Hi everybody,
Recently I have noticed that there are problems in my formulas related to the regional settings of my operating system.
I am working with English (US) format but my colleagues are working with German(Germany) format. The difference between German and English is that "," and "." have different usage in currency and numbers. Also dates are in a different style in both formats. My colleagues can view the files but when they edit or press enter after clicking the formula bar, the results return to errors.
Most of the formulas that I use are getpivot data formulas. The ones that are get the values from normal pivot table such as:
=GETPIVOTDATA("Sum of QTY Ordered",'Orders Pivot'!$A$3,"Product Category","Mattress","Week of (order date)",AE2)
work fine. But the ones that have the data source in data model:
=GETPIVOTDATA("[Measures].[Distinct Count of Article Name2]",'Analyses Pivot'!$A$3,"[DAXTable].[Week of (order date)2]","[DAXTable].[Week of (order date)2].&["&TEXT(AE2,"yyyy-mm-dd")&"T00:00:00]","[DAXTable].[Product Category2]","[DAXTable].[Product Category2].&[Mattress]")
doesn't work on my friends' computers which have their regional settings as Germany.
Is there any possibility to make the settings of the specific workbook as region US? If I change my regional settings to German to rebuilt the workbook for them, I will not be able to work with the original version. I am looking forward for your answers.
thanks in advance
Recently I have noticed that there are problems in my formulas related to the regional settings of my operating system.
I am working with English (US) format but my colleagues are working with German(Germany) format. The difference between German and English is that "," and "." have different usage in currency and numbers. Also dates are in a different style in both formats. My colleagues can view the files but when they edit or press enter after clicking the formula bar, the results return to errors.
Most of the formulas that I use are getpivot data formulas. The ones that are get the values from normal pivot table such as:
=GETPIVOTDATA("Sum of QTY Ordered",'Orders Pivot'!$A$3,"Product Category","Mattress","Week of (order date)",AE2)
work fine. But the ones that have the data source in data model:
=GETPIVOTDATA("[Measures].[Distinct Count of Article Name2]",'Analyses Pivot'!$A$3,"[DAXTable].[Week of (order date)2]","[DAXTable].[Week of (order date)2].&["&TEXT(AE2,"yyyy-mm-dd")&"T00:00:00]","[DAXTable].[Product Category2]","[DAXTable].[Product Category2].&[Mattress]")
doesn't work on my friends' computers which have their regional settings as Germany.
Is there any possibility to make the settings of the specific workbook as region US? If I change my regional settings to German to rebuilt the workbook for them, I will not be able to work with the original version. I am looking forward for your answers.
thanks in advance