Row Population and Transposing of data


New Member
Nov 26, 2010

I have a data set that has some problems and needs cleanup, but I'm not sure how to accomplish this feat.

Basically I want to flatten the data as much as possible without loosing any data.
The data came from different sources so each row represents a row, and the column is where the data is located.
If This was a small set I would just go manually, but this is only a small subset of the data.
The sources are in no particular order.

The first data set is problem.
The second data set is solution 1. If I could get the data to this position I would be happy, but
The third tab is solution 2, if I could get it to this stage that would be the ultimate goal.

NameGenreBorn DateDied DateBorn LocationDied LocationParentsFavorite SongsCause of deathReligionMovies
Bob MarleyReggae
Bob MarleyMelanomaRastafariMarley
Bob MarleyNorval Marley, Cedella BookerCorner Stone
Bob Marley
Nine Mile, JamaicaMiami, FL
Bob MarleyRedemption Song
Buju BantonReggae
Buju Banton
Kingston, Jamaica
Buju BantonUntold Stories
Bunny WailerReggae
Bunny Wailer
Kingston, Jamaica
Bunny WailerCool Runnings
Burning SpearReggaeOld Marcus Garvey
Burning Spear
St. Ann Parish, Jamaica
Damian MarleyReggae
Damian Marley
Kingston, Jamaica
Damian MarleyBob Marley, Cindy BreakspeareWelcome to Jam Rock
Damian MarleyMedication
Dennis Brown
Dennis BrownReggaePneumothorax
Dennis BrownThe Promised Land
Dennis Brown
Kingston, JamaicaKingston, Jamaica
Desmend DekkerReggae
Desmend Dekker
St. Andrew Parish, JamaicaThornton Heath, United Kingdom
Desmend DekkerIsrealites
Jimmy CliffReggae
Jimmy Cliff
St. James Parish, Jamaica
Jimmy CliffI can See Clearly Now
Jimmy Cliff
Lee "Scratch" PerryReggae
Lee "Scratch" Perry
Kendal, Jamaica
Lee "Scratch" PerryChase the DevilLee Scratch Perry's Vision of Paradise
Lee "Scratch" Perry
Peter ToshReggae
Peter ToshYou Can't Blame the Youth
Peter Tosh
Grange Hill, JamaicaKingston, Jamaica
Peter ToshMurderRastafariStepping Razor: Red X
Peter ToshLegalize it
Peter ToshGlass House
Peter Tosh
Stephen MarleyReggae
Stephen Marley
Wilmington, DE
Stephen MarleyMind Control
Stephen MarleyMedication
Stephen MarleyChase Dem
Stephen MarleyIron Bars
Stephen MarleyInna Di Red
Ziggy MarleyReggae
Ziggy Marley
Kingston, Jamaica
Ziggy MarleyLooking
Ziggy MarleyTrue to Myself
Ziggy MarleyDragonfly
Ziggy MarleyKeep My Faith
Ziggy MarleyShark Tale
Ziggy MarleyLife and Debt
Ziggy MarleyI Am Bolt
Ziggy MarleyPup Star
Ziggy MarleyThe Strink is In

