I currently use this code below to grab data from my sheet to save the file. sometimes though C4 doesn't have 6 characters at the end I need to remove.
Is there a formula that will remove all the characters after the last letter... ie numbers, period and %? Sometimes there is no numbers or letter or they can change from a space and 3 characters to a space and 5 characters
ie. "2020 Simon 100%" vs "2020 Simon 80%" vs "2020 Simon 60.5%"
Is there a formula that will remove all the characters after the last letter... ie numbers, period and %? Sometimes there is no numbers or letter or they can change from a space and 3 characters to a space and 5 characters
ie. "2020 Simon 100%" vs "2020 Simon 80%" vs "2020 Simon 60.5%"
VBA Code:
If answer = vbYes Then
thisfile = ThisWorkbook.Path & Application.PathSeparator & "Batch " & Range("C3").Value & " (" & Left(Range("C4"), Len(Range("C4")) - 6) & ") " & Range("c5").Value & " L"
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:=thisfile
End If