Hello. I am comparing 2 different workbooks. I want this formula to return a "P" if the cell values in the 2nd workbook (Trial31) contains "Pass/Pass" or "Pass/Fail". Else if none of these 2, return an "O".
I'm also using COUNTIFS as apart from the above, I also need to check if another set of cell values from
The formula below returns an error. Hope to get help. Thanks.
I'm also using COUNTIFS as apart from the above, I also need to check if another set of cell values from
the 2nd workbook
(Trial31) contains matching data in cell D1 of my 1st workbook. The formula below returns an error. Hope to get help. Thanks.
=IF((COUNTIFS('[Trial31.xlsx]Sheet1 '!$B$2:$B$10,D1,'[Trial31.xlsx]Sheet1 '!$K$2:$K$10,"Pass/Fail") OR (COUNTIFS('[Trial31.xlsx]Sheet1 '!$B$2:$B$10,D1,'[Trial31.xlsx]Sheet1 '!$K$2:$K$10,"Pass/Pass"))>0,"P","O"))