Is there an already established udf/quick way I can substitute by (or on) instance number(s)?
My head drowned/blew up understood the complexity of this, on the 3rd iteration of this so i stopped. The 3rd nested substitute with if-test would need to contain the proceeding 2 if not if-test met, and so on... It would become like a program.
=SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(IF(ISNUMBER(CW24),SUBSTITUTE(IF(ISNUMBER(CV24),SUBSTITUTE(AT24,"; "," - additional text added on if test is met"&"; ",COLUMN(A1000)),AT24),"; "," - additional text added on if test is met"&"; ",COLUMN(B1000)),IF(ISNUMBER(CV24),SUBSTITUTE(AT24,"; "," - additional text added on if test is met"&"; ",COLUMN(A1000)),AT24)),"; "," - additional text added on if test is met"&"; ",COLUMN(C1000)),"; "," - additional text added on if test is met"&"; ",COLUMN(D1000)),"; "," - additional text added on if test is met"&"; ",COLUMN(E1000)),"; "," - additional text added on if test is met"&"; ",COLUMN(G1000)),"; "," - additional text added on if test is met"&"; ",COLUMN(H1000)),"; "," - additional text added on if test is met"&"; ",COLUMN(I1000)),"; "," - additional text added on if test is met"&"; ",COLUMN(J1000)) ....
& that wont be the end of it. There are " - additional text 2 added on if test is met", "additional text 3 added on if test is met", " - additional text 4 added on if test is met" and " - additional text 5 added on if test is met" do this for too, aswell.
Not to mention that the number of "; " delimiters will increase over time to go above 15, so go well over beyind the 7 nested if function limit (if I ever complete the above - its only valie for the first 2 instances at the moment). Hence my need for a something more dynamic or a udfmacro.
In the end i accomplished by goal another way, but want this here for providence (for me!) in case if anyone can provide some pointers or knows a dynamic substitute udf I could use [idealy , give it the positions you want to replace for, and it does them all and leaves the others unchaged, so you have a new cell will some changed and some not). If not, id have to work out one myself one day. Thanks.
My head drowned/blew up understood the complexity of this, on the 3rd iteration of this so i stopped. The 3rd nested substitute with if-test would need to contain the proceeding 2 if not if-test met, and so on... It would become like a program.
=SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(IF(ISNUMBER(CW24),SUBSTITUTE(IF(ISNUMBER(CV24),SUBSTITUTE(AT24,"; "," - additional text added on if test is met"&"; ",COLUMN(A1000)),AT24),"; "," - additional text added on if test is met"&"; ",COLUMN(B1000)),IF(ISNUMBER(CV24),SUBSTITUTE(AT24,"; "," - additional text added on if test is met"&"; ",COLUMN(A1000)),AT24)),"; "," - additional text added on if test is met"&"; ",COLUMN(C1000)),"; "," - additional text added on if test is met"&"; ",COLUMN(D1000)),"; "," - additional text added on if test is met"&"; ",COLUMN(E1000)),"; "," - additional text added on if test is met"&"; ",COLUMN(G1000)),"; "," - additional text added on if test is met"&"; ",COLUMN(H1000)),"; "," - additional text added on if test is met"&"; ",COLUMN(I1000)),"; "," - additional text added on if test is met"&"; ",COLUMN(J1000)) ....
& that wont be the end of it. There are " - additional text 2 added on if test is met", "additional text 3 added on if test is met", " - additional text 4 added on if test is met" and " - additional text 5 added on if test is met" do this for too, aswell.
Not to mention that the number of "; " delimiters will increase over time to go above 15, so go well over beyind the 7 nested if function limit (if I ever complete the above - its only valie for the first 2 instances at the moment). Hence my need for a something more dynamic or a udfmacro.
In the end i accomplished by goal another way, but want this here for providence (for me!) in case if anyone can provide some pointers or knows a dynamic substitute udf I could use [idealy , give it the positions you want to replace for, and it does them all and leaves the others unchaged, so you have a new cell will some changed and some not). If not, id have to work out one myself one day. Thanks.