBA. My select and add new record queries work, but the update query always throws the RUN TIME ERROR 80040e10 - "No Value Given To One or More Required Parameters"
I have checked my table name and the other field names over and over again, but I see nothing wrong with the quesry. I am trying to update a few fields from the database, for a existing record number (autonumber).
Could someone point our what I am doing wrong. The error occurs on the statement
cnt.open SQLUpdate
ERROR: RUN TIME ERROR: 80040e10 - "No Value Given To One or More Required Parameters"
I am trying to update specific fields of table in Ms Access, through Excel VBA. My select and add new record queries work, but the update query always throws the RUN TIME ERROR 80040e10 - "No Value Given To One or More Required Parameters"
I have checked my table name and the other field names over and over again, but I see nothing wrong with the quesry. I am trying to update a few fields from the database, for a existing record number (autonumber).
Function CheckDB(Serial_No_New_Part As String, Serial_No_Failed_Part As String, ConStr As String) _
As Boolean
Dim MsgBox_Answer As Integer
' Variable stores ADO Connection Object to Ms Access DB
Dim cnt As New ADODB.Connection
' Variable for Recordset Object
Dim rst As New ADODB.Recordset
' Variable stores Database path
Dim strDB As String
' Variable stores SQL 'SELECT' Query
Dim SQLSelectNewPart As String
Dim SQLSelectFailedPart As String
Dim SQLUpdate As String
Dim Primary_No_Failed_Part As Long
Dim Run_Time_Hrs_Failed_Part As Long
Dim Part_Status_Failed_part As String
Dim Date_Failed_Failed_part As Date
Dim Failed_Location_Failed_Part As String
Dim Failure_History_Failed_Part As String
Dim Description_Failed_Part As String
' Set the string to the path of your database
strDB = ConStr
' Open connection to the database
cnt.Open "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" & _
"Data Source=" & strDB & ";"
rst.Open SQLSelectNewPart, cnt, adOpenDynamic, adLockBatchOptimistic, adCmdText
' In simple words, look whether any records in the DB contain the same "Part_Serial_No"
' Check whether recordset is empty,implies no records found
' BOF = Begining of File
' EOF = End of File
' IF ((Not BOF = TRUE) AND (Not EOF = TRUE)), Implies Records Have Been Found
If (rst.BOF = False And rst.EOF = False) Then
'Primary_Key = rst.Fields("Primary_No").Value
MsgBox_Answer = MsgBox("A part with the matching 'Serial No' already exists in the Database" _
& vbCrLf & "Click on the 'OK BUTTON' to display the 'ADD REPAIRED PART FORM'" & vbCrLf & _
"or click on the 'CANCEL BUTTON' to edit the 'ADD NEW/REPLACE OLD FORM'", vbOKCancel, _
"Existing Part in Database")
If (MsgBox_Answer = 1) Then
'Temporary Storage - Retrieve Existing Failed Tage Info from Database
'Store this info temporarily on Sheet7 - Row(2-3), Column 5
Sheet7.Cells(2, 5).Value = CLng(rst.Fields("Primary_No").Value)
'Failed Part Row No on Sheet1 retrieved from UserForm6
Sheet7.Cells(3, 5).Value = CLng(UserForm6.TextBox17.Value)
'Write DB Path
Sheet7.Cells(4, 5).Value = UCase(CStr(strDB))
'Close Connection Objects and Recordset Objects.
' Close ADO objects
Set rst = Nothing
Set cnt = Nothing
CheckDB = False
Unload UserForm6
ElseIf (MsgBox_Answer = 2) Then
CheckDB = False
'Close Connection Objects and Recordset Objects.
'Close ADO objects
Set rst = Nothing
Set cnt = Nothing
Exit Function
CheckDB = False
'CloseConnection Objects and Recordset Objects.