2nd Set

NameGenreBorn DateDied DateBorn LocationDied LocationParentsFavorite SongsCause of deathReligionMovies
Bob MarleyReggae
Nine Mile, JamaicaMiami, FLNorval Marley, Cedella BookerCorner StoneMelanomaRastafariMarley
Bob MarleyReggae
Nine Mile, JamaicaMiami, FLNorval Marley, Cedella BookerRedemption SongMelanomaRastafariMarley
Buju BantonReggae
Kingston, JamaicaUntold Stories
Bunny WailerReggae
Kingston, JamaicaCool Runnings
Burning SpearReggae
St. Ann Parish, JamaicaOld Marcus Garvey
Damian MarleyReggae
Kingston, JamaicaBob Marley, Cindy BreakspeareWelcome to Jam Rock
Damian MarleyReggae
Kingston, JamaicaBob Marley, Cindy BreakspeareMedication
Dennis BrownReggae
Kingston, JamaicaKingston, JamaicaThe Promised LandPneumothorax
Desmend DekkerReggae
St. Andrew Parish, JamaicaThornton Heath, United KingdomIsrealites
Jimmy CliffReggae
St. James Parish, JamaicaI can See Clearly Now
Lee "Scratch" PerryReggae
Kendal, JamaicaChase the DevilLee Scratch Perry's Vision of Paradise
Peter ToshReggae
Grange Hill, JamaicaKingston, JamaicaYou Can't Blame the YouthMurderRastafariStepping Razor: Red X
Peter ToshReggae
Grange Hill, JamaicaKingston, JamaicaLegalize itMurderRastafariStepping Razor: Red X
Peter ToshReggae
Grange Hill, JamaicaKingston, JamaicaGlass HouseMurderRastafariStepping Razor: Red X
Stephen MarleyReggae
Wilmington, DEMind Control
Stephen MarleyReggae
Wilmington, DEMedication
Stephen MarleyReggae
Wilmington, DEChase Dem
Stephen MarleyReggae
Wilmington, DEIron Bars
Stephen MarleyReggae
Wilmington, DEInna Di Red
Ziggy MarleyReggae
Kingston, JamaicaLookingShark Tale
Ziggy MarleyReggae
Kingston, JamaicaTrue to MyselfLife and Debt
Ziggy MarleyReggae
Kingston, JamaicaDragonflyI Am Bolt
Ziggy MarleyReggae
Kingston, JamaicaKeep My FaithPup Star
Ziggy MarleyReggae
Kingston, JamaicaKeep My FaithThe Strink is In

3rd Set

NameGenreBorn DateDied DateBorn LocationDied LocationParentsFavorite Songs1Favorite Songs2Favorite Songs3Favorite Songs4Favorite Songs5Cause of deathReligionMovies1Movies12Movies3Movies4Movies5
Bob MarleyReggae
Nine Mile, JamaicaMiami, FLNorval Marley, Cedella BookerCorner StoneRedemption SongMelanomaRastafariMarley
Buju BantonReggae
Kingston, JamaicaUntold Stories
Bunny WailerReggae
Kingston, JamaicaCool Runnings
Burning SpearReggae
St. Ann Parish, JamaicaOld Marcus Garvey
Damian MarleyReggae
Kingston, JamaicaBob Marley, Cindy BreakspeareWelcome to Jam RockMedication
Dennis BrownReggae
Kingston, JamaicaKingston, JamaicaThe Promised LandPneumothorax
Desmend DekkerReggae
St. Andrew Parish, JamaicaThornton Heath, United KingdomIsrealites
Jimmy CliffReggae
St. James Parish, JamaicaI can See Clearly NowMarley
Lee "Scratch" PerryReggae
Kendal, JamaicaChase the DevilLee Scratch Perry's Vision of Paradise
Peter ToshReggae
Grange Hill, JamaicaKingston, JamaicaYou Can't Blame the YouthLegalize itGlass HouseMurderRastafariStepping Razor: Red X
Stephen MarleyReggae
Wilmington, DEMind ControlMedicationChase DemIron BarsInna Di Red
Ziggy MarleyReggae
Kingston, JamaicaLookingTrue to MyselfDragonflyKeep My FaithShark TaleLife and DebtI Am BoltPup StarThe Strink is In

I appreciate the advise. Thank you
something like this or you need to split songs and movies?
Upvote 0
Looks familiar.

1NameGenreBorn DateDied DateBorn LocationDied LocationParentsFavorite SongsCause of deathReligionMovies
2Bob MarleyReggae2/6/19455/11/1981Nine Mile, JamaicaMiami, FLNorval Marley, Cedella BookerCorner Stone,Redemption SongMelanomaRastafariMarley
3Buju BantonReggae7/15/1973Kingston, JamaicaUntold Stories
4Bunny WailerReggae4/10/1947Kingston, JamaicaCool Runnings
5Burning SpearReggae3/1/1945St. Ann Parish, JamaicaOld Marcus Garvey
6Damian MarleyReggae7/21/1978Kingston, JamaicaBob Marley, Cindy BreakspeareWelcome to Jam Rock,Medication
7Dennis BrownReggae2/1/19577/1/1999Kingston, JamaicaKingston, JamaicaThe Promised LandPneumothorax
8Desmend DekkerReggae7/16/19415/25/2006St. Andrew Parish, JamaicaThornton Heath, United KingdomIsrealites
9Jimmy CliffReggae4/1/1948St. James Parish, JamaicaI can See Clearly Now
10Lee "Scratch" PerryReggae3/20/1936Kendal, JamaicaChase the DevilLee Scratch Perry's Vision of Paradise
11Peter ToshReggae10/19/19449/11/1987Grange Hill, JamaicaKingston, JamaicaYou Can't Blame the Youth,Legalize it,Glass HouseMurderRastafariStepping Razor: Red X
12Stephen MarleyReggae5/19/1972Wilmington, DEMind Control,Medication,Chase Dem,Iron Bars,Inna Di Red
13Ziggy MarleyReggae10/17/1968Kingston, JamaicaLooking,True to Myself,Dragonfly,Keep My FaithShark Tale,Life and Debt,I Am Bolt,Pup Star,The Strink is In
Upvote 0
it's only a matter of delimiter :)
imho, after comma should be a space ;)
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Agreed. I saw that after posting and it made the OCD go off.
Upvote 0
Here a macro for you to consider.

