I've got a macro that we use on multiple spreadsheets that works without an issue. I've tried to use the same macro for a new spreadsheet I've created which works on the same basis but I keep getting run time error 1004.
The line that I get the error is at
Range(Cells(OldDateRow, 3), Cells(OldDateRow, LastColumn - 1)).Copy
Cell A2 has the formula =TODAY()-1 which is the same as other spreadsheets, we always work one day behind. I'm trying to start from 01/01/2020 but I'm tearing my hair out now trying to figure out why this wont work. Can anyone help? Much appreciated if anyone can give me some advice
I've got a macro that we use on multiple spreadsheets that works without an issue. I've tried to use the same macro for a new spreadsheet I've created which works on the same basis but I keep getting run time error 1004.
VBA Code:
Sub PrepareReport()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
UseDate = Range("A2").Value
Response = MsgBox("Input report for business date - " & UseDate & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & "NB: This should be the day AFTER the last populated date.", vbYesNoCancel + vbQuestion, "Prepare Report")
If Response = 2 Then
ElseIf Response = 7 Then
NewDate = InputBox("Enter date to use...(dd/mm/yy)", "Custom Date")
If IsDate(NewDate) = False Then
Do Until IsDate(NewDate) = True
NewDate = InputBox("The date you entered has not been recognised - please try again.....or enter 'abort' to quit.", "Try Again")
If UCase(NewDate) = "ABORT" Then End
End If
UseDate = CDate(NewDate)
End If
Call CheckDate(UseDate)
OldDate = UseDate - 1
NewDate = UseDate
OldDateRow = Application.Match(CLng(OldDate), Range("A1:A50000"), 0)
If Left(Range("C" & OldDateRow).Formula, 6) <> "=SUMIF" Then
MsgBox "The date used should be the day AFTER the last populated date." & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & "Please check and start again...", vbOKOnly & vbCritical, "Check Date"
End If
Sheets("Tariff V G&R").Select
OldDateRow = Application.Match(CLng(OldDate), Range("A1:A50000"), 0)
NewDateRow = Application.Match(CLng(NewDate), Range("A1:A50000"), 0)
LastColumn = Range("IV6").End(xlToLeft).Column
Range(Cells(OldDateRow, 3), Cells(OldDateRow, LastColumn - 1)).Copy
Range(Cells(NewDateRow, 3), Cells(NewDateRow, LastColumn - 1)).PasteSpecial xlPasteFormulas
Range(Cells(OldDateRow, 3), Cells(OldDateRow, LastColumn - 1)).PasteSpecial xlPasteValues
Application.CutCopyMode = False
Range("B" & OldDateRow).Select
The line that I get the error is at
Range(Cells(OldDateRow, 3), Cells(OldDateRow, LastColumn - 1)).Copy
Cell A2 has the formula =TODAY()-1 which is the same as other spreadsheets, we always work one day behind. I'm trying to start from 01/01/2020 but I'm tearing my hair out now trying to figure out why this wont work. Can anyone help? Much appreciated if anyone can give me some advice