We often get spreadsheets from our customer that are formatted with both comma and dash combinations. We would like to only have the comma seperation.
R1, R2, R3-R5, R30
R1, R2, R3, R4, R5, R30
There is usually only one alpha character but sometimes more. Example: CR1, CR2, CR3-CR5.
The following macro works great if there are no alpha characters. Anyone have any idea how to solve the alpha/numeric combination?
Function Nums(rng As Range) As String
Dim adnum As Integer, n As Integer, num, Txt As String
num = Split(rng, ",")
For n = 0 To UBound(num)
If InStr(num
, "-") Then
For adnum = Split(num
, "-")(0) To Split(num
, "-")(1)
Txt = Txt & adnum & ","
Next adnum
Txt = Txt & num
& ","
End If
Next n
Nums = Txt
End Function
R1, R2, R3-R5, R30
R1, R2, R3, R4, R5, R30
There is usually only one alpha character but sometimes more. Example: CR1, CR2, CR3-CR5.
The following macro works great if there are no alpha characters. Anyone have any idea how to solve the alpha/numeric combination?
Function Nums(rng As Range) As String
Dim adnum As Integer, n As Integer, num, Txt As String
num = Split(rng, ",")
For n = 0 To UBound(num)
If InStr(num

For adnum = Split(num

Txt = Txt & adnum & ","
Next adnum
Txt = Txt & num

End If
Next n
Nums = Txt
End Function