Your data on "set1" sheet starting at A1, results on "set3" sheet.
If the songs or movies are more or less than 5, the macro automatically adjusts the columns.

VBA Code:
Sub Row_Population_Transposing_Data()
  Dim a As Variant, b As Variant, c As Variant, d As Variant, e As Variant
  Dim dic As Object, sh As Worksheet
  Dim i As Long, j As Long, k As Long, lr As Long, m As Long, n As Long, u As Long
  Set sh = Sheets("Set1")
  With sh
    lr = .Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(3).Row
    a = .Range("A2:K" & lr).Value2
    m = Evaluate(Replace("=MAX(COUNTIFS(@,@," & .Name & "!H2:H" & lr & ",""<>""))", "@", .Name & "!A2:A" & lr)) 'max songs
    n = Evaluate(Replace("=MAX(COUNTIFS(@,@," & .Name & "!K2:K" & lr & ",""<>""))", "@", .Name & "!A2:A" & lr)) 'max movies
    u = Evaluate(Replace("=SUMPRODUCT((@<>"""")/COUNTIF(@,@&""""))", "@", .Name & "!A2:A" & lr)) 'unique
  End With
  ReDim b(1 To u, 1 To 7)
  ReDim c(1 To u, 1 To m)
  ReDim d(1 To u, 1 To 2)
  ReDim e(1 To u, 1 To n)
  Set dic = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
  For i = 1 To UBound(a, 1)
    If Not dic.exists(a(i, 1)) Then
      j = j + 1
      dic(a(i, 1)) = j
    End If
    j = dic(a(i, 1))
    For k = 1 To 7
      If a(i, k) <> "" Then b(j, k) = a(i, k)
    If a(i, 8) <> "" Then
      For k = 1 To m
        If c(j, k) = "" Then
          c(j, k) = a(i, 8)
          Exit For
        End If
    End If
    For k = 1 To 2
      If a(i, k + 8) <> "" Then d(j, k) = a(i, k + 8)
    If a(i, 11) <> "" Then
      For k = 1 To n
        If e(j, k) = "" Then
          e(j, k) = a(i, 11)
          Exit For
        End If
    End If
  With Sheets("Set3")
    .Range("A1").Resize(1, 7).Value = sh.Range("A1:G1").Value
    .Range("H1").Resize(1, m).Value = sh.Range("H1").Value
    .Cells(1, 8 + m).Resize(1, 2).Value = sh.Range("I1:J1").Value
    .Cells(1, 8 + m + 2).Resize(1, n).Value = sh.Range("K1").Value
    .Range("A2").Resize(u, 7).Value = b
    .Range("H2").Resize(u, m).Value = c
    .Cells(2, 8 + m).Resize(u, 2).Value = d
    .Cells(2, 8 + m + 2).Resize(u, n).Value = e
  End With
End Sub
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Upvote 0
NameGenreBorn DateDied DateBorn LocationDied LocationParentsFavorite Songs.1Favorite Songs.2Favorite Songs.3Favorite Songs.4Favorite Songs.5Cause of deathReligionMovies.1Movies.2Movies.3Movies.4Movies.5
Bob MarleyReggae2/6/19455/11/1981Nine Mile, JamaicaMiami, FLNorval Marley, Cedella BookerCorner StoneRedemption SongMelanomaRastafariMarley
Buju BantonReggae7/15/1973Kingston, JamaicaUntold Stories
Bunny WailerReggae4/10/1947Kingston, JamaicaCool Runnings
Burning SpearReggae3/1/1945St. Ann Parish, JamaicaOld Marcus Garvey
Damian MarleyReggae7/21/1978Kingston, JamaicaBob Marley, Cindy BreakspeareWelcome to Jam RockMedication
Dennis BrownReggae2/1/19577/1/1999Kingston, JamaicaKingston, JamaicaThe Promised LandPneumothorax
Desmend DekkerReggae7/16/19415/25/2006St. Andrew Parish, JamaicaThornton Heath, United KingdomIsrealites
Jimmy CliffReggae4/1/1948St. James Parish, JamaicaI can See Clearly Now
Lee "Scratch" PerryReggae3/20/1936Kendal, JamaicaChase the DevilLee Scratch Perry's Vision of Paradise
Peter ToshReggae10/19/19449/11/1987Grange Hill, JamaicaKingston, JamaicaYou Can't Blame the YouthLegalize itGlass HouseMurderRastafariStepping Razor: Red X
Stephen MarleyReggae5/19/1972Wilmington, DEMind ControlMedicationChase DemIron BarsInna Di Red
Ziggy MarleyReggae10/17/1968Kingston, JamaicaLookingTrue to MyselfDragonflyKeep My FaithShark TaleLife and DebtI Am BoltPup StarThe Strink is In

