I currently have the following VLookup formula looking up info from another table:
=IFERROR(VLOOKUP($D$7,Table1,5,FALSE)," - ")
And It's great when there is no text in the cell or if the unique lookup value doesn't exist. However, when the field is blank that it is trying to lookup, it inserts a "0" and I don't want that. I want it to input the same " - " as above.
I've tried researching it to no avail.
I hope that makes sense. Any help is greatly appreciated. BTW, Happy Holidays!
Thanks in advance
I currently have the following VLookup formula looking up info from another table:
=IFERROR(VLOOKUP($D$7,Table1,5,FALSE)," - ")
And It's great when there is no text in the cell or if the unique lookup value doesn't exist. However, when the field is blank that it is trying to lookup, it inserts a "0" and I don't want that. I want it to input the same " - " as above.
I've tried researching it to no avail.
I hope that makes sense. Any help is greatly appreciated. BTW, Happy Holidays!
Thanks in advance