I have a spreadsheet that has the user name in one column and then their relevant applications in the adjoining columns ie.
Column A Column B Column C Column D
User Name App1 App2 App3 etc
HP0505 Word Silverlight Lotus Notes etc
HP0606 Winzip Winzip Word
My task is to remove any duplicate apps for each user. I.e. to run through each row and remove any duplicate items.
Can anyone help with some code please
Thank in advance for your help
Column A Column B Column C Column D
User Name App1 App2 App3 etc
HP0505 Word Silverlight Lotus Notes etc
HP0606 Winzip Winzip Word
My task is to remove any duplicate apps for each user. I.e. to run through each row and remove any duplicate items.
Can anyone help with some code please
Thank in advance for your help