Hello all!
The security for our Outlook keeps us from running any Macros, but we are able to go through Excel and access. Would it be possible to run from Excel? Here is the code I want to run. I want it to change the message class of all the contacts in a specific folder. Would the be possible? Suggestions are appreciated
The security for our Outlook keeps us from running any Macros, but we are able to go through Excel and access. Would it be possible to run from Excel? Here is the code I want to run. I want it to change the message class of all the contacts in a specific folder. Would the be possible? Suggestions are appreciated
VBA Code:
' Change the following line to your new Message Class
NewMC = "IPM.Contact.New Contact"
Set CurFolder = Application.ActiveExplorer.CurrentFolder
Set AllItems = CurFolder.Items
NumItems = CurFolder.Items.Count
' Loop through all of the items in the folder
For i = 1 To NumItems
Set CurItem = AllItems.Item(i)
' Test for a distlist
If CurItem.Class = olContact Then
' Test to see if the Message Class needs to be changed
If CurItem.MessageClass <> NewMC Then
' Change the Message Class
CurItem.MessageClass = NewMC
' Save the changed item
End If
End If
MsgBox "Done."
End Sub