Hi, I am trying to open PDF's through VBA code, the following piece of code works well..
However what i would like to do is change the name of the pdf file it is opening (in this case it is 2200487 - 2200546.pdf) to a cell reference. e.g. Whatever is in the the cell S2 of the sheet "Database". (there will be a file in this location called whatever is in the S column)
I assume this should be fairly straight forward such as taking out the file name from the location and add something like & ("S2") but couldn't get this to work (Im new!)
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
that is the main thing i need help with, but if you would like to go one step further, I would like the user to be able to enter an order number in a different cell, lets say C3 in a sheet called "PrintDocuments", then it searches through the order number column which is column D of the sheet "Database", then if it finds this works order number, open the PDF that is in column S at the end the row.
I began to wrote some code to do this, but again struggling with the open PDF bit. Thanks
VBA Code:
Function OpenAnyFile(strPath As String)
Set objShell = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
objShell.Open (strPath)
End Function
Sub TestPDF()
Dim pdfPath As String
pdfPath = "C:\TestPDF\2200487 - 2200546.pdf"
Call OpenAnyFile(pdfPath)
End Sub
However what i would like to do is change the name of the pdf file it is opening (in this case it is 2200487 - 2200546.pdf) to a cell reference. e.g. Whatever is in the the cell S2 of the sheet "Database". (there will be a file in this location called whatever is in the S column)
I assume this should be fairly straight forward such as taking out the file name from the location and add something like & ("S2") but couldn't get this to work (Im new!)
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
that is the main thing i need help with, but if you would like to go one step further, I would like the user to be able to enter an order number in a different cell, lets say C3 in a sheet called "PrintDocuments", then it searches through the order number column which is column D of the sheet "Database", then if it finds this works order number, open the PDF that is in column S at the end the row.
I began to wrote some code to do this, but again struggling with the open PDF bit. Thanks
Dim iRow As Long 'Variable to hold the starting row and loop through all records in database
Dim sh As Worksheet 'worksheet variable to refer to where database is stored
Dim myValue As Variant
Dim WorksOrder As String
Dim Found As Boolean
'Get user entered WorksOrder Number
WorksOrder = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("PrintDocuments").Range("C3").Value
'Set worksheet
Set sh = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Database")
iRow = 2 'row in which data starts from in database
Found = False
Do While sh.Range("A" & iRow).Value <> "" 'loop through until no data is found (last row of database)
If WorksOrder = sh.Range("D" & iRow).Value Then
Found = True
'Insert print pdf code here
Exit Do
End If
iRow = iRow + 1
If Found = True Then
MsgBox ("PDF Printed")
MsgBox ("Works Order Number Not Found")
End If
End Sub