I am trying to return the values in column B, based on a condition in column A. Below is the formula I have which is working, but returns values only once if for values that are duplicated. i.e. if 'apple' is the result on the sheet 5 times, the list will only return it once. I was to see it 5 times. I need it to return all values which meet the criteria when searching the range.
Should I be using a different function?
{=index('$B$3:$B$100, MATCH(0,IF($A$3:$A$100<>"Yes",countif($A$3:$A3,$B$3:$B$100),""),0))}
Thank you in advance.
I am trying to return the values in column B, based on a condition in column A. Below is the formula I have which is working, but returns values only once if for values that are duplicated. i.e. if 'apple' is the result on the sheet 5 times, the list will only return it once. I was to see it 5 times. I need it to return all values which meet the criteria when searching the range.
Should I be using a different function?
{=index('$B$3:$B$100, MATCH(0,IF($A$3:$A$100<>"Yes",countif($A$3:$A3,$B$3:$B$100),""),0))}
Thank you in advance.