Rich (BB code):
    Source = Excel.CurrentWorkbook(){[Name="Table1"]}[Content],
    Group = Table.Group(Source, {"Name"}, {{"Count", each _, type table}}),
    GenreExtract = Table.TransformColumns(Table.AddColumn(Group, "Genre", each [Count][Genre]), {"Genre", each Text.Combine(List.Transform(_, Text.From), ","), type text}),
    BornDateExtract = Table.TransformColumns(Table.AddColumn(GenreExtract, "Born Date", each [Count][Born Date]), {"Born Date", each Text.Combine(List.Transform(_, Text.From), ","), type text}),
    DiedDateExtract = Table.TransformColumns(Table.AddColumn(BornDateExtract, "Died Date", each [Count][Died Date]), {"Died Date", each Text.Combine(List.Transform(_, Text.From), ","), type text}),
    BornLocationExtract = Table.TransformColumns(Table.AddColumn(DiedDateExtract, "Born Location", each [Count][Born Location]), {"Born Location", each Text.Combine(List.Transform(_, Text.From), ","), type text}),
    DiedLocationExtract = Table.TransformColumns(Table.AddColumn(BornLocationExtract, "Died Location", each [Count][Died Location]), {"Died Location", each Text.Combine(List.Transform(_, Text.From), ","), type text}),
    ParentsExtract = Table.TransformColumns(Table.AddColumn(DiedLocationExtract, "Parents", each [Count][Parents]), {"Parents", each Text.Combine(List.Transform(_, Text.From), ","), type text}),
    SongsExtract = Table.TransformColumns(Table.AddColumn(ParentsExtract, "Favorite Songs", each [Count][Favorite Songs]), {"Favorite Songs", each Text.Combine(List.Transform(_, Text.From), ","), type text}),
    MaxCount1 = List.Max(Table.AddColumn(SongsExtract, "SCount", each List.Count(Text.Split([Favorite Songs],",")))[SCount]),
    SplitTCSongs = Table.SplitColumn(SongsExtract, "Favorite Songs", Splitter.SplitTextByDelimiter(",", QuoteStyle.Csv), MaxCount1),
    CauseExtract = Table.TransformColumns(Table.AddColumn(SplitTCSongs, "Cause of death", each [Count][Cause of death]), {"Cause of death", each Text.Combine(List.Transform(_, Text.From), ","), type text}),
    ReligionExtract = Table.TransformColumns(Table.AddColumn(CauseExtract, "Religion", each [Count][Religion]), {"Religion", each Text.Combine(List.Transform(_, Text.From), ","), type text}),
    MoviesExtract = Table.TransformColumns(Table.AddColumn(ReligionExtract, "Movies", each [Count][Movies]), {"Movies", each Text.Combine(List.Transform(_, Text.From), ","), type text}),
    MaxCount2 = List.Max(Table.AddColumn(MoviesExtract, "SCount", each List.Count(Text.Split([Movies],",")))[SCount]),
    SplitTCMovies = Table.SplitColumn(MoviesExtract, "Movies", Splitter.SplitTextByDelimiter(",", QuoteStyle.Csv), MaxCount2)
Upvote 0
Here is my version.

