I am only new here myself, but i do not think that these guys will make you a complete workbook. Its mainly used for help with existing formulas or for one specific task.
What i would do however, is the following
1) make a new workbook
2) copy (right click on the Sheets Tabs down the bottom and select Copy) all the Sheets from all other workbooks into your new workbook making sure Sheet1 is empty so that all houses and tenant info is in one happy workbook.
3) Lets say you want to show the Tennant names on Sheet1 you would select where you want that tennants name to go on Sheet1 by clicking that cell on Sheet1 then type = then click on the sheet for the info you want to display and click on the cell of information you want to show on your Sheet1
this way, when you change any information from any of the Sheets in your workbook for those particular houses / tennants.. the cells which are matching on Sheet1 will change and you can use it as an overview page.
Maybe there is a specific formula... but from reading your question i dont think it would be possible at all to create a whole workbook using one formula.