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- Apr 27, 2012
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I have a worksheet with multiple conditional formatting conditions set up on it. These are typically set on whole column ranges e.g. $A:$A or $A:$Z etc.
There is a table on the sheet and a macro I use to enable users to insert 1 or more rows in the table in a controlled fashion (using the subroutine below). Note that the user can choose to copy all of the content from the currently selected row or just copy the formulae.
The problem is that when I insert rows in this way I 'break up' the conditional formatting to instead of one condition for range $A:$A I get multiple conditions applied to ranges "=$A$1:$A$7,$A$9:$A$1048576" and "=$A$8" etc. As you can imagine, over time this gets extremely messy.
Note that if I turn off the protection on the sheet and just use 'tab' to manually add rows to the end of the table I don't see this problem, but I can't allow users to do this as it would interfere with the integrity of the data checking/formulae within the table.
So... I'd like to find a way either of inserting a row in a table that retains the original contiguous ranges for conditional formatting or a way to read and store the conditional formatting before inserting a row so that I can reinstate it afterwards. I have failed at both so would welcome any pointers. It doesn't seem possible, for example to retrieve the range associated with a conditional formatting condition, just the other way round i.e. get the conditional formatting associated with a range.
I guess a possible way round would be to manually enter and store the formatting rules in a separate area of the spreadsheet and delete/reapply them when adding new table rows but if I have to do this, it would be very handy to be able to get Excel to do the donkey work for me and print them out somewhere.
Thanks in advance
There is a table on the sheet and a macro I use to enable users to insert 1 or more rows in the table in a controlled fashion (using the subroutine below). Note that the user can choose to copy all of the content from the currently selected row or just copy the formulae.
The problem is that when I insert rows in this way I 'break up' the conditional formatting to instead of one condition for range $A:$A I get multiple conditions applied to ranges "=$A$1:$A$7,$A$9:$A$1048576" and "=$A$8" etc. As you can imagine, over time this gets extremely messy.
Note that if I turn off the protection on the sheet and just use 'tab' to manually add rows to the end of the table I don't see this problem, but I can't allow users to do this as it would interfere with the integrity of the data checking/formulae within the table.
So... I'd like to find a way either of inserting a row in a table that retains the original contiguous ranges for conditional formatting or a way to read and store the conditional formatting before inserting a row so that I can reinstate it afterwards. I have failed at both so would welcome any pointers. It doesn't seem possible, for example to retrieve the range associated with a conditional formatting condition, just the other way round i.e. get the conditional formatting associated with a range.
I guess a possible way round would be to manually enter and store the formatting rules in a separate area of the spreadsheet and delete/reapply them when adding new table rows but if I have to do this, it would be very handy to be able to get Excel to do the donkey work for me and print them out somewhere.
Thanks in advance
Function InsertDuplicateRow(Optional intRowCount As Integer, Optional bolRemoveValues As Boolean) As Boolean
Dim lngRow As Long
Dim lngCurrRow As Long
Dim lngTableFirstrow As Long
Dim lstTable As ListObject
Dim bolResponse As Boolean
Dim c As Range
Dim I As Integer
Dim f As Filter
Dim strEnteredValue As String
InsertDuplicateRow = False
Call EventsDisable
On Error GoTo err_handler
'Check for a non-continuous selection
If Selection.Rows.Count <> 1 Then
bolResponse = MsgBox("Please select one or more cells from a single row", vbOKOnly)
Exit Function
End If
'Find out number of rows to insert (show dialog box)
' start up the form
If intRowCount = 0 Then
strEnteredValue = FEnterValue.GetValue("Enter number rows to add (append a B to enter blank rows)", "^[0-9]{0,3}[B]{0,1}$", "1", "Invalid entry. Please enter a number from 0 to 999 followed by 'B' or nothing")
If Right(strEnteredValue, 1) = "B" Then
intRowCount = Val(Mid(strEnteredValue, 1, Len(strEnteredValue) - 1))
bolRemoveValues = True
intRowCount = Val(strEnteredValue)
End If
End If
If intRowCount > 0 Then
Call UnprotectSheet
'Remove filter if necessary
If Not ActiveSheet.AutoFilter Is Nothing Then
For Each f In ActiveSheet.AutoFilter.Filters
If f.On Then
Exit For
End If
End If
lngRow = Selection.Row
'If this is a table, check we aren't on the first row
If Not Selection.ListObject Is Nothing Then
Set lstTable = Selection.ListObject
If lngRow >= lstTable.Range.Cells(lstTable.Range.Rows.Count, 1).Row Then
If MsgBox("Can't append to the last line of the table, please select a different cell.", vbOKOnly) = vbOK Then
GoTo exit_sub
End If
End If
End If
'Use different insert method depending if we are in a table but NOT on the mappings sheet (where it is too slow)
If Not lstTable Is Nothing And ActiveSheet.Name <> "Mappings" Then
'Store the row number for the first row of the table
lngTableFirstrow = lstTable.Range.Cells(1, 1).Row
lstTable.ListRows(lngRow - lngTableFirstrow).Range.Copy
For I = 1 To intRowCount
'Insert the new cell into the row beneath the current row
lstTable.ListRows.Add Position:=(I + lngRow - lngTableFirstrow)
Next I
'And if required copy the contents down...
If Not bolRemoveValues Then
lstTable.ListRows(Selection.Row - lngTableFirstrow).Range.Copy
For I = 1 To intRowCount
lstTable.ListRows(I + lngRow - lngTableFirstrow).Range.PasteSpecial xlPasteValues
Next I
End If
Range(Rows(lngRow + 1), Rows(lngRow + intRowCount)).Insert Shift:=xlDown
For lngCurrRow = lngRow + 1 To lngRow + intRowCount
If bolRemoveValues Then
Dim endcell As Range
'For Each c In Range(Cells(lngCurrRow, 1), Cells(lngCurrRow, ActiveSheet.Columns.Count))
For Each c In Range(Cells(lngCurrRow, 1), Cells(lngCurrRow, Cells(1, ActiveSheet.Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column))
If Not c.HasFormula Then
c.Value = ""
End If
End If
Application.CutCopyMode = False
End If
End If
InsertDuplicateRow = True
Call ProtectSheet
Call EventsRestore
Exit Function
Call GlobalErrHandler(Err)
End Function