1NameGenreBorn DateDied DateBorn LocationDied LocationParentsFavorite Songs.1Favorite Songs.2Favorite Songs.3Favorite Songs.4Favorite Songs.5Cause of deathReligionMovies.1Movies.2Movies.3Movies.4Movies.5
2Bob MarleyReggae2/6/19455/11/1981Nine Mile, JamaicaMiami, FLNorval Marley, Cedella BookerCorner StoneRedemption SongMelanomaRastafariMarley
3Buju BantonReggae7/15/1973Kingston, JamaicaUntold Stories
4Bunny WailerReggae4/10/1947Kingston, JamaicaCool Runnings
5Burning SpearReggae3/1/1945St. Ann Parish, JamaicaOld Marcus Garvey
6Damian MarleyReggae7/21/1978Kingston, JamaicaBob Marley, Cindy BreakspeareWelcome to Jam RockMedication
7Dennis BrownReggae2/1/19577/1/1999Kingston, JamaicaKingston, JamaicaThe Promised LandPneumothorax
8Desmend DekkerReggae7/16/19415/25/2006St. Andrew Parish, JamaicaThornton Heath, United KingdomIsrealites
9Jimmy CliffReggae4/1/1948St. James Parish, JamaicaI can See Clearly Now
10Lee "Scratch" PerryReggae3/20/1936Kendal, JamaicaChase the DevilLee Scratch Perry's Vision of Paradise
11Peter ToshReggae10/19/19449/11/1987Grange Hill, JamaicaKingston, JamaicaYou Can't Blame the YouthLegalize itGlass HouseMurderRastafariStepping Razor: Red X
12Stephen MarleyReggae5/19/1972Wilmington, DEMind ControlMedicationChase DemIron BarsInna Di Red
13Ziggy MarleyReggae10/17/1968Kingston, JamaicaLookingTrue to MyselfDragonflyKeep My FaithShark TaleLife and DebtI Am BoltPup StarThe Strink is In

Rich (BB code):
    Source = Excel.CurrentWorkbook(){[Name="Table1"]}[Content],
    Group = Table.Group(Source, {"Name"}, {
        {"Genre", each Text.Combine(_[Genre],", "), type text},
        {"Born Date", each Text.Combine(_[Born Date],", "), type text},
        {"Died Date", each Text.Combine(_[Died Date],", "), type text},
        {"Born Location", each Text.Combine(_[Born Location],", "), type text},
        {"Died Location", each Text.Combine(_[Died Location],", "), type text},
        {"Parents", each Text.Combine(_[Parents],", "), type text},
        {"Favorite Songs", each Text.Combine(_[Favorite Songs],", "), type text},
        {"Cause of death", each Text.Combine(_[Cause of death],", "), type text},
        {"Religion", each Text.Combine(_[Religion],", "), type text},
        {"Movies", each Text.Combine(_[Movies],", "), type text}
    SplitSongs = Table.SplitColumn(Group, "Favorite Songs", Splitter.SplitTextByDelimiter(", ", QuoteStyle.Csv), {"Favorite Songs.1", "Favorite Songs.2", "Favorite Songs.3", "Favorite Songs.4", "Favorite Songs.5"}),
    SplitMovies = Table.SplitColumn(SplitSongs, "Movies", Splitter.SplitTextByDelimiter(", ", QuoteStyle.Csv), {"Movies.1", "Movies.2", "Movies.3", "Movies.4", "Movies.5"})
Upvote 0
You can make it a bit shorter with count delimiter and maxcount
Rich (BB code):
SplitSongs = Table.SplitColumn(Group, "Favorite Songs", Splitter.SplitTextByDelimiter(", ", QuoteStyle.Csv), {"Favorite Songs.1", "Favorite Songs.2", "Favorite Songs.3", "Favorite Songs.4", "Favorite Songs.5"}),
Rich (BB code):
SplitSongs = Table.SplitColumn(Group, "Favorite Songs", Splitter.SplitTextByDelimiter(", ", QuoteStyle.Csv), MaxCount),
Upvote 0

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