'Close ADO objects
Set rst = Nothing
Set cnt = Nothing
Exit Function
End If
'Else no records have been found - Implies New Part is New and is not a Failed part that has been repaired
'Check whether Failed Part exists in DB
'If Failed Part Exists, Append existing record
'Else Add New Record for Failed Part in DB
'Now check whether Failed Part exists in DB
SQLSelectFailedPart = "Select * FROM Failed Where Serial_No= '" _
& UCase(CStr(Serial_No_Failed_Part)) & "'"
'Open recordset based on Trial table
rst.Open SQLSelectFailedPart, cnt, adOpenDynamic, adLockBatchOptimistic, adCmdText
If (rst.BOF = True And rst.EOF = True) Then
'Add Failed Part Data as a new Record
'Close Open Recordset
'*********START Procedure to Add New Record********
rst.Open "Failed", cnt, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic, adCmdTable
rst!Part = UCase(CStr(UserForm6.TextBox14.Value))
rst!Serial_No = UCase(CStr(UserForm6.ComboBox3.Value))
rst!Material_Type = UCase(CStr(UserForm6.TextBox9.Value))
rst!Run_Time_Hours = CLng(UserForm6.TextBox10.Value)
rst!Current_Part_Status = UCase(CStr(UserForm6.ComboBox4.Value))
rst!Date_Failed = Format(CDate(UserForm6.TextBox12.Value), "mm/dd/yyyy")
rst!Failed_Location = UCase(CStr(UserForm6.TextBox15.Value))
rst!Vendor_Name = UCase(CStr(UserForm6.TextBox13.Value))
rst!Description = Replace(UCase(CStr(UserForm6.TextBox19.Value)), Chr(34), "''")
CheckDB = True
'close Connection Objects and Recordset Objects.
'Close ADO objects
Set rst = Nothing
Set cnt = Nothing
'If existing record found, then Append and Update existing record
Primary_No_Failed_Part = rst.Fields("Primary_No").Value
Decription_Failed_Part = Replace(UCase(CStr(rst.Fields("Description").Value)), _
Chr(34), "'")
Part_Status_Failed_part = UCase(CStr("Failed"))
Run_Time_Hrs_Failed_Part = CLng(rst.Fields("Run_Time_Hours"))
Date_Failed_Failed_part = Format(rst.Fields("Date_Failed"), "mm/dd/yyyy")
Failed_Location_Failed_Part = UCase(CStr(rst.Fields("Failed_Location")))
'Close open RecordSet
Failure_History_Failed_Part = UCase(CStr("Run Time Hours = " & Run_Time_Hrs_Failed_Part & _
vbCrLf & "Date_Failed = " & Format(CDate(Date_Failed_Failed_part), "dd,mmm,yyyy") & _
vbCrLf & "Failure_Location = " & Failed_Location_Failed_Part & vbCrLf & _
"---------------------------------------" & vbCrLf))
Description_Failed_Part = UCase(CStr(vbCrLf & "-----------------------------------" & vbCrLf & _
Description_Failed_Part = Replace(Description_Failed_Part, Chr(34), "''")
SQLUpdate = "UPDATE Failed SET [Run_Time_Hours] = " & CLng(UserForm6.TextBox10.Value) & _
", [Current_Part_Status] = '" & UCase(CStr(Part_Status_Failed_part)) & _
"', [Date_Failed] = " & CDate(UserForm6.TextBox12.Value) _
& ", [Failed_Location] = '" & UCase(CStr(UserForm6.TextBox15.Value)) & _
"', [Failure_History] = '" & Failure_History_Failed_Part & _
"', [Description] = '" & Description_Failed_Part & _
"' WHERE Failure.Primary_No = " & CLng(Primary_No_Failed_Part)
'ERROR on this statement
cnt.open SQLUpdate
CheckDB = True
'close Connection Objects and Recordset Objects.
'Close ADO objects
Set rst = Nothing
Set cnt = Nothing
Unload UserForm6
End If
End If
End Function
Could someone point our what I am doing wrong. The error occurs on the statement
cnt.open SQLUpdate
ERROR: RUN TIME ERROR: 80040e10 - "No Value Given To One or More Required Parameters"