Hi Forum,
Everytime I run my code I get a Run-time error 424, I believe something is wrong with the variable cl.Row, but I can't fix it. Can anyone help. Thanks in advance. Please code below.
Everytime I run my code I get a Run-time error 424, I believe something is wrong with the variable cl.Row, but I can't fix it. Can anyone help. Thanks in advance. Please code below.
Sub M_snb()
Sheets("Template").Copy , Sheets(Sheets.Count)
Sheets(Sheets.Count).Name = "Result"
Sheets("Template").Visible = False
With Sheets("Result")
.Range("B9") = InputBox("Provider's MA Number")
.Range("B10") = InputBox("Provider's Agency")
.Range("B11") = InputBox("Provider's Address")
.Range("K9") = InputBox("Program Specialist")
.Range("K11") = InputBox("Contact E-Mail")
.Range("O10") = InputBox("Monitoring Dates")
For j = 1 To Application.CountIf(Sheets("ACW-Participant").Columns("FE"), "UNMET")
If j > 1 Then .Range("A1:R45").Copy .Cells(j * 50, 1)
Set c00 = Application.InputBox("Select the range you want to copy from", Type:=8)
If Not c00 Is Nothing Then c00.Copy .Range("E15")
.Range("E12") = Sheets("ACW-Participant").Cells(cl.Row, 5).Value
.Range("E14") = Sheets("ACW-Participant").Cells(cl.Row, 1).Value
End With
End Sub
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