A message box I made pops up when I open a word document that reminds me of things to do with my current project(s). "Italicize dialogue," etc. I put the code in Normal's ThisDocument/Open. Somehow I'd like this macro/message box to be skipped when "notepad.doc" (a document I made set aside for notes) is opened.
If I could retrieve the name of the file while it is being opened (and only the 2nd instance of the application is visible) then I could just put into the code:
if documentbeingopened.name <> "notepad.doc" then
msgbox "message"
end if
(I always have my main document opened when I open this other document, via a button on a userform.)
If I could retrieve the name of the file while it is being opened (and only the 2nd instance of the application is visible) then I could just put into the code:
if documentbeingopened.name <> "notepad.doc" then
msgbox "message"
end if
(I always have my main document opened when I open this other document, via a button on a userform.)