I work in a call center and my agents are graded multiple times per month on 13 different categories. Two of them are Opening and Closing.
Row Labels Sum of Opening % Sum of Closeing %
12/4/2011 100.00% 50.00%
12/5/2011 80.00% 40.00%
Grand Total 88.89% 44.44%
I want to show the MTD percentage for these two catagories as well as the other 11 in a piviot table. Can anyone help?
Row Labels Sum of Opening % Sum of Closeing %
12/4/2011 100.00% 50.00%
12/5/2011 80.00% 40.00%
Grand Total 88.89% 44.44%
I want to show the MTD percentage for these two catagories as well as the other 11 in a piviot table. Can anyone help?