Hello excel experts,
New vba rookie here.
I'm doing a project for my company and I'm creating a VBA macro for it.
This is the code
The formula used in the macro is needed to search in the created sheets for data which I need in my calculation sheet.
And every time a new sheet is created the data is needed to be transferred to my calculation sheet.
That's my little macro I created.
Hopefully someone can help me with my problem.
Greetings Menno.
New vba rookie here.
I'm doing a project for my company and I'm creating a VBA macro for it.
This is the code
Sub CreateNewSheet()
Dim i As Byte
- Here the user creates a Name for the new sheet in which he needs to input some data.
sheet_name_to_create = InputBox("Vul project naam in", "Nieuw invul formulier")
- Then here VBA checks if the sheetname already exists.
For rep = 1 To (Worksheets.Count)
If LCase(Sheets(rep).Name) = LCase(sheet_name_to_create) Then
MsgBox "Het project bestaat al"
Exit Sub
End If
- Here it uses a Template for the sheet newly to be created.
Sheets("TEMPLATE").Copy After:=Sheets(1)
- Finnaly here it creates the New sheet
For i = 1 To 1
Sheets(ActiveSheet.Name).Name = sheet_name_to_create
- Now in the next part VBA goes to my calculation sheet and moves to the first empty row.
Next i
ActiveSheet.Cells(1, 1).Select
Do Until IsEmpty(activeCell) = True
activeCell.Offset(0, 1).Select
r = r + 1
- Here it names the first cell of the empty row to the sheet name and moves the active cell one down.
activeCell.Value = sheet_name_to_create
activeCell.Offset(1, 0).Select
- Now here is where I want VBA to input a formula with the newly created sheet name. But here it gives an error.
activeCell.Formula = "=IFERROR(INDEX('sheet_name_to_create'!B$11:N$28,MATCH(Calculatie!B2,'sheet_name_to_create'!A$11:A$28,0),MATCH(Calculatie!A2,'sheet_name_to_create'!B$8:N$8,0)),Geen Beoordeling)"
End Sub
The formula used in the macro is needed to search in the created sheets for data which I need in my calculation sheet.
And every time a new sheet is created the data is needed to be transferred to my calculation sheet.
That's my little macro I created.
Hopefully someone can help me with my problem.
Greetings Menno.