Hello all! Checking here as I have had no response from another board I visit... Not Excel but still Microsoft related and hoping to find some help here as I have in the past.
In Outlook, I have two macros that I would like to combine into a single step. Macro 1is opens an email template, paste the clipboard contentes. Macro 2
Hello all! I have two macros that I would like to combine into a single step. Macro 1is opens a template, paste the clipboard contentes into the body of the template. Macro 2 opens an email template, paste teh clipboard contents into the body of the email and cuts the email address from the body of email and paste it into the To field of the email. Each of these work great individually, but I cannot even do a simple "call" for these two to work together. Any suggestions?
One other tweak I would like to make is for it to copy the Customer # and past it within the subject line of the email, but if that never happens, if I could just get the first two to work together, that would be be most appreciated!
I would greatly appreciate any suggestions!
This is the two codes:
Macro 1
Macro 2
In Outlook, I have two macros that I would like to combine into a single step. Macro 1is opens an email template, paste the clipboard contentes. Macro 2
Hello all! I have two macros that I would like to combine into a single step. Macro 1is opens a template, paste the clipboard contentes into the body of the template. Macro 2 opens an email template, paste teh clipboard contents into the body of the email and cuts the email address from the body of email and paste it into the To field of the email. Each of these work great individually, but I cannot even do a simple "call" for these two to work together. Any suggestions?
One other tweak I would like to make is for it to copy the Customer # and past it within the subject line of the email, but if that never happens, if I could just get the first two to work together, that would be be most appreciated!
I would greatly appreciate any suggestions!
This is the two codes:
Macro 1
VBA Code:
Dim MyItem As Outlook.MailItem
Dim str_jpeg_file As String
Dim wdDoc As Object
Dim oRng As Object
'On Error Resume Next
Set OutApp = GetObject(, "Outlook.Application")
If Err <> 0 Then Set OutApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
On Error GoTo 0
'Set OutMail = OutApp.CreateItem(0)
Set MyItem = Application.CreateItemFromTemplate("C:\Users\user2\Documents\Customer Statement .msg")
With MyItem
.BodyFormat = 2
' .To = ""
' .CC = ""
'.BCC = ""
.Subject = "Customer Statement "
SendKeys "{right}{down}^({v})", True
End With
End Sub
Macro 2
VBA Code:
Sub ReadMsg2()
'Graham Mayor - https://www.gmayor.com - Last updated - 06 Jul 2024
Dim olMsg As MailItem
On Error Resume Next
Select Case Outlook.Application.ActiveWindow.Class
Case olInspector
Set olMsg = ActiveInspector.CurrentItem
Case olExplorer
Set olMsg = Application.ActiveExplorer.Selection.Item(1)
End Select
GetAddress olMsg
Set olMsg = Nothing
Exit Sub
End Sub
Sub GetAddress(olItem As MailItem)
Dim olInsp As Outlook.Inspector
Dim wdDoc As Object
Dim oRng As Object
Dim oAddr As Object
Dim hLink As Object
With olItem
Set olInsp = .GetInspector
Set wdDoc = olInsp.WordEditor
Set oRng = wdDoc.Range
With oRng.Find
Do While .Execute(findText:="Sincerely")
Set oAddr = oRng
Exit Do
End With
If Not oAddr Is Nothing Then
oAddr.collapse 1
oAddr.MoveStartUntil "@", -1073741823
Set oAddr = oAddr.Paragraphs(1).Range
If Not oAddr Is Nothing Then
olItem.To = oAddr.Text
oAddr.Text = ""
End If
End If
End With
Set olInsp = Nothing
Set wdDoc = Nothing
Set oRng = Nothing
Set oAddr = Nothing
Exit Sub
End Sub