Where I work we have an on/off schedule of either 7/7, 14/14, 21/21 or 28/28 days. For years I have been creating new calendars and shading in the days we work. I found a Visual Basic code that can do the shading, but I can not get it to convert to the way I have the calendar laid out which is January, February & March at the top side by side with the other months following in order below. The visual basic code is made to run with the Months laid out as January & February at the top side by side with the other months following in order below. Can anyone help.
VBA Code:
Dim CountRow, CountCol, CurMonth
Sub seven()
Shade_Days 7
End Sub
Sub fourteen()
Shade_Days 14
End Sub
Sub twentyone()
Shade_Days 21
End Sub
Sub twentyeight()
Shade_Days 28
End Sub
Sub hel()
MsgBox "Move the mouse pointer to select the date that" + _
crlf$ + "you wish to start highlighting the rota from." + _
crlf$ + "Then select the rota button 7, 14, 21 or 28. " + _
crlf$ + "Your rota will be highlighted from the point " + _
crlf$ + "of selection through to the end of the year. " + _
crlf$ + "" + _
crlf$ + "PeteHeff"
End Sub
Sub Clr()
CountRow = ActiveCell.Row
CountCol = ActiveCell.Column
Worksheets("Cal_mu3").Unprotect password:="MyPass"
With Selection.Interior
.ColorIndex = 2
.Pattern = xlSolid
.PatternColorIndex = 2
End With
Cells(CountRow, CountCol).Select
Worksheets("Cal_mu3").Protect password:="MyPass"
End Sub
Sub Shade_Days(Days)
Dim DaysOn, WherAmI, EOYear
'get the cursor loc before clearing
CountRow = ActiveCell.Row
CountCol = ActiveCell.Column
If Check_ok = False Then
MsgBox "The active cell must be on the numeric calander to function."
Exit Sub
End If
If Val(Cells(CountRow, CountCol)) = 0 Then
MsgBox "Make sure your start date is selected properly."
Exit Sub
End If
Worksheets("Cal_mu3").Unprotect password:="MyPass"
With Selection.Interior
.ColorIndex = 2
.Pattern = xlSolid
.PatternColorIndex = 2
End With
DaysOn = 0
EOYear = False
WherAmI = Wher(CountRow)
If CountCol < 8 Then
'on the left
CurMonth = WherAmI
'on the right
CurMonth = WherAmI + 1
End If
'MsgBox CurMonth
Do While EOYear = False 'And tmp < 200
If Cells(CountRow, CountCol) <> "" Then
DaysOn = DaysOn + 1
If DaysOn = (Days * 2) + 1 Then
DaysOn = 1
End If
Cells(CountRow, CountCol).Select
If DaysOn = Days + 1 Then
If DaysOn < Days + 1 Then
End If
End If
End If
If CurMonth = 13 Then EOYear = True
Worksheets("Cal_mu3").Protect password:="MyPass"
End Sub
Sub FixNewPos()
'MsgBox CurMonth Mod 2
Dim var1
If CurMonth Mod 2 = 0 Then
'rh side 2,4,6,8,10
CountCol = CountCol + 1
If CountCol = 16 Then
CountCol = 9
CountRow = CountRow + 1
Select Case CurMonth
Case 2
var1 = 11
Case 4
var1 = 20
Case 6
var1 = 29
Case 8
var1 = 38
Case 10
var1 = 47
Case 12
var1 = 56
End Select
If CountRow = var1 Then
'new month
CurMonth = CurMonth + 1
CountCol = 1
CountRow = var1 + 3
End If
End If
CountCol = CountCol + 1
If CountCol = 8 Then
CountCol = 1
CountRow = CountRow + 1
Select Case CurMonth
Case 1
var1 = 11
Case 3
var1 = 20
Case 5
var1 = 29
Case 7
var1 = 38
Case 9
var1 = 47
Case 11
var1 = 56
End Select
If CountRow = var1 Then
'new month
CurMonth = CurMonth + 1
CountCol = 9
CountRow = var1 - 6
End If
End If
End If
End Sub
Function Wher(TR)
Select Case TR
Case 5 To 10
Wher = 1
Case 14 To 19
Wher = 3
Case 23 To 28
Wher = 5
Case 32 To 37
Wher = 7
Case 41 To 46
Wher = 9
Case 50 To 55
Wher = 11
End Select
End Function
Sub Shade_ON()
With Selection.Interior
.ColorIndex = 4
.Pattern = xlSolid
.PatternColorIndex = 2
End With
End Sub
Sub Shade_HomeDay()
With Selection.Interior
.ColorIndex = 4
.Pattern = xlGray25
.PatternColorIndex = 3
End With
End Sub
Function Check_ok()
Check_ok = False
If (CountCol > 0 And CountCol < 8) Or (CountCol > 8 And CountCol < 16) Then
Select Case CountRow
Case 5 To 10, 14 To 19, 23 To 28, 32 To 37, 41 To 46, 50 To 55
Check_ok = True
End Select
End If
End Function
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