Hey all,
It's not exactly related to VBA and excel, but I hope this has enough relation to it.
I wrote a .bat file. The purpose of this .bat is to watch a folder for new files, and if so, call a VBA command.
There was an initial implementation where I would replace callVbaFunction to open the excel sheet and then run the macro. However, this doesn't suit my purpose, so I scrap it.
The excel sheet is to meant to remain open, and any new files in the folder would appear on the sheet. Kind of like a watch list, so it can't run the macro on "open".
Would appreciate any advice, be it to contain within VBA exclusively or to still have it in a .bat file. Working in w10, so unable to have a CRON job and would think a .bat would work as a substitute.
It's not exactly related to VBA and excel, but I hope this has enough relation to it.
I wrote a .bat file. The purpose of this .bat is to watch a folder for new files, and if so, call a VBA command.
dir /b "%folder%" > nul 2>&1
if errorLevel 1 (
timeout /t 30 /nobreak >nul
) else (
call :execute_vba
There was an initial implementation where I would replace callVbaFunction to open the excel sheet and then run the macro. However, this doesn't suit my purpose, so I scrap it.
The excel sheet is to meant to remain open, and any new files in the folder would appear on the sheet. Kind of like a watch list, so it can't run the macro on "open".
Would appreciate any advice, be it to contain within VBA exclusively or to still have it in a .bat file. Working in w10, so unable to have a CRON job and would think a .bat would work as a